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5.0k · Jan 2016
Don't Give Up
DET Jan 2016
Just because they give up it doesn't mean it's time for you
To give up
Why give up? Why? Why can't you stand up when there are people out there fighting to live?
Just because things seemed hard doesn't mean it's time to give up.
You have to stand up stronger and ask yourself how come there are people who have cancer or poor people and they can get up and fight back! Why can't you be one of them?

If you fall remember that you still have a chance to get up higher.
Why do you give up when you are very close to making your dreams real?
If you keep trying, keep doing it over, because trying can take you where you have always dreamed to be.
Ignore the pain, Ignore the hatets because they hate to see you stand. They are jealous.
Let the haters judge, you just know that they wish they could be like you.
Let the haters hate you because they hate to see you standing up.
Let it be your motivation.
If you ever hear someone talking about you, let them talk about you because they wish they to be like you.
If you know who you are than the is no need for you to believe in their words.
Whatever happened yesterday, leave it behind because those mistakes can never be fixed! I
If you don't want to repeat those mistakes, learn from them. There is always another chance.
Life is not easy, but believe in yourself everything will be alright.
There are going to be hard times, but just know that is a test that god creates to see if you really gonna give up or try.
If you feel fears, pray but don't let those fears stop you.
Remember we are all equal so don't you ever feel less because remember there is a god above watching us and loves you.
Everyone has a purpose in this world.You decide what your purpose is.
But remember keep going,chase your dreams Because you never know where those dreams will take you.
Don't give up because remember there are kids that have cancer or poor people that call still get up and fight.
Love your haters and don't hate them back, simply feel bad for them.
Love your haters,but don't judge them back because they show us how to become stronger and become a better human Just remember there is a god that loves us! But don't ever give up just because the people want it that way.
Always stand and say,"I fell this time, but it won't happen again."
Don't give up, someone out there knows what you're capable off.
Smile, and continue..........
I know that this is not a poem but I hope this makes everyone of you reflect and don't give up.:)
4.0k · Jan 2016
DET Jan 2016
"If you dream of success then work hard cuz it's 100 percent to make it happen all you gotta do is work hard I know it takes a lot of work but you'll see that hard work means something as you go."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
DET Nov 2016

Faith belongs to those who are not blind
To sight the light and darkness
When the light's fade
All you are left is with darkness
Because 'tween the light there was always the darkness
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved.
2.0k · Jan 2016
Miss Myself
DET Jan 2016

I remember when I was a member of happiness
But what happen is
Someone pulled me down into this sadness
And madness

And all I've got is
Pain press against my chest
And I suggest you to keep your mess
Out of my chest

Cuz all you have given me is stress
Don't tell me that you love me
When all you do is shove me

You're nothing but a hypocrite
Cuz you for you everything seems great
But can't you see this hate

So, don't come telling me everything is great
When it ain't

Just shut for a moment
Cuz I need to think about my emotions
Cuz I'm losing focus
How do you think I feel

That what I fear
Is coming near

You know it gets so sad when you look at your reflection

Asking you a question
Like why did I chose the wrong direction
I just miss myself
I just updated because one of my followers as me to so, I did :)
1.9k · Apr 2023
Spring's Melancholy
DET Apr 2023
As time passes, loneliness remains present
Suddenly, the breeze metamorphoses,
Myself roams aimlessly like the seeds of the dandelions,
Once again, the thought of you...
Never fails to efflorescence,
Stop asserting to me that, with the passage of time,
Complete healing of a given affliction will certainly occur...
Because I am still mourning..
A year ago, on April 22, 2022, I had a loss. Ever since their departure, it has been difficult for me to write. Today, for the first time, I was able to gather up the courage to write a poem.
Copyright © 2023 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
1.9k · Jan 2016
DET Jan 2016

You stick your nose in my business
So, you can listen to my weakness
Am I surprise that you used my weakness

No, not really
Cuz I feel pity
Cuz you thought
That what you heard
Was a good word

To listen
You tellin' me you're a cold hearted
Good, let's get it started
Cuz a cold hearted
Doesn't fall in love

Listen you wanna be a cold hearted
That's what you wanna be
I got a weakness

Yeah, I struggle
With my troubles
1.6k · Jan 2016
Call me a Monster
DET Jan 2016

Goin' back from memory
I remember that I started to feel empty
When I saw a poster
Post D.E.T is a monster
All I did was blurt
A laugh although it hurt
Me, people tellin' me I'm a disaster
All I did was smile

Although that wasn't my style
But yeah, I smile

When everyone was gone
I sob the tears that I was holdin' on
From that day I knew that everyday
I had to pretend that I was okay
Even if it meant feelin' lonely deep inside
So, no one can see the pain
That I hide

Had to go through this everyday
But as I grew up I knew that was goin' to be the way
Cuz I'm used to being called a monster

Now that times passed by
My emotions are dry
So, go on call me a monster
Cuz I'm stronger
Although they made me suffer

Come on put me on a cage
Where I find myself on the stage
Where I get call a monster
Now so, monster I have become
Onstage but I'mma gonna uncage
Put me on the cage
Write me a page
Tell the page that I am a monster

Now that time has fly by
Y'all stand aside
But y'all collide
Cuz I know karma
Is gonna come back and make pay for the drama
That caused people call me a monster

Yeah, moster I am my heart
Is now dark
Monster I am cuz y'all ******
My soul
Cuz y'all just wanted to ruin
My soul
But that only made you look cruel
Cuz y'all were nothing but

Don't need you to understand
So, you can stand
Where I land
Cuz I'm a monster like you said
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
1.3k · Feb 2016
Don't Judge Poetry Writers
DET Feb 2016

I always hear how people say writers don't seem to have a life
But in this line
That I write down

I'll make sure to put you down
With a frown
Yeah, say I'm mean
But I mean it
So, don't y'all dare
Declare war words

Cuz I'll defend
Those poetry writers you just offended

To those who don't seem to get it
I suggest you not take a step to step
Cuz you have over slept
So, don't you join in

Cuz we write what we feel 
and we feel what we write
We are polite
As we think

We sink
Into our thoughts cuz we think  
With this ink
But for some people
Think this is simple
Hope to those who think
That our ink
Is just ink
Just know y'all don't think

Us poets
We throw it
To let our words flow it
So, people can focus
On the bonus

So, just go forward
Cuz you got no word
For what poetry
Means cuz mostly

The words of us end up making some people get the goose bumps
Some make their heart get the jumps
Yeah, poetry has no age so, adults
Keep on writing don't take the insults
Cuz ain't your fault
That y'all got talent to make the words work

You jerks
Take your word jokes

In to those who insults
The adults
Yeah, keep it real
Cuz I feel
Cuz I'll take the action
To write a passion
Poem to those who insulte
The adults
Writing poetry has no age
Why do you think the page
Have numbers?
Why do you think there is a lot of members?
In Hello Poetry

We write cuz we are alive

Poetry writer's don't want to die with unwritten word
So, that's why we go forward

We keep on peeking
And sneaking
Cuz our thoughts is flowing like a river
Cuz we want to make sure the readers get the figure

So, don't you judge the topic
Of what we write cuz we just drop it
So, poetry readers get goose bumps
So, don't use
An excuse
That you didn't think it without a thought
Cuz if y'all wanna get a shot
Y'all got it

Ain't talking about the  bullets
I'm talking about how the poet
Is gonna make you quit

So, don't you compare us cuz we are different
For what we have written

I'll write and drop
My thought
Cuz I'll plot
Those haters
Who are trying to make us get the aches
But let's see how y'all gonna get the shakes
When we poetry writers unite
In make y'all hold your breath tight

So, don't say that us poetry writer
Don't got a life
Cuz if write is so, we can escape

We can be handsome
But we cancel
Our handsome
Cuz are too focus
To note this
So, don't judge poetry writers
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
1.3k · Jan 2016
To the Writers
DET Jan 2016

It's all simple
Picking up a pencil
But when it comes to mental
The writers start to hit a level
Where it all goes double mental
Yeah, you can try to be gentle
To your pencil
As you think so,
Hard your mind begans to act like a volcano

Cuz as you start to think
How to plot this
I mean you can or can't
So, if we can't we start to think
So, soon as the ink
Reaches to the paper
We plot 'em
Like dot's
We don't care about the spot
We just jot
Down the dot's

An' as we write, write
We hold on tight
Still we gotta be polite
For what we write
Soon as we complete the paper
And show it to the people we can see our character

And as we get lost in our wonder's
We don't realize about the hour's
Cuz we don't mind
Cuz we got an eye
For what we jot down
We are too focus on our zone
That we don't know
On what we had thrown
No, this ain't no mess

Cuz when we pick up the pen
We drop down the name
Cuz the lines can be a rhyme poem

If we don't got paper it may become a issue
But if there's tissue
We drop it
Cuz our thoughts
Is what we need to drop

We can write somethin' that can be nonsense
So, that can give us
A chance
To make a difference

Us as writers we gotta live life
Cuz there are still words that lies
On the side
Of us

We care if our arm
Get's harm
Cuz we need it hold on the pen tight
And write

Us, as writer's we got a friend
That will never end
And that's writing

(There is a second part for this but it is not complete)
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
1.1k · Jan 2016
Empty Dreams, Empty Streets
DET Jan 2016

Empty dreams
Empty streets
But everyone repeats
The same disease
There are some souls in between
The streets
While others are trying to delete
The sweet
And incomplete

Some people call the souls a freak
Just cuz they don't speak
But those who are called freaks
Are the once one who have both feets
On the streets

To the people who are living in empty dreams And empty streets
Don't got empty point of view
While those who have point of view
Are the ones who are pointing out the who, who
Is gonna help them get us through

To the people has been dreaming of empty dreams
Keep both feets
On the streets
Cuz they know to face the evilness
Even if it seems pointless

Cuz when it comes to an appointment
With the homeless
They know they are the only choice
For that voice

And who knows
If they're gonna change the background
Cuz they know what's all about

When they look at the time
They know they gotta speak their own line
Even if they feel weak

They keep both feet
So, they don't fall a sleep
To those people who think they're weak

Just go ahead and speak
Cuz when they see the words
They know their getting the burn's

As they speak
To those who define
Their line
As pointless
Or worthless

You keep on cuz it's perfect
As they walk to their house
People are asking the how's
While others say the wow's

Cuz they got the guts
Not to listen to the not's
Who told them they did not
Have the guts

To change
That's where they became strange
Cuz they could feel it
As they spoke about it
And without

The people's help
They knew
That empty dreams
Or empty streets
Means nothing
Cuz there's always something

In the empty dreams
Or empty streets
1.1k · Jan 2016
No Money, No Family (16)
DET Jan 2016

No money, no family
Living in the middle of Miami
No money, no family
Living in misery

I remember when it all used to be simple
But with no cash it only turn's into triple

Back from memory
I remember there was no misery
When I had my family

Yeah, but I got this dream
That I have to follow
So, I gotta swallow
My tears that are about to drop

Yeah, had to wake up and leave New York
For my business work

No money, no family
Going to the middle of Miami
People from Miami are asking me
Why do I wanna work if I'm only sixteen
But I ain't gonna repeat this
Got alot business

Sixteen, Sixteen
Middle of Miami
Gotta take off the bus

Looking at windows alot of traffic
On the road
On the row
But  just goanna keep on
Yeah, there ain't turn back down
No, I won't frown

No money, no family
Middle of Miami
Hidin' my sense of expression
Cuz I'm falling into depression

But as I sow how this thing life works
It only makes me go harder
And get stronger

Funny how the people who kicked me
Now stick to me
Funny how they act like they help me get to the to the top
When all they did is tired drop
Me down into the ground

I remember when I was struggling
Y'all smirk
As y'all threw off more work
But that only made me get harder
Get tougher
Cuz my struggle
Is the only thing I am trusting

Now it's money, and family
Cuz as I work
I kept that smirk
Cuz as I trusted my struggle's
It only made me hit the score
To go harder
Life maybe hard but you just gotta go tougher and go stronger and go harder on the people who is trying to bring you down.
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
1.0k · Jan 2016
DET Jan 2016

Take a side
Take a ride
With own pride

Put that on your mind
That that pride may be a problem
Drop that pride at the bottom
Boy, can't you see this young girl

Wants her own world
Boy she don't want a pearl
She can see that you have too much pride

Take a ride
With your own pride
Cuz she'll drop you
And make you feel blue

She has her own shoe
She has a clue

Don't think she's a fool
Cuz you're the one being treated like a tool
You fool

To much pride
Step a side
Cuz there's a problem
You'll be at the bottom

If you have too much pride
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
1.0k · Feb 2016
DET Feb 2016
"Love brings fears. Pain brings hate. Love is what create's the pain and hate."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
DET Feb 2016

Antes que salga el sol
No, me digas que a llegado el momento
De decir adios
Por favor

Todo lo que quiero es el silencio
Tantas cosas que tenemos que aprender
Mas que este dolor
Por hoy
Es el momento

Pero antes de perderte
Lo último que te pido
Es que por favor no me olvides

Abrazame porque es lo unico
Que pidio
Abrazame por la ultima vez
Porque si ves
Ya no queda nada
Mas que silencio
De este momento
Y memoria's
Asi que abrazame
Trying my best to start writing in spanish:)
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
963 · Jan 2016
Afraid to Fall
DET Jan 2016

When I woke up
I was broken when I knew that you weren't forever
Baby, don't ever feel
Bad cuz I know that our relationship wasn't real

Maybe like you said it was just a deal
So, don't go around
And fall back to the ground
Cuz this wasn't for real

Days has passed by
Since the day
We wave goodbye

Now another week
Has passed by
Can't believe

When I woke up
I was hook up
When I saw that you spoke up
Yeah, you could see that I was choke up
As you stood there

Now here
We are
Our love grew so, far
That I even call it forever

Baby, hold me closer
Cuz I don't ever
Want to lose you
Cuz without you I know I wouldn't have any clue

Baby, you are my glue
When my heart was broken
You took a moment
To focus
Yeah, and as I noticed
That you were the one
That had won
My heart

You are my purpose
Why always feel nervous
Cuz you're the only person
That makes me feel ready to face all the surface
Boy you got me here with you forever

Can't explain the way I feel
It's like I'm not sure if this is for real
Cuz I just want be clear
Oh, my dear
I'm afraid of getting broken
Cuz I'm opening up my emotions

Don't even know how you turn my darkness
Into the light
Now I can see everything bright
Is funny how I never believed in fairytales
I promise you I will not fail
Cuz I don't want to lose some like you

Maybe I'm just afraid of thrusting
Or maybe I'm just afraid that you and I are something
Then it may turn to nothing

Yeah, I'm afraid of falling
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
915 · Jan 2016
A Solider's Life
DET Jan 2016

Every soliders has a uniform
With beautiful
But you don't know how every morning
Some soldiers
Are praying

To come alive
Cuz they are they don't want to say goodbye
To their beloves
So, they look above
Pray to god
Not to fail on his job

As soon as they step the fields
They don't know how it's feel's
To see one another and not know whose gonna make it
But as they face it
They know they are not mistaken

Yeah, as they hear the gun shots
Alot of their thoughts
Are spinning around
As they see how some hit the ground
They want to drop down
But they know they gotta fight
And hold their breath tight

Yeah, the danger
Is getting closer but before
They hit they pray to a angel
As they hit the base
They just ask god for peace

And us we should be thankful
Cuz even if both of their ankles
Were in pain
The took the chance to fight
For what we think it is not right

Yeah, think about it
Cuz there are some kids thinking about
Their father who happen's to be a soldier
Hoping that their life is not over

But what would you do if you received a phone call
Telling you, you just lost your daddy
Probably you'll be running to your mommy
And saying tell me that this isn't real
And there is no word
That all you hear is silence

Yeah, if we don't want anymore death's
Then we should stop all this violence
Every solider is a hero and we should no forget to pray for them cuz they have given their lives to save us:(
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
914 · Jan 2016
Love, Pain, Forget
DET Jan 2016

Home alone
I pick up the phone
To call you
To tell you I'm feeling blue

Home alone
I pick up the phone
To tell you I'm sorry
But you don't seem to worry

Cuz seems like you don't care
Can't you see I'm yelling for help
But you can't tell

When you look into my eyes
You said that you have realized
That I'm fine
But can't you see is all a lie
When I tell you I'm fine
I'm basically want to tell you I want to die

I regret
Not for telling I forget
How I felt
As I fell in love

But you torn me apart
When you started
To move on
Even if hurts me I gotta tell you good bye
Cuz you're the reason
Why I am bleeding

Don't tell me to repair
The pain
Cuz it erase
So, please
Don't tell me that
Cuz even if you pet
My head
With that pet
You give me in my head
I feel dead

All I want to do is get the train
To erase this pain
And get lost on the dark
Cuz I see what I thought
Of you liking me
Makes me bleed
I wrote this because I kinda got my heart broken so, I decided to write this poem to get the pain out of my chest
906 · Jun 2021
I'm No One's  prey
DET Jun 2021
As the world seeks for a prey
Myself hath acknowledged I will become the next target!
So, myself must ignite the fire
Rather is among the roars of the thunder
The fire must shimmer all my foes...
If any predators dare strive to demolished
My serenity...
Then no mercy...
Will be granted...
For I will be no ones prey....
If merely my foes knew...
The rage hath drove me insane...
So, dare not mark me as the next prey!
Cause not even death makes me shiver...
Copyright © 2021 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
898 · Jan 2017
Quote 13
DET Jan 2017
"It's easy to die but it's not easy to live."
860 · Dec 2017
DET Dec 2017
Another solitary eventide
     Another glace in sky
        I descry desolated moonbeam
   From afar away
Lonely with the thoughts
That never departure
From my own mind

       For I dote thou
     On my silence
Oh, I admire thy existance
       Watching you from a long distance
   My heart flutters

        Again another solitary eventide
            Gaze upon the empyrean
        Softly my heart  whistles
Oh, what a bonehead am I?
       Thy dote sighs for another .....
Who elicits thou crack a smile...
Something myself cannot do for thou...

   For I muzzle my melody
Cause I shall dote thou on the treble
Hope when thy gaze lies upon the empyrean
You see the solitary moonbeam
Blazing oh, just know my dote for thou
Will keep blazing
Till the final star befalls..
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
807 · Jun 2016
Into Your Eye's
DET Jun 2016
Mind to eyes time to live
Sleepless nights lay
On my restless

Lost into your jewels eyes
Marveling if the birth of fire in the darkness
Will blasting through the darkness

Into your eyes I see
A lion starving
For desire
For a touch of my lips

Hard to speak when you are close
Inside your eyes are full of lust
I pull back in disappear with the dust
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T  All Rights Reserved
795 · Jan 2016
DET Jan 2016
"We all have shoes that we don't want to step on but when someone wants to accomplish they don't care they just take the action to accomplish their dreams so, you should do the same."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
793 · Jun 2016
The Last of Our Love Letter
DET Jun 2016
Final love letter
Retains the last breathe

Silver moon shines
Twinkling brilliant glitter

Discolor blossom
Adorning till the last sunset
Till the skylight cracks
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T  All Rights Reserved
743 · May 2024
Fleeting Life
DET May 2024
Merely a bonehead like myself can utter,
"Pardon me..."
For another fleeting life...

Again, another agonizing memory,
Clinging onto me like thorns in my soul.

The fact that your presence cannot be witnessed
It haunts me in whispers...

The poison that was mine, thy lips kissed,
And the pain you endure, myself hath to sow...
Thy departure ...

And once again, another fleeting life...

Whilst the grief settles down once more,
My mind is mentally pounded...
Myself dare saith no more...

For I am mentally absent once again...
Death of a pet. Born on February 2, 2024, and died on May 1, 2024.
DET Mar 2016
By: D.E.T

Tik- tok
Have nobody to talk to
Getting boring maybe you  took a walk
Pondering around
No, sound

Not till you saw the white rabbit
Jump into a hole yeah, it got you attracted
Yeah, made the way to sneak what was in it

Fell on the hole
Where it was new whole

Heard you were missing so, there goes a same rabbit
Got the same habit
I jumped in the hole
Had no time pull
The rabbit is the one to who in charge

Now we gotta march
If we don't want to stay forever in this place
Yeah, we gotta face
All this empty case

Yeah, we found wonderland
Yet, got lost in it
Because we both fell in it
Where flowers will always pop up

Eh, this seems puzzling
While the wind keeps whistling
Fallen between the cracks
Can't relax
Knowing that you are missing in this wonderland

Dark clouds
Forming crowns
Yet, wrapping me around towels
It's s been hours
Since you have been dissolved
Maybe I should go back to the top
In see of you are there to be found

I reached for you but you were gone
I knew I had to go back home
We found another world
Again we fell in the hole
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
709 · Mar 2016
First Sight
DET Mar 2016
Romantic love stories
Sentimental past memories
Haven't forgotten the first glimpse of your face
Stunningly beautiful guy with class and grace
Like an guardian that just  had arrived at my work place
I felt my heart beating at a faster pace
Not one who believed in love at first sight but, your whole demeanour made if feel right
I can still recall all those girls asking for a date you always declined, no reason you would state
Sundays became a day of dulcet tunes of harmony the only day we worked  a beautiful symphony
How I wanted to fill your world with romantic notions reluctantly,
I was too shy to admit my true emotions
I thought enough is enough
One evening, while walking home together summers day in June with pleasant weather finally, built up the courage to explain how I felt with a smile you told me,
I make your heart melt two years later you are my faithful boy still the only one who has my heart in this life
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
708 · Mar 2016
When She Would Cried
DET Mar 2016

She was terrified
But she made up a lie
Telling the world she's fine

What a surprise
That she's still alive
That's what everyone says
But she has already counted the days

Before she fades away
She's gonna breakaway
The cage that she is trap in
She won't let nobody win
Cuz now she is playing hurtin'
So, every time they breathe in

Their going to feel their skin burn
Yeah, is their turn
To payback
Now they are gonna be the ones hiding underneath their mask

When she would cried
They all stepped aside
Acting like her sobs was a piece of music
To click
All the weekends
She would spent on her room to healing the bruises

Now she finds it pointless
Cuz she has noiced
And focuse
That it's worthless
To show her emotions
Cuz she can see
That the people only made her bleed

When she would cried
They all act like here tears where some joke
She choke
As she sow how cruel
This world was yeah it's time to play cool

But this game
Has a list a name
Where you are gonna feel her pain
Yeah, she gonna play it cool

But when she would cried
She stepped aside
And hide
The feelin' felt like she wanted to die
But she took a ride
Where she took
And hook
Her heart
No, her heart no longer feels electrified

Cuz when she would cried
No, one cares if she was terrified
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
708 · Feb 2016
Behind These Walls
DET Feb 2016

All day behind these walls
Watching tiny spiders crawl

The time I've waisted is becoming a big regret
I shall never forget

Behind these walls no one knows what's happening
Someone can be examining
So, they can practice the damaging

But behind my walls
You'll see a lot of empty halls
But on walls you'll see my lyrics
And as y'all go y'all are gonna see the difference
As you see my spirit
You'll hear it
"Save me before
I cause a war"

Between myself
And you'll see how I chase perfection with two broken legs

Walls will be surrounding by you
Till you get the clue
Of who I am for real

If you try to run away you'll be capture
And it'll let you go till you read every chapter

In behind this walls
You'll see how I tried to repaint
The pain
With a pen

Why do you think I keep that warning sign for?
So, don't get covered up with fear and roar

Cuz when you finally
Hit the empty
You'll think I need a therapy

As you see a pile of profiles tilted
"The ****** Business"

"To be continued...."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
695 · Jul 2016
DET Jul 2016
Written in July 14, 2016

Spring the leaf is born
And summer the leaf has grown
Then when autumn has arrived

The golden leaves
Will whisper
Good bye
To the branches
That once form
Part of the tree

Silently the leaf will collapse
On the ground
With no sound

Kneeling down
It will lay down till
They become dust

Meanwhile the wild
The sentimental memories
The shadows of the wind

Will make the leaves that lay down in the ground
Speak to the shadows
Of the remains
Of the presence

Till it slowly
And lonely fade away........
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
693 · Jan 2016
Quote: 1
DET Jan 2016
"It's impossible for you because you keep thinking it's impossible but once you give it a try you'll see that what you thought was preventing you from trying."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
679 · Apr 2016
Memory of Autumn Season
DET Apr 2016

Left in the mist
Without a kiss
Yet, told to act like love didn't exist

Can't resist
That I still miss
Your kiss

Leaves fall to the ground
Here standing without a sound
Twirling, twisting, round and round

Throwing a gaze on the leaves collapse on the floor
Just like my poor

Memory of autumn
Has been forgotten
Except me I still remember the smell
And the sound of the bell

Can't tell the cold breeze
Shakes the leaves from the trees
Autumn takes away the green
Like you did, haven't seen
You, you're nowhere to be found

You must've nail down
Every sketch on the edge

All the leaves are decomposing
In the lints keep floating
Like the ashes of my core

Our love was first gold
But now it turn into mold

Watching this day leaving no trace
On the same place
Where all I remember is the air getting colder
My universe is getting now darker
Now the warmth is gone
The sunshine is dissolved
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
643 · Apr 2016
DET Apr 2016

Moment of bittersweet
I can still inhaled your burning essence

Without your presences
Hits the moment of bittersweet

I replay the moment when you embrace
Your hands on leaving a trace

Leaving me a half broken
Yet, it made me realize that your essence is frozen

My sense combust
And clutch
In this microcos melt

Putting me in a state of grieving
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T  All Rights Reserved
641 · Jun 2023
Spring's Arrival
DET Jun 2023
The harmonious noise produced by precipitation,
Delicately pelting the soil underneath...
The petals are bursting to bloom,

Inhale and exhale
The sweet fragrance,
Open the window,
Send greetings to the arrival of the spring season,
The melodious sound of birds singing can be heard,
It's the wake up call that spring hath arrived...
April 23, 2023 D.E.T.
Copyright © 2023 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
635 · Feb 2016
Tear Drop (Quote)
DET Feb 2016

                                       TO DIE
                                    SO, QUIT
                               THE FIGHTING
                             AND ENJOY LIFE
                             CAUSE WE LIVE
                           ONCE NOT TWICE
                                  BUT ONCE!
Hope everyone like the tear drop quote :)
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
634 · Mar 2016
DET Mar 2016
"Sometimes we gotta go through the pain to experience the happiness."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
632 · Feb 2016
DET Feb 2016

Today the light might not shine
But keep in mind
This is just a test
That I suggest
You to talk it up on the table
Cuz maybe you should erase what's painful

But don't you ever feel worthless
Cuz that's nothing but wordless
If you feel worthless
Right now
You are asking how
You shouldn't be asking yourself
Cuz the god above us
Put's us some type of quiz to see if you still taste
The faith

As longest you stick with that person
Every is gonna be perfect
You'll see that it's worth it
Don't you ever but yourself down
Cuz that only makes your buddy frown

Sometimes we can't tell how we feel
Cuz that's only gonna ill
The things up

Keep in mind that today the light
may not shine
But the sun will fight
It's way to make the darkness get bright

Life is just sometimes hard
But later on life is gonna reward
You with something
So, don't you ever feel like you're nothing
Cuz you are something
Just know that the ups and down are bouncing So, don't you go drowning
Into your own thoughts

So, right now what you should do
Is pray to god to help get threw
Cuz that's what it's about trusting god who is above us

So, today the light may not shine as bright
All you gotta do is keep your sight
At the sky

Cuz perhaps
You'll see you'll be able to relax
As you see how strong
You are because you have been standing for so, long
So, be the wall that she can lean on
Cuz you'll be the number one
Reason why not quit
This poem is dedicated to someone who is my friend and who is  going through something with someone. So, don't give up my friend cuz you are strong all you gotta do is have faith and when you have faith you'll see that everything will be okay. :)
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
631 · Mar 2016
I'll Be There
DET Mar 2016

Two tears may run down your cheeks
But just know it'll take week's
To heal all the wounds
Cuz that's life rules

So, know when your vision is getting hazy
Because it's  wet and rainy

I'll be there by your side
To fill you up with courage and pride

When you feel lost in the darkness
I'll make sure to open up your curtains so, you can see the sparkles

Glowing and growing

Life is not just about love
Just look up above
In take a closely and look at the star's
You'll see that they also have scars

Cuz they choose to let the scars
Shine because they want to let the pain heal.  
Their scars

The scar of your heart will repair
So, therefore you gotta breathe the air
Cuz that's the medicine for your heart beat

I'll be there
Whenever you feel like you are about to drown
I'll put my hand down
So, you can stand
Again in the sand

I'll be there to show you the way
And show you the sun ray
So, you see that you still have a long path
Won't let your flashbacks
Make you collapse

Cuz that's why I have you as a friend
Or a brother
From another mother
But that's why I'm still here
So, when you shade a tear
I'm here

To heal you
And give an advice
Of not to think it twice
Or thrice

But I'm here
Whenever you shade a tear
Remember I got a door open up
So, whenever you wanna settle down
For a break time
I got you covered
This is dedicated to someone who is my friend and also to everyone who feels down. Hope you enjoy!:)
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
624 · Feb 2016
Quote: 9
DET Feb 2016
"Hate to be strong because they forget to ask me if I'm okay."

Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
622 · Jan 2016
Addicted to the Pills
DET Jan 2016

I wrote this
I note this
So, I can notice
That I poked this
Was because I choked with this

So, I poked this
Was to get this feelin' out my chest
And yes
I'm gettin' addicted to the pills
But still
I need to get the chills

So, I don't feel this demon
Of course it's getting worst
Like a curse

So, again I find myself in the kitchen
Poppin' pills again my bloodline has it written

Gettin' addicted
And all I feel is twisted
Again I listen
To the echoes
Who knows
My errors

The mirrors
Are flashin' back my fears
And my peers

Yeah, agian I will
Take another pill
I get the chills
Cuz I love the way it feels
So, keep it real

And now I'm lookin' at my spot
Full of thoughts

My eyes are now close
And my brain is replaying the video's
Of my life

As I feel someone shaking me
Tell disagreeing
That I'm dead

I open my eyes
And realize
That those pills took my breath
And I was almost close to death
Just a poem that I thought that I had to write.
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
615 · Jan 2016
DET Jan 2016

I don't need a council
Cuz all I need is a pencil
To help me when I feel down some

I don't need council
Cuz I can handle
This mess
And stress
With the final
Paper and pencil
614 · Jan 2016
If (You try)
DET Jan 2016

If you can't fly
Try to to sly
But do anything to see yourself rise

If you want to to get high
Then try
Start from the bottom of the floor
Cuz as you rise there will be a door

If you can't speak write it down
If you can't write then speak
If you lose
To stay on the right shoe

If you can't win
Then try again
If you win then help others with your talent
But first learn how to fly
Cuz a bird with a broken wing
Will try again to win
A bird that learn's how to fly
Will take another try
Or sly

If you fall
Stand tall
And walk
If you fail then try

If you want to cry,
Cry but wipe your tears
When you feel ready
Go for it
While I sit
Here and watch you rise

But only if... you try
608 · Jan 2016
Love's Revenge
DET Jan 2016
⭐Danna Sol⭐
✨By: D.E.T.✨

Who am I?
Somebody give me a sign?
Can anyone justify?
When I cry?
Can someone tell me what's my purpose ?
Why am I feelin' all nervous?
Maybe today will be my last time to face
This surface
As soon as I arrive
Home I'm goanna cry
But there is a problem (s)
Dropping on the bottom
And I don't think I can solve them
Yeah, I can see
That I'm about to bleed
All I need
Is to flee
Maybe all I need is breathe
Is fresh air
I'm on top of my head
Thinking I should be dead
So, I look at the bottle
Of pills I'm having trouble
Tell myself  can't do this anymore so, I wanna end this
Because I don't wanna pretend this
Soon as the pills pop
I drop
And my eyes close
I hear this echoes
Tellin' me I'm a waste
So, in this case
I'm getting myself out of this space
I wake up in the hospital
I'm feeling awful
All I can do is cry
In ask myself why
Life  gotta be so, hard
There's this blackboard
Telling me I can go forward
In I think I should do my revenge
So, yes I'm going through changes
So, I can stand on those stages
Yeah y'all goanna be in this cages
Lock up
Hook up
So, look up
This were my troubles
That I struggle
I kept my eyes open
Yet, I was hopeless
While I was choking
In y'all were joking
Yeah, you buddy
Don't feel so, lucky
Cause I'm gonna play my part
That's goanna be your heart
Yes, I'm talking to you  boy
Yeah, you are the toy
That I'm goanna enjoy
No, no one has a choice
Y'all are goanna run out of air
When y'all see this glare
I don't care
But I dare you
To come step on my shoe
I bet you
Will drop dead
All I feel is angry
Because all he felt was sorry
Yeah I'm mad at you
For not having a clue
How to glue
My shoe
And for putting me through
This blue mood
Soon as I walk out this door
I'm gonna ignore
Your words cause I declare war
Cause this is was you ask for
Yes, I'm looking at my yesterday
I was put in jeopardy
In y'all goanna get what you deserve
Cause you severe
What y'all gonna get
Is a hit
Fake girls
With fake pearls
You girls
Are goanna be collapsing
In I'm goanna be on the top laughing
Yeah, I'm goanna rip
Your ribs
So, y'all can feel what I felt
Yeah, my heart is already melt
Cause it's my turn to make y'all suffer
Yeah, I'm already tougher
Call me a monster
But know this I begin to get stronger
Just know the Lilly
You knew ain't the same
Maybe be the name
But when you see me furious
Y'all gonna take me serious
What came back was for my revenge
Yes, I want to see you on this cage
Cuz this is my revenge
This a poem I wrote for my friends for her story called love's revenge this has nothing to do nothing with me kust for everyone to know
603 · Jun 2021
DET Jun 2021
Dear mother
What am I to you?
Am I puppet?
Why hath you imprisoned me by your cobweb?
Why do you loathe me?
Every time I strive to guard you...
You double- cross....
Again... You hath deceive me...
Like bonehead myself must pardon you for your betrayal....
Copyright © 2021 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
602 · Jul 2016
White Roses Cover in Blood
DET Jul 2016
Fragile soul

Soft crystal sobs
Soft crystal love

Pure romance
Soft sweet lips
Yet, the savior of the lips
Was bitter

She gave him roses
And as a return she got the thorns
She gave him meat and as a return she got the bones

Standing in a field cover up in white flowers
Gently holding the only red rose

What else can be red?
If she is surrounded by white roses

Looking at all the thorns
She holds them tight
Till the thorns cut her open

The blood is dripping
While she runs around the white field
Abd covers the white roses in red blood

Till she gets pale
For the last time she smiles
And whispers

"Finally the roses are red..."
Then collapses and for the last time she takes a look at the red rose that he gave her
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T  All Rights Reserved
593 · Jun 2016
Echoes of the Ocean
DET Jun 2016
Crystal haze, painted in grey
Smooth shadows embrace me

Deep blue
Roaring and crashing wave
Calmness over comes you
Obsessed with the sounds of swaggering water

Reflect the sun gently kissing
The secret lover
Of the sea
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T  All Rights Reserved
589 · Feb 2016
Paul's Drop Out
DET Feb 2016

Had a phone call
Yeah, it was him Paul
Tellin' me he dropped out
I was about
To shout
But he stopped me
When I heard him said I'm sorry

Got sad
Sametime mad
Cuz I was doing my best
To see him pass

Everyday I woke up to go to his house
Took short route's
To get there quickly
Although it made me get dizzy

There is a pause in phone
Don't know
What to say
All I can tell is that we are halfway
To the end

This is just all a mess
But that's the choice you pick
Don't you blame it on Nick
Cuz he's the one who put that idea in your head
Hope you don't regret
When you look at the sunset
And then get upset
Cuz don't forget

That I was the one helping you to get
But you just happened to shove
That chance
Cuz I was the one who was helping rebuild your path

Now two years passed by
Again another phone call
Yeah, it was him Paul
Tellin' me that you regret
Make's  me feel upset

Cuz you got me here
Facing you with a tear
Telling me that you get low payments
And hate this
I look at your paycheck
I can see your sweat in it

Yeah, Paul
I told you so
You told me that you thought that life was a show
But now you know

Yeah, people drop out
Cuz that's what's about
Thinkin' that life is easy
But when you see how life keeps you dizzy
Now you realize that life is busy

So, don't drop out school
Cuz life ain't cool
When you just drop
I wrote this poem because one of my friend named Paul dropped out. :(
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
585 · Jan 2016
DET Jan 2016
"Without struggles there is no story that will motivates us to continue so, don't hate your struggles cuz one day your struggles will be come a massage to the world."
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
582 · Jun 2016
Sea of Flames
DET Jun 2016
Burning  fever
Its signify
As the ''Sea of flames''
From the other side
Lies the pale of glory
It's the fever
Of the old times

Old but cold
Among the top
The pure
Of innocence
Lies on the side of depravity

Among the battles
Among anathema
Of difference
Lies the voice of the horror
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T  All Rights Reserved
556 · Feb 2016
Quote: 12
DET Feb 2016
"What were you do if god told you that we are all already dead and you're just reviewing your life would you accept it or not?"
Copyright © 2016 D.E.T All Rights Reserved
554 · Jan 2016
Stand, Stay, Strong
DET Jan 2016
Even if the side falls
Stand tall
Even if you feel ill
Still stand tall
In order to succeed

If there is a need
For you to open a door
Without a floor
I know you will
Even if you feel ill

Start form the ground
So, when rise up you'll feel proud
I've walked lonely rows
Without words

As the world gets cold
We get old
But all you have to do is hold
On to hope

You shaded tears
Because you feel your fears
But what you have to know is you're near
All you have to do is stand, stay, strong
This was the very first poem that I wrote and thanks to this poem it inspired me to write poems
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