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 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
You can grow up, and get wiser, and stay true to yourself, there's a difference between changing everything about you, and adding things to the same you, to make a better you... You can still be a child at heart, but be  mature at the same time... There's a time and place for everything... Growing older, just helps you realize what those times are.

Davon Brown:*
Growing isnt something distinguished by age, but by state of mind. It doesnt mean you have to change it just means you'll become more reasonable in your future decisions. Your sense of "common sense" wont be focused on having fun and doing reckless things such as the ideas of a teenage kid.
Collaboration with Icy Sky and Davon Brown
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
Soft touch;
warm kiss;
heart race;
total bliss....

Chills that start
from deep inside
creating the want
but fear will hide....

Impulses rage
through mixed thoughts
emotions to explore
a wildly beating heart....

One's thoughts-
wishes to never end
the tender moments
between best friends.
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
If I ran away,
would you look for me?

If I cried,
would you dry my tears?

If  I got hurt,
would you make it better?

If I died,
would you cry for me?

If I wasn't here,
would you miss me?

If I was gone,
would you care?

Would you even notice me?
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
Think of me
When your feet touch the sand
How we once walked together
Hand in hand

Think of me
When you feel the sea
How you once held me close-
Definite harmony

Think of me
With the wind on your face
A whisper in your ear
"This is our place"

Think of me
As the ocean roars
And always know
I am forever your
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
If I ran away,
would you look for me?
If I cried,
would you dry my tears?
If I got hurt,
would you make it better?
If I died,
would you cry for me?
If I wasn't here,
would you miss me?
If I was gone,
would you care?
Would you even notice me?

Written Destruction:
If you ran away, I'll pack up too
If you cried, I'll cry with you
If you hurt, I'll make it work
If you die, I'll follow you
If you wasn't here, I'll drown in tearz
If you was gone, right will slowly turn to wrong
Would I even notice you? Tell me your joking, I seen you shine amongst a parade full of people
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
I'm in love...
I've been in love since we've met,
And I always will be in love with you...

Since the moment our eyes met,
To the moment your lips found mine...
I've been in love.

But no one understands the way I feel,
No one realizes that I'm happiest,
When I'm thinking about you.

So now we are apart from each other,
And I still think about you,
But do you think about me?

Time and fate have kept us apart,
No one on my side....
No one to realize.

I'm in love with you,
Though we may not be able to speak,
I still think about you.

Do you still think of me?
Do you love me?
Do you still even care?

Forever on my mind,
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
It exists no more
Lost in time
Memories, how they fade

I’m in yours
Mine is lost
It exists no more

No blacks, no whites, just grays
Shouting to be heard
Memories, how they fade

Pictures torn
Letters burned
It exists no more

Past set ablaze
Frozen forever
Memories, how they fade

Shut the door
Knocks the same day
It exists no more
Memories, how they fade
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
Here, now see my face.
Although, I had left my mind
in another place.
 Aug 2015 Davon Brown
We walk, talk, dress, eat, act, and love like humans...
We feel pain, sadness, joy, and all the same emotions.
The difference.... We love each other no matter what,
we talk to each other, and help one another...


We don't judge people,
but yet they judge us.
We maybe different...
but we still feel.

Furries love,
and care.
I am a furry.
Deal with it.

We stand up or each other,
You will never be misunderstood,
Furries band together,
and stay together!!

Furry Love
Cheetah Love
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