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 Dec 2014
IT is never the answer

you know what it is

It’s that thing that dwells beneath the deepest darkest thoughts at night

it’s the pain and isolation that hides beneath rehearsed laughs and smiles

But what the **** should I do when my breathing gets old and my voice gets repetitive

what should I do when knowing I’m still here bothers me

what should I do when I hurt everyone I care about

what should I do when i disappoint everyone who puts their hopes on my shoulders

what should I do when the crimson trickling down from my skin isn’t enough

what should I do when not even the people who you care for most in the world

can save you from the black swallowing you from the inside

what should I do when words mean nothing and I just feel like I’m talking to brick walls

what should I do when the most basic thing in the world, is missing from me.

what the **** should I do when there is no question

that needs to be answered with anything

there is just me

and there is just nothing
I was and am a very sad person.
 Dec 2014
William Alexander
16 year old on suicide watch prayer

If you see me and hear me,
If you love me,
Like they say you do
Then take these thoughts and bury them
For me.
Heal these wrists.
Let me know you hear
The thoughts inside.
Let the glass shard
Before it presses down.
 Dec 2014
Natalie Neo
When I finally admit
The existence of this pain which
Has been here since
God knows when,

I feel liberated.

I guess it was never being
Guilty of hurting you.

It was that
When I hurt you
I was hurting myself too.

It was suicide.
 Dec 2014
Ashley Etienne
Death waits for me like the morning frost on my window.
My days start to feel shorter and more pointless.
Morbid things cross my mind.
There are no cliffs, tall buildings or bridges where I live.
Only ropes, razor blades, and guns.
I have decisions to make.
Find purpose in my life?
Go on breathing without living?
Or die do to my not so insane insanity.
How senseless death how precious life.
-la dispute
 Dec 2014
in the bathroom.
palms sweating, heart racing.
in the mirror.
eyes screaming, hard breathing.

as my emotions overwhelm me;
crashing down like a thousand seas.
my reasons to live diminish.

'what the **** is it gonna take for you to understand?'
'where is your control Rachael?'
'your life is disappointing beyond words.'
words from the people I love.

i try, i'm trying.
i lie, i'm lying.
but i tried, i promise.
no i lied, i'm sorry.

one more time i'll cry,
because i no longer have the strength to get by.
it's a ******* pain to be a pain..
so why not end it all?

blade in hand, wrist in sight.
my only wish is to end my plight.

so selfish, so selfish.
think about those who care for you.
i don't give a ****.
i swear for this is what they wish.

sitting in my blood with my demons..
fully aware that they have won.
could've swore i heard them say to Satan..
'this time we have her, it's nearly done.'

losing consciousness, i smile..
on my way to hell.
hey, i'll see you in a while.
you know it,
i can tell.

for the ones who know how to get to me, my wonderful family.
 Dec 2014
i dont know how to write this very well in those flowerry mind exploding language
im just going to say it clearly and slowly
suicide is not everything,or the only way to end a be exact ,to end YOUR life.
i know im not in your shoes that i dont have that feel to take on suicide, but just imagine, how would the ones that REALLY LOVE YOU SINCERELY FROM THEIR HEART feel when you left them hung off with you under that buried soil. you just have no idea that strangers that read your suiciding  poems maybe have their soft spot for you,and grown to be love. i love you,and i dont want you to die. Please dont take on suicide,there's more than depression and related stuff in this world. You are the one who's reponsible to decide to be happy and not taking on suicide as your last result of hopeless feeling to live on. take a deep breath,let go, and be more positive,you can.i know you can.
idk i just read lots and lots of suicide poems on my home and i just cant let someone take their life after posting another suiciding poem.
 Dec 2014
no one
she was slightly suicidal

partly crazy

but mostly alone

 Dec 2014
Abigail DeMichieli
Her raw fingers fumbled
With a plastic lighter,
Snap, Snap
She starts a fire.
Paper-wrapped poison
Slides into her lips
One hand dangling
The other one grips
The little time-bomb
In between her fingers
As she exhales the smoke
Which slightly lingers
In cool winter air
Outside of her house
Before she throws it away,
Sneaks in like a mouse.
Disguise her coughs,
Disguise the pain.
Disguise the hatred.
Disguise the shame.
She whom sets
All rules aside
Only loves one
Which is slow suicide.
 Dec 2014
I promise you I don't want to **** myself
This isn't a letter saying goodbye
Not a poem blaming you for not seeing this coming
But sometimes
When I'm all alone
I sit in the bath just a little bit longer,
hoping and hoping I drift off to sleep
Or smoke three cigarettes
one after the other after the other
and hope my lungs get so filled with tar that I
stop breathing
Or stand dangerously close to the edge of a building
and close my eyes hoping the wind might *******
just hard enough to fall

It's easy to imagine
I know what everyone would say
How some people would cry
And some would secretly be glad
Some would feel guilt
Others sorrow
And in about a week it wouldn't matter

But I want to matter
Whether it be to just my mom
Or the man I helped cross the street
I want to matter

And so I tuck those thoughts deeper in the closet
And I step away from sharp objects and steep edges
And I sit and write poetry
Poetry will be the death of us all
I wrote this months and months ago and just found it, it's more of a journal entry than anything
 Dec 2014
Nigel Beckett
For those who say life’s easy, they obviously haven’t tried,
For those who found it difficult, some of whom have died.

For those who are still struggling, don’t hold your head in shame,
No one said life was easy; you’re not the one to blame.

Those dark days may be difficult, but know that they will end,
Look for the brighter future around life’s winding bend
What troubles you today, will be a breeze tomorrow,
Don’t make the harsh decision and leaves other to face sorrow.

To know that you are loved and that they all do care,
Will lift weight from your shoulders, no more a load to bear.

Now talk about your troubles and share your problems open,
It’s not a sign of weakness; it simply shows your copin.

Sometimes life’s problems exceed us, they can be overcome.
You may have lost the battle, but the war will soon be won.

Now stand up proud while smiling and know that life is brighter.
They say god loves a trier, he also loves a fighter

So if you see a friend whose load they cannot bear,
just reach out your hand to them to show how much you care.

That one simple gesture can re inspire hope
and help someone who’s struggling to make them better cope
Inspired by Donal Walsh who while battling cancer was a promoter for suicide prevention. R.I.P Donal
 Dec 2014
I want to write a
beautiful poem
to tell you
I'm going to
**** myself.

But there are
No words
beautiful enough
to describe to you
the way
I'm about to die.
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