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I can't help
But get stuck
In this harsh reality
We call love

But you know what?
I'd love to get stuck here
I'd love to know how it feels
To be hurt
By your own feelings
And your own thoughts
 Jul 2015 Cristina
Kelley A Vinal
I need a vacuum under my desk
I've made a mess
Pulling mascara from my lashes
Letting it slip through my fingers
Tea leaves that evaded their
Somewhat dangerous fate
Being boiled and then drank
Pieces of plastic from the rim of
A bottle of 5-Hour Energy
Extra strength
Filters from cigarettes that I've cut
Because they didn't give a strong enough puff
Post-Its crumpled on their way to the basket
They sadly didn't make it
There's no reason to mourn though
They're inanimate
Paper-clips that I completely ruined
That day I had a strong magnet
I wanted to see how many I could
Unravel and line-up
Like magic
 Jul 2015 Cristina
Chirayu Writer
Some people live in a bitter, angry, hate-filled world.
Some people living in a friendly, caring, love-filled Same world...”....
he's a much sobered man
when he's drunk

words then flow with elan
he's a jolly hunk.

he's a much sweeter pal
tipsy when he is

nice and warmly liberal
he puts you at ease.

does it so smooth
each inspiring peg

no more uncouth
he's no more a dreg.

when drunk he's at his best
never was a kind sweeter man

unburdened of his heavy breast
he kisses long ignored woman.

when boozed he's passionate no doubt
the hidden emotions are in spate

his heart freely speaks out
opens his secret's floodgate.

next morn he can't just recall
why stands an empty goblet

he lies in smell of alcohol
worries aren't light on his chest.
 Jul 2015 Cristina
When I was oh, so younger
I used to rule the day
Catching toads
And flying paper planes
Until the lure of pretty girls
Got right in the way
My destiny came calling
And I chased it on the run
Time goes by while tears run smiles
And not every day is fun

The chase was fun,
But oh, how it ended.
They no longer caught my fancy.
I turned to games and friends instead
Until one day, girls started to chase me

And what a merry chase it was
Living and loving just because
Age is a constant gardener
A teacher of self and suffering
The premise of life eternal
An opening of not merely eye
But heart, mind and soul
To find love is to know life
And to know life is life eternal
Captive on a carousel of time
The world is yours, ours and mine

We fell in love and the world erupted in fireworks.
Nothing could have been better.
The pure joy that I felt with her was unrivaled by nothing I've ever felt before.
She was the one.

The one who became my other
Who completed me
Who took me to places love had never shown me
And felt like home
A place to belong
Yes...she was the one

No other could take her place.
She was mine,
Just as I was hers.
We were one, together,
Yet still just me and her.

And in that we found our destiny
 Jul 2015 Cristina
SE Reimer

today a friend
reminded me,
a quote by
Elbert Hubbard,
"love grows by giving.
the love we give away
is the only love we keep.
the only way to retain love
is to give it away."

so let it be
write the inscription
let my epitaph read,
"lived fully...
gave plenty
loved gently
died empty."


*and let the post script read...

"yes, his whisky ran dry
as he lived so he died."
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