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 Apr 2016
Joe Adomavicia
Love. . .

If only such a passion washed ashore—
A gift to endlessly adore.
More so than the petite *****
Who just walked out of my door,
Dragging my heart by its strings
Streaking blood down the steps
Thumping and splattering
Down each landing
Thumping and splattering
Streaking and smearing blood,
As a trail of temptation
leading me to find her again—
Like a hopeless addict looking for his next fix.
You’ve lead me on
And tightened your grip
You’ve lead me on
And my only hope is that
Once your are through
Torturing the remains
Of this mournful existence  
There is something left
For someone else
Far more deserving
When love washes ashore.
 Apr 2016
David Ehrgott
Last night I could not sleep
with visions of the Pin-up
Girl of past

How she laid(y) there
with arms spread
and legs bent

on the dust of cobwebs

"Let me Go" she vociferates
into her soft safe place

But, I dream still
of a night
in your land of plenty

 Apr 2016
CA Guilfoyle
When I can no longer discern the path
when I am seeking a seer's looking glass
I walk miles of desert alone, travel years from home
to stand hot or cold, in a wilderness, fragile or strong
in storms, sun sweltered and windblown.
I believe in fire, the burning into ashes reborn
look for defining lines, watch for the telling signs
I listen for the music of words, spoken softly sweet
for love notes, tucked in heart, to keep.
❤️ XO
 Apr 2016
i'd sleep all day and constantly wake from nightmares
within nightmares
within nightmares
somehow couldn't recognise the reality,
lost in a blizzard of loud whispers
in a place filled with cold white coats and sick feelings
and worries painted on people's eyelids.

but now i hear your voice in the back of my eyes
i feel the words you say
i could say so many things
but my tongue is locked
my hands just shake
can't hold any letter
any vowel
the ashes of my words
are blown away from my lips

you're playing the strings of my brain
again and again
such a gentle touch,
a warm feeling that makes me forget
about the whispers and cold and worries.

i listened to your song in my sleep last night
and in a flash
the nightmare morphed into a dream
within a dream
within a dream
 Apr 2016
Dhaye Margaux
I dream of us making sweet things in the sea
There's romance all around just for you and me

Imagine us walking hand in hand on a beach
Then afterwards chasing,  oh,  you're so easy to reach

We sit on the sand still you hold my hand
The love and the romance are our own magic wands

You kiss me on forehead that shows of respect
But the next kiss,  of course,  is what I also expect

You help me to stand and hold me on my hips
Now it's time to give you my sweet candy lips

You raise me up then and swing me in the air
We both shout "I love you" while air plays with my hair

We then lie on the sand and you kiss me once more
It is our longest kiss this time on this shore

Oh,  I am not shy nor afraid anymore
This love  we have now will stay forevermore
The beach is like the heart
Where waves come and go
But still those waves are the water
That is forever a part of the sea
 Mar 2016
CA Guilfoyle
For you the woods, the moon
night paths, I breathe the air attuned
treading starlit, I sleep and dream
ever closer my love to you
bright from the sky like stars
ever into your arms I fall
and fall.
 Mar 2016
The Last Wordsmith
Well I won't say it's nothing, cause it feels like a lot,
but they're feelings for a girl, who I haven't even got,
and I hope your day's perfect, yes my dear, I do,
but nothing could be half as perfect as you.
 Mar 2016
Sam Temple
we speak of both the past and now
each giving the other time
thoughtfully considering
before responding
just like in the books…
we sit together watching trash
commenting on absurdity
and passing on the conclusions
in order to catch a few quick kisses
the world ceases to exist
outside of a place for our air and water
to materialize
14 years in,
I still feel this way –

considerate conversation
in traffic
watching irritated passersby
chuckling at the scene
hands resting
skin pressed but not pushed
as the comfort of touch
and the warmth of togetherness
fill the Kia
and replace the honking insanity
only a window pane away –

soft breath, steady and rhythmic
she waits for an answer
to the simplest query
as though I might pop off
with a cure to aids
or insight into the cern collider
I only say “yes”
as I do so hate telling her ‘no’
a smile passes her lips
inspiring mine to do the same
and we walk hand in hand
down the sandy shore
as is always the way –
 Mar 2016
Just an ordinary
With an extraordinary
That is gifted only
To me.
What an ordinary
What extraordinary
The ordinary boy
And me.
 Mar 2016
Denel Kessler
Come, my love
let us speak now
the language
of skin

your lexicon
in my every hollow

stroke that soft spot
above my hipbone
you love so well

linger there
like we have

mold my body
to fit yours
wrap me in sleep

precious few
hours remain
imagine to never
touch again.
Is there anything better?
: )
 Mar 2016
Francie Lynch
Teach me  about anatomy
And cosmology,
So I can understand
The universe
In your eyes.
Sometimes the tags are as long as the poem.
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