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Dara Slick Jul 2018
How can we get a cold in the summer?
90 degrees isn't warm enough to prevent it?
I know the logistics, heat doesn't cure a cold,
and yet there is something odd about getting a cold in the midst of July.

It may be worse in the summer.
The shivers matched with heat waves,
from either the illness or a faulty AC unit.
I don't want to miss the beach, but the thought of wearing anything less than my sweatsuit is nauseating.

How can we get a cold in the summer?
The sun is filled with vitamin D,
the vitamin of illness prevention.
Why am I buying tissues and cough drops,
and not margaritas and shrimp.
I can't even eat shrimp,
I'm allergic.
Although, that may be better than a cold in the midst of July.
I have never had a summer cold before, and it is the worst. Morally and physically.
Dara Slick Jul 2018
You told me you cared.
You picked me from the street, me,
just a daisy in the road.
I trust you to re-plant me on the side walk, or in a garden.
You set me down all nice and dainty,
and left.

I assumed i'd see you again when you needed to walk past, but you came back for only one thing.
You sprayed me with **** killer.
You saw I was a flower,
moved me,
then tried to **** me.

Little did you know, I was immune.
He may have been a bit more heartless than expected, I am okay now though.
Dara Slick Jun 2018
I came out as pansexual.
I felt like being specific,
which is not unusual.

No one turned their head,
no one batted their lashes,
and that was nice.

I did it for those too afraid to be different,
those wondering if it could look normal.
It can,
and it is.

You can be quiet,
read books,
take naps,
and love your mother.

Sexuality is within and without.
It can follow the rules or break them,
and it can be as boring as vanilla ice cream.

You can scream it from the mountains,
or whisper it to the passing breeze.

But it is for you to cherish.
I came out, not that it actually changes anything for me.
Dara Slick Jun 2018
I opened up,
like a daisy in the crack of an old road.
You were kind when you told me I shouldn't grow there,
and then you picked me.
I wasn't mad either.
You were gentle,
kind, and I got the message.

Perhaps, friendship blooms better on the sidewalk.
Rejection isn't so bad. I'm content, if it works it works. If not, why force it?
Dara Slick May 2018
If I had a problem,
it would affect my work.
If I had a problem,
I wouldn't be working.
If I had a problem,
I'd be unhappy.
If I had a problem,
I would know.

I might have a problem.
i just need to cool it
Dara Slick May 2018
Lately I've been longing for you. We spent a lot of time together in the four years we both have been here. I find the mistake I made, back then, and realize it is too late to tell you how connected to you I felt and how I wish I had chosen you. I see you no where around. I get no tasty morsel of your existence to keep me sane, and yet here I sit happy you are happy. You'll never know how much I miss you, because I can't say it. Pride inhibits me, and you are locked in a love that I'm sure suits you well. Just know, as a better version of myself, you made my 19th year and my 21st year the best they could have been. I will never forget you, because you were the first chemical connection I have ever experienced with another human. Who knows if it will happen again, if not you will be the one that got away. For now you are just out of reach, but the world knows where we will end. I just hope for me, you are a part of it.

I miss him, and I'm mad I ****** up. C'est la vie.
Dara Slick May 2018

-If I was a good writer wouldn't I already be famous?
-If I was a good writer wouldn't people ask to read what I write?
-If I was a good writer wouldn't I have all A's?
-If I was a good writer wouldn't sending in my work be easier
-Wouldn't I fear rejection less?
-If I was a good writer wouldn't I have a clue?

Not Good

-I want to write regardless
I just want to write. Until I die, or until my arms fall off.
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