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 May 2020 Cherry
Jasmine Reid
Deep down I knew, that you would never fail, and never or stray off your trail.
From telling me what I think was the truth yet also a lie, you’re so good at hiding, you.

Deep down I knew, that I was just for you to *****.

It’s out of the sheets now.
Ever been told something over and over yet a completely different story from another person.
 May 2020 Cherry
Ash C
I lay in bed and hope
That one day I will not wilt into the sheets of my dread
And only then can I float in the impossible
 May 2020 Cherry
he said he couldn’t breathe,
so they took his last breath
I’m so sick of feeling like it’s never going to stop. It needs to stop. It’s exhausting to know that everyday social injustice keeps happening and now that something is being done about it, everyone is ******. When I can raise my sons and daughters and not fear for their life. Only then, will I be satisfied.
 May 2020 Cherry
Hira malik
 May 2020 Cherry
Hira malik
now the short words in trend
may be you can wrap yourself in silence
the safest of all cages
even in its zone death is like birth
rejuvination of this overlap
is only because of the blessing of being in U!
 May 2020 Cherry
It is odd for a soul like mine
to exist in such an era as the present.
A soul who dwells in both past and future,
and seeks for a time that does not exist.
Someone important coined the title and it still keeps me thinking as to this day and this is my interpretation of the said phrase. :3
 May 2020 Cherry
 May 2020 Cherry
The eclipse
of her lips
into my lips
Taught me
Magic exist
Within a kiss

— The End —