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David Hall May 2015
I don’t eat cereal as much as I used to.
Mind you, even when I was younger I didn't eat it every day.
However, in my life I have eaten more bowls of cereal
than I can even begin to count.
Not only does the sheer volume of cereal consumption escape me
I can’t recall the brands.
Now the question that I find
begins to haunt my waking mind,
have I already eaten the best bowl of cereal I will ever consume
and forgotten the taste?
When you are young you completely take for granted that you have your entire life in front of you.  As you start to get older, you begin to wonder what things you have done in life that you will never have the chance to do again.
David Hall May 2015
I will be eternally content
just to reside in your vicinity
to sometimes hear your laugh
and see you let your hair down
never closer than arms length
always standing just off stage
happy just to be near by
while your light is on display
David Hall May 2015
cushions make a queer backstop
after five long years of stone
friends and family fray the nerves
after five long years alone

a backyard barbecue a battle
when the fight is finally won
still he fights to find the joy
in the laughter of his son

a bonafide war hero
not as brave as he might seem
when he can’t escape the feeling
that coming home was just a dream
David Hall May 2015
I cut my thumb, when the dollhouse door won’t open.
I scraped my knuckles, when the blue crayon gut stuck.
A fathers hands are tough.

I swing her high, when we ring around the rosie.
I hold her hand, when it’s time to cross the street.
A fathers hands are safe.

I wipe her tears, when her favorite toy gets broken.
I tuck her in, when it’s time to say goodnight.
A fathers hands are love.
David Hall May 2015
the day is darker through my eyes
the night as black as oil
where others see green verdant grass
I see only barren broken soil

my nights are longer, shadows stronger
not letting even starlight in
the dark stands tall and mocks it all
with a queer and maniacal grin

my soul suffers no glad tidings here
and laughs at your naivete
it shudders lonely through the night
as it basks in my depravity
It's funny when you have been on this site long enough you tend to learn what sells.  I wrote this not so much because I am in a sad or dark place, but just because dark poems don't usually do so well on this site and I wanted to mix it up a bit.
David Hall May 2015
look into my eyes
come close let me see
the only person who knows
all the secrets of me

give me your hands
mine know them so well
holding onto each other
they've made it through hell

put your lips to my lips
your breath in my chest
only wrapped in your arms
may my weary heart rest

lay here by my side
let our shadows entwine
know I’m eternally yours
whisper you’ll always be mine
David Hall Apr 2015
Moments pass like leaves
on a windswept November day.
Beautiful and Golden
dancing merrily in the bright sunshine,
swiftly passing out of sight and out of time.
Until all that we are left with are bare branches
and memories of what once was green.
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