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She was the most talented poet.
She wrote with such emotion.
Except no one liked poetry.
if no one liked poetry...
 Oct 2020 Colm
True love
 Oct 2020 Colm
"After so long "
They asked what's true love for you..?
and I leisurely replied ;
I'm still waiting for his come back...
True love never dies
 Oct 2020 Colm
That's All
 Oct 2020 Colm
I just feel very lost, that's all.
That's all: I just feel very lost.
 Oct 2020 Colm
wish you were here
 Oct 2020 Colm
I walked passed a cemetery today
It reminded me of you
I shed a tear
We always feel like we have more time than we do
 Oct 2020 Colm
I'm resigned to wreck creation
Pay no heed to obligation
Disregarding expectation
Throw out all the information
Used to bolster reputation
Fall into a resignation
With no goal or destination
Like a permanent vacation
Up until abrupt cessation
Psych ward poetry #4
 Oct 2020 Colm
There is no taming the arduous mentality
Triumphant in it's self-inflicted battle
You cannot free the mind from the mind.
Oct 4, 2020
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