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 Oct 2020 Colm
„The prose you read is
not even that intriguing“
He said with a pejorative glance
But I just kept on listening
To the sound of words
I found between the lines
 Oct 2020 Colm
 Oct 2020 Colm
Stay quiet,
my "mind" says,
don't stand up or speak,
lie to others when you don't want to speak
“Mind” why won't you let me go,
let me speak and help, but no “mind”,
you stay quiet and don't speak
Please "mind", I'm failing
I need to let go,
please let me go and say something
“I need help” shh keep quiet.
 Oct 2020 Colm
Raven Woodfort
Let it go.
The headache, the surge of pain-
free medicine through your veins,
Let it go.

Float in the air
fighting your ghosts in a night-
mare of clouded screams and whips
and lashes of



Sleep at last.
The best painkiller for head- and heartaches is still sleep.
 Oct 2020 Colm
Beulin S S
 Oct 2020 Colm
Beulin S S

It feels disgusting;

When we end up with it...

Without failures, we'll be nothing;

But think, crawling child can't walk,

If he refuses to walk after a fall...

Life goes on with failures;

Yet it is more important  to us;

Just to build the strong future...
Failure is always hard... But the success after the failure is a crown
 Oct 2020 Colm
when she leaves
 Oct 2020 Colm
the warmth of an embrace
from the depths of her soul
yet slick like oil
and all that slithers
between every crack
and every place
the light touches
in its soft
each kiss blooms a delicate blossom
in a garden of words
but withers with the seasons
when she leaves.
 Oct 2020 Colm
 Oct 2020 Colm
I'm stumbling through the dark
Trying to outrun my misery
Breathing in, screaming out
There's no one listening
Wanting to break away
Knowing the end is nowhere near
Yelling into the dark abyss
A place consumed by fear
They scratch and tear, but I won't bleed
I fall and stumble, but I won't break
Waking up, gasping for air
I realize I'm living my worst nightmare
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