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Oct 2016 · 655
Dannie Marie Oct 2016
The silence is deafening
And so painful are the memories.
So damaged was I in love
The rose colored glasses masked our unpleasantries.

You have scarred me
And the nights promise pain.
You made me feel less than enough.
This shadow lurks silently as it preys on my sane.

I have become stronger now, yes
I have become wiser indeed.
The only trouble I face now
Is finding someone who gives me what I need.
Jun 2015 · 524
Dannie Marie Jun 2015
I wake with the hope of hearing you
I wait with impatience moment by moment
Lost I feel when we don't converse
A day with you is every second worth it.

How much I've grown from before
To know these emotions once again
I know this isn't perfect
But in my heart I cannot pretend

I am driven to hold tight
To every little thing we create
But the emotions I hold inside
Are much stronger than I could anticipate

Friends laugh and tease as they wish
Transparent am I for they can see
I cannot lie to them now
That I want it to be you with me

I know that this may be a bit sudden
Upon the things we have said not to do
But I can't help but whisper ever so silently
**"I love you."
Jun 2015 · 2.1k
Dannie Marie Jun 2015
Cold air remains where warm air once stayed.
I prefer your true, cold heart than your lying warm passions.
Within myself, I curl closer; within my heart, I plead silently.
He can provide more for me where you never did.
Wither to dust in this truth, for you are nothing.
See that you were never a good man.
So stop with your lies, your petty games.
I don't cry for you. I cry for myself.
Only this man catches me when I fall
And dries away my salty tears.
You are expendable and he just took your place.
Bloodshed never seemed so sweet.
The cold spot is now warm again.
Now I can breathe once more; in his arms I shall remain.
He shall keep me safe. He shall obliterate your toxic waste.
I shall grow once more. I shall be once again the queen.
No longer am I part of a bitter, abusive relationship. Yet my heart sees the potential of another to cleanse my soul.
May 2015 · 1.2k
Behind these eyes
Dannie Marie May 2015
Look into my eyes
What is it that you see?
Do you see inside the pain within?
Can you hear my screams of loneliness
Crying for your soul as I claw at my mind?
The darkness inside, can't you notice
How it swallows me whole
Only to consume what little strength I have?
I'm crippling, I'm fading, I'm nothing.
Perhaps you do not see these pleas.
You only see my plastered smile
And hear my cheery, soft voice.
"Everything is great," I lied.
"I'm dying on the inside, help me." I hide.
Sep 2013 · 702
Dannie Marie Sep 2013
Distant have I been
Even to those who know me best.
Life has thrown its curve *****
Pain and suffering through each test.

A standstill is where I am
Do I go left, do I go right?
My mind does not know.
My heart quivers in fright.

Changed have I become.
Layers have been removed plenty
The masks of my face still lie about.
All this happened before the year of twenty.
Sep 2013 · 948
An Innocent's Wrath
Dannie Marie Sep 2013
Like a snake, you enter my thoughts.
You are cunning,
You are venomous,
You are deceitful.
Your eyes are black with hate.
Your smile is all but promising.
What is it that you want?
What sick favor do you ask of me?
Do you think me stupid?
I was once struck by your flair,
Your true self cleverly hidden.
I was foolish
To trust such a serpent.
I was foolish
To believe that you cared.
Yet I know the truth.
You never cared,
You never bothered,
You never did feel a thing.

Empty is your soul
And dark as night is your heart.
The little I have known you
I have put up with much.
I was there with you
For all laughs,
All fun,
All sadness,
All struggles.
How do you repay me?

You wanted me
Out of your life for good.
You get whatever
You wish for.
That's how you play
Your foolish, selfish game.
Think you're the only person here
That can play hardball?

I am not sweet.
I am not gentle.
And this time,
I may not be so forgiving.
You didn't tear me down.
You built me up,
You made me stronger than ever.

A flaw in your design
That you cannot fix.
So into your cold eyes
I glare right back.
I am not scared of you.
I am not intimidated by you.
I am better than you.
I am stronger than you.
Do not judge my gender,
For I am more of the man
You will ever be.

I ban you from my sanctuary!
Leave my conscious!
Or succumb to your darkest demise.
You should have thought twice before you crossed me Manny. I've had enough of my "friends" stabbing me in the back throughout the years. I've had enough of people like you walking all over me. You were my last straw. Karma shall get the better of you one day and you will regret what you have done to me.
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Dannie Marie Sep 2013
I was foolish
To believe you
I was foolish
To befriend you
You played me
Emotions and lust
You betrayed me
With lies alone
I had cared
With honest reason
You didn't see
You didn't care
I was angered
I was hurt
My temper released
Why to me
A good "friend"
Did I deserve
This cruel stabbing
You laughed and
Said "*******"
"Gladly, good riddance"
I seethed back
Aching through strength
Suffering through dreams
That was then
This is now
I am stronger
I am better
You will regret
That one day
You lost me
Maybe not today
Maybe not tomorrow
But one day
You will soon
Remember that I
Was the one
Who stuck around
Because I truly
Deeply, sincerely, cared
When that happens
I won't hesitate
To show you
That I am
Better than you
Jun 2013 · 3.1k
Under Your Spell
Dannie Marie Jun 2013
I am spellbound under you.
I cannot explain what it is that you have done.
Do you know what you started?
Do you know the spell you have cast?
You knew that I fancied you,
And you have worked some unknown magic
To make me bound to you.
I cannot pry myself from the thoughts you have awaken in me,
Nor can I patiently wait to see your face.
I am lusting after you,
That much is true.
But there is more than just human desire.
There are things about you that I admire
And truly find exhilarating and interesting.
When I am in your presence, I feel light and airy.
I finally feel the truth of attraction.
Do not let this steer you away,
For I am always dramatic in this setting.
Things may be rushing too fast, that I know,
However I cannot help but feel happy and free.
I like you.
You like me.
With you, while under your spell
I feel like a new woman with new desire.
You have awakened a different side of me,
One I thought that would never be released.
This rebellion that roars loud like a lion.
Do you know the spell you have cast?
Do you now know what you have started?
Jun 2013 · 484
The Truth
Dannie Marie Jun 2013
I know this wasn't a wise choice.
But I had to do something,
And release the truth from my voice.
No matter what trouble it would bring.

Night after night, I dreamed.
Trouble, confusion, lust.
Each one was harder than it seemed.
But I had to do what I must.

A spark was ignited first,
And I know not how or why.
Ridiculous, I thought with a curse.
Yet, the truth came slick as a lie.

I did not want to face this.
My ties were already bound.
But even I saw what was amiss.
That was when he shook the ground.

Hiding myself away, as did before,
I couldn't just let go.
Consequently my emotions craved more.
A plan in mind that I didn't know.

When I told you, I thought myself foolish.
He doesn't see the same as you.
But our plans, it was a game I had wished.
However, you thought the same too.

I do not know your mind.
But I know that now it cannot be made.
Your words I believe true, even if hard to find.
**I still expect that promise you told me, to be paid.
May 2013 · 733
Dannie Marie May 2013
A flower only grows
When love is there
It can stretch its long stem
High into the sky
Soft, beautiful petals
Are then bright, warm and reach out
That flower is now wilting
Magnificent petals curl and dry
Its stem, its backbone bends in sadness
A flower can only grow
When love is there
But for this night and more
Love will not be there
Apr 2013 · 399
Rest, Must I
Dannie Marie Apr 2013
O let me rest!
For my body cannot go.
Dusk, free me of this test
Let my dreams flow.

Intelligence has buried me,
Life's strain too strong.
I drag on day two and three.
I hear a distant lullaby song.

Care not, do I today
Of the busy crowd.
But of the sweet bed I lay,
To replace my tired frown.

Work must be done
An expanded mind to rise
Earned rest has however come.
Just let me close my wearied eyes.
The stress of work and finals is taking a toll onto me and all I really want to do is rest.
Mar 2013 · 452
War of Nature
Dannie Marie Mar 2013
First came the rain.
I stood there in ache.
She pleaded with pain;
How much more could she take?
The rain poured violently.
A shower that turned to a tempest,
Such a dark place to be.
Where a rage can grow and establish.

Rain turned to ice, I felt the sting.
So much hurt and anger.
The sky thunders, so loud to ring.
A war impending; a call of danger.
She bites back at the rain.
Two forces of nature collide.
Both are in fervid pain.
I solemnly delegate not to side.

I wait inside, all confined.
The ice and rain battle,
Leaving only a monstrosity behind.
This is their altercation, their battle.
Arbitrate I could,
Daft would I be.
A fight to happen as it would.
Do not let that mortal to designate to be me.
Feb 2013 · 789
emotional torment
Dannie Marie Feb 2013
my heart bleeds
a thick, red ooze
seeping through the cracks
all the burdens i hold
have finally breached
sorrow, pain
these dark clouds
have overwhelmed
i had you
i have lost you
the very seal of my sanity
i cred and i begged
but i knew deep inside
i have lost
every chance
every possibility
within my pain, i see you
and i heard an awful sound
a bone chilling crack
that centered deep in my chest
i cannot change what has passed
you walk away
i fall in my sorrow
a black hole in my sanity
Feb 2013 · 625
Dannie Marie Feb 2013
It hurts so much.
My tears are hot with turmoil.

I have none left.
My breaking point is now here.

My guard is weakening.
I don't think I can stand.

My blood is poured.
Fractured and splintered, I have fallen.

It hurts so much.
**Millions of pieces lay right here.
pain, hurt, heartbreak, dark, blood, falling
Feb 2013 · 376
Dannie Marie Feb 2013
My soul that was once bright
Is now gray and lifeless
The tears I have shed
Has drained me
To where even a thought becomes lost
An emotion is ****** away
I hate this
No emotion nor thought
It pains me to feel this way
As it does you
The urge to see you
Is strong and raging inside
But I feel held back
For I do not want to
Will you let me in
And set me free?
Dec 2012 · 911
Pleasant (Haiku)
Dannie Marie Dec 2012
How pleasant is this
To have a day so fulfilled
This night welcomes me
Dec 2012 · 595
Dannie Marie Dec 2012
You saw me once
Interested in my appearance.
I was alone and scared
For no one had ever
Approached me with such inquiry.
As you reached out, you had asked,
"Who are you?"
I began to tell you my story,
The tales that no one ever knew.
I was a drama magnet, filled with pain
I weeped and I cried. I fought and I pained.
I gave you all that I was, hoping for you to complete me.
Instead, you had tuned out, never heard me scream.
As you turned away in disgust
I caught sight of you, awing at a better story than I.
I weeped again, and added more to my pages.
I had hoped you were the one,
To show me what it meant to be treasured,
To be called yours.
But yet again, I wait
For that one person
To judge not and pick me above all others
Despite all my pain and hurt,
And change my ending
For I was a book titled "Broken".
Nov 2012 · 745
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
Such a simple word
With grand appeal.
Something humans lose
Through the course of time.
Age continues,
And the real world hardens us.
But look here,
true innocence is there.
The face of a child
Whom is wise and pure.
Unscathed by the monsters of reality
Not a single shadow across their face.
What have we become?
Are we cowards to stray
From the things that make us humble?
Or have we
Just grown up?
Nov 2012 · 476
Never Know
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
You will never know
How the wind whispers
If you don't listen

Or understand why Mother Nature
Can be so destructive and cruel
But calm and yet beautiful all the same

You can't understand
Why the heavens move
With such precision and grace

The things you don't know
The things that are left unexplained
Are just that

Because you never know.
Nov 2012 · 2.5k
*A-ga-ta-na-hi A-s-ga-ya*
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
Listen to the soft words
Of the a-ga-ta-na-hi a-s-ga-ya
Hear his voice, let it carry.
Passion much higher than that of the sky.
U-da-lv-quo-di you may be;
But he is listening, waiting,
Tilt your head to the wind,
The tsi-s-qua sing aloud,
Carrying the hi-lv-hi-yu-i message:
"The current runs the river,
Not the river runs the current."
Bear this to your days and nights.
Ponder the truth;
For the a-ga-ta-na-hi a-s-ga-ya
His words always make right.
a-ga-ta-na-hi a-s-ga-ya- wise man
U-da-lv-quo-di- arrogant
tsi-s-qua- bird
hi-lv-hi-yu-i- ancient
Nov 2012 · 3.6k
Rival Gods
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
Your thunders roll,
The twin sets clash and tolls.
Unpleasant sounds toss and wake.
Even the whole earth seems to shake.

Why did this happen here?
What caused this conflict to begin here?
All knows that the gods have feuded and side.
Only wanting nothing more than status pride.

Rules debated and time standing come yet.
For these greedy, merciless gods take what they can get.
There will be a law said,
To avoid the call of family banishéd.

But what about you?
When tis your cue?
To speak freely against the gods
And demand fairness firm and strong as goldenrod?

Resist blindly following their pleas.
Because then the conflict will never ease.
Do not forever be misguided.
For you yourself is already undecided.

Choose well and wise.
The gods will soon see your open eyes.
Even if the thunders roar,
Your choice will be even more.
Nov 2012 · 7.5k
Frightful Night
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
The sky was under stress
Fire lit up the night
Winds wailed and screeched
Foundations were blasted
Dread, death, doom and demise

A woman crying, "The world nevermore!"
A man thinking "It will be an eternity for daylight."
A baby, so fragile and small, lays in the street.

Danger arises
Hope shattered
Where is the light? And the salvation?

Thugs and gangs roam the cities
Terrorists never seem to stop
People will die 'til the Day.

Lucky seven no longer brings
Death and sickness and disaster come

Will the suffering end
And will the Earth be rebuilt again?
Nov 2012 · 730
Away With You!
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
I know you are here,
Even when I want you gone.

You are there,
With your commands and me as a pawn.

Speak louder,
For I will not listen.

Speak softer,
Your words ring out as a piston.

Get away from me!
Out of my crevices!

Do you not see?
I will not give in to your voices!

I am me,
Your view does not matter.

Let me be,
For I am not one of the common latter.
Nov 2012 · 2.9k
Going Down
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
The world always revolves
Current disasters always unsolved
Runs from dawn to dusk
The world under chaos
River of tears surround those lost
Not all can be saved
The world turns gv-hna-ge (black)
River of red is absently lay
Runs through the broken heart
The world waiting for light
Current hopes search for such a sight
The bold and italic word is from the Cherokee language.
Nov 2012 · 1.2k
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
High above the skies
Winds whistle in the dark
Stars sparkle so bright
Nov 2012 · 3.6k
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
Let the songbird sing
Beautiful melodies rise
Sing songbird, please sing
Nov 2012 · 2.1k
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
Time is an illusion
Full of love and confusion
                             Time is a mystery
                             Shifting in smoke, and water misty
                                                                      Looking up at the sky,
                                                                      As the day goes by
                                                                                                   It comes and goes,
                                                                                                   Bringing what life throws
                                                                      Always changing; always there
                                                                      Such a power that tick and chimes in the air
                             And when it's time to throw your towel in
                             Another time will begin.
Nov 2012 · 1.4k
Nothing To Do
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
There's something wrong
                                            Something I cannot place
The unseen lines
                                            Now show upon your face
Your eyes are distant
                                            Almost dull and worn
What is it inside
                                            That is making you torn
I can tell
                                            What your tone says
It says, "This you cannot fix
                                            Not when nothing else does."
A hole is dug
                                            So far and deep
It seems as if your burdens
                                            Are in loads and heaps
I try my best to understand
                                            To see the way you do
Only then do I realize
                                            I don't understand or see as you do
So quickly
                                            I'll save the trouble for you
All I can offer is my humanity
                                            When I know
                                                                                             There's nothing more to do.
Nov 2012 · 6.8k
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
So young and trite is the day

Born from this new light

Creatures of the dark and mist curl and wither

Only to return by midlight

The rose afar rises and stretches

Bloodshed velvet bleeds its regal glow

Smooth tips and enticing fragrance

Dark greens, stiff and sharp as spines

Beads of water glisten and shimmer

A blood’s true jewel

Thy shadows came in thy’s slithery way

Enveloping Devil’s Beauty

Charcoal webs and silver-black imprints

Spiral and intertwine, death and blood a dangerous omen

Thy Beauty’s velvet lips decay

A cancer slow moving and fast changing

Taking over thy body in one gulp

Last, final tips of red appear before swallow

Accenting and tracing its last magnificent life

Midlight turns to midnight

Bloodlines disappear

As the wind wails through the dead

A song, chilling, unnerving to us all
Nov 2012 · 3.3k
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
You look, but never see
See past the shells
The rugged false impeccable covering

You hear, but never understand
Listen closely to the winds of winds
Only then will you respond

You taste, but never the texture
Run the thickness through
Indulge the mysteries within

You feel, but never sense
Take everything deeper
Only then will the truth arise

You smell, but never recognize
Everything won't matter anymore
Memories will be forgotten, life will be drained

Take your moment
Don't waste
Open the cage you own and burn the bars
Throw away its lock but keep its key
Don't become lost and inanimate. Live your life colorfully and worldly, and only then will you be free.
Nov 2012 · 3.0k
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
Do you hear it?
That noiseless stir?
Such peace exists
With a strong benevolence it churs.

Let the mind wander,
Your thoughts expand.
Relax and sink into the unknown;
Only so far can your sanity withstand.
Silence, peace, sanity
Nov 2012 · 5.4k
Native Wisdom
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
The beating of the drum thunders
As the night rolls in grace and silence.
Shaking of the warrior rattles sound
Winds whisper grace and wisdom.
Lights above blaze green and yellow
Ancient spirits flow like the river-stream.
The Great Bird calls down to us:
*"Listen, my Children, to water and animal.
All in harmony; for you to give and take.
Follow your guide to the path you seek"
Nov 2012 · 2.8k
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
Waters fall, angels weep
What makes them cry
Is it the sadness for us
For every mistake we make
Or is it the happiness
Of our accomplishments
Drip drop, one by one
The harder they fall
The less of misery
Replenish, renew
Drink as you may
For the angels above
Gave us this in repay
angels, peace, sad, tears, happiness, water
Nov 2012 · 3.6k
One of the Reasons
Dannie Marie Nov 2012
One of the Reasons
As day turns to night
My feelings get stronger
I can't get away
When the wind blows gently
Your smooth voice can almost be heard
Music to my ears
My arms prickle at the chill
Waiting for the arms
To wrap around to warm me and hold me close
Shivers go down my spine
Like the sensation I get
From your soft, smooth touch
Just your simple
Yet vibrant presence near me
Makes you irresistible
And that
Is one of the many reasons
Why I love you

— The End —