Suffering from keeping feelings bottled up inside.
Suffering from pride.
Suffering from drinking bottles and using them as guides.
Suffering from lies.
Suffering from failure, I've used one too many tries..
Suffering from cries.
A nomad in disguise..
Walking along the common folk hoping the tears dry.
On the edge of a steep cliff ..just hoping my fears fly..
hoping they spread wings, and glide over the plains..
pass thru all the Midwest and land somewhere in Maine..
Why doesn't my destiny manifest?.
I'm done living as an observer and analyst..
I often wondered why the dreams of mine seemed far..
Finally learning memories are more important than dreams are..
& thats word to the wise,
Though the wise will dispute my claim..
But you see, dreams come and go some never are seen again...
Yet memories, are stored, in the storage room of your mind,
Where you can see, your feelings played out though the brain is blind,
where you can nurture, and torture your own self at will,
where you know exactly where your skeletons are hidden and still....
Would you rather lose memories or dreams?
Perhaps i suffer from this dilemma, or so it seems...
Why not keep both? Asked Alexis one day...
A month later, the Fates music decided to play..
without warning, her life& dreams taken away..
now all i got is memories,
memories to suffer and pray.