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 Feb 2015 Deenah
underestimate a

b            o  k             n
r                  e


that's what sets it
 Feb 2015 Deenah
-Ink Well-
 Feb 2015 Deenah
I am the quill;
fleeting and energetic.
You are the consistent
flowing ink.
Your color knows
not of bounds.
In the inkwell we dance
You enveloping me.
Me, steeped in you.
Alone, we are but
pointed feather
and darkness.
Together, our stories
emerge from curved letters
on old, worn pages.
 Feb 2015 Deenah
Batrisyia Hanin
You talk too much.

Let me shut your mouth with mine.
There Is No Going Back

It's funny how you see things
Much different later on
See things in a different light
Long after someone's gone

It may be only after time
When you get to stop and think
That then you realize what you said
Was not exactly what you mean

You may look back on your words
And know they were not kind
The pain you caused with what you said
Weighs heavy on your mind

There is no way to take it back
Once the damage has been done
No way for you to change the past
So you can hold your tongue

So don't let the anger rule you
You must let emotions pass
Be careful with the words you say
For there is no going back

Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please share with a few collections.
 Feb 2015 Deenah
• Fix •
 Feb 2015 Deenah
You cannot fix yourself with what

you destroyed yourself with.

 Feb 2015 Deenah
Mohammad Skati
Although life makes me overburdened with                                                          A lot of loads of pains and a lot of sufferings,but                                                   I will not give up at all ...                                                                                          Always those one-thousand of miles of my long trip                                            Start difficult ,but                                                                                                     Everything will be better and wonderful ...                                                            Although people bother from all sides,but                                                             My faith in God will not let kneel down to anyone                                               Except to the Al-Mighty God anytime ...                                                                 I know that way is Very long in life ,but                                                                                            I will struggle to suppress all those bad factors                                                 That will let bend down anytime ...                                                                    I am not that one who easily kneels down to circumstances,but                     I will stand up facing life with bravery of a fighter                                           Who looks for that good way in life ...                                                               I never give up and                                                                                              I will not give up                                                                                                  Simply because I have my own persistence and                                               I have my insistence on my continuation in life                                                Till the end ...........
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