I'll pull, pull you close until you can't breathe
I'll watch you lose your mind trying to seize
I'll push, push you until you're lost with no means
Finding me only in your dreams
You caught a glimpse of my heart
Why, oh why have I gone this far?
You pulled, pulled me apart until
All that was left were my uncontrollable thoughts
You pushed, pushed me until I was gone
Leaving me only with memories that only haunt
Too scared to stop, too scared to let go
Running infinite circles
Planting daises along our broke road
There she waits with a rose in her hand
But the other around your neck
Surprised and relieved
Hers was all he'll ever be
I dug up our daises and gave them to her instead
"To you and your addicted lover"
And away she led
Atelophobia-the fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough