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 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
Duct tape, bubble wrap and chocolate brownies don't fix everything
but they don't hurt, so my grocery list is gonna be weird for a little while.
this probably makes no sense to anyone.... sorry about that
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
The man who jumps off the highest diving board
And the woman who sticks her head in a lion's mouth
are as brave as you
because you battle your own mind every winter
and still show up the next day acting like everything is fine
she is freaking brave. respect, love and applause to her.
 Dec 2014
Tiffany Marie
Ember is kind
Ember is smart
Ember is loving
Ember Is  art

She is E.E.
And she forever  is my *friend
Second thing that does go out to Ember Evanescent
 Dec 2014
Ena Alysopriono
You can be surrounded by people
And still feel lonely

You can be with people you love
And still feel lonely

I just
I feel like I've been stabbed in the chest. Idk why
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
You know what I want?
I want a guy friend.
I have had two guy friends EVER
and I ended up technically dating both
...yeah, that ended badly.
they never really were
particularly close to me though,
when we were friends
we rarely talked
I couldn’t ask them guy stuff
I couldn’t text them random stuff
I couldn’t ask them for advice or vent to them
I wasn’t really close with them
What I want is for a guy
Around my age
So, high school age
To be my friend
Not my boyfriend
Not in a flirtationship
Just a friend
A guy in high school (so around my age)
Who I can send “hellooooo” to seven times
without them freaking out
like girls can do with their friends who are girls
A guy I can just talk to about life
Without drama
Without random *******
that always happens between girls
just a guy who can know me
inside out
who can be my “male influence”
who can tease me
who I can tease back
who I can rant to about my love life
and he can give a boy’s opinion and view on it
a guy who I can listen to
about his life
help him with his girl love life problems
a guy who is willing to trust me
a guy who will talk to me
a guy I can be REAL friends with
I just want a guy friend.
But I don’t know where to find one… :(
I don't know where to find one, but I'd just really like a guy friend. I mean, I LOVEEEEE my friends who are girls I just would really love to also make friends with a guy 'cause I never have before.
 Dec 2014
Tiffany Marie
Beautiful and precise
Creative And smart
Lovable and loved
Liked by all
My Bestest Hello Poetry®  *Friend
Ember you are truley amazing
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
How to cook a gourmet (whatever the hell that means) dinner:

Step 1: Send your boyfriend a text inviting him over for a romantic, candlelit home-cooked gourmet dinner.

Step 2: Remember that you are forever alone and don’t have a boyfriend.

Step 3: Go buy mass amounts of chocolate and cry about it.

Step 4: Get over it and invite over your grandmother instead.

Step 5: Preheat the oven to 975 degrees

Step 6: Freak out about the fire in your oven and turn it off.

Step 7: Open all your doors to let the smoke out.

Step 8: Get out all the ingredients you need for the recipe you are

Step 9: End up eating most of the ingredients before you even get to
use them.

Step 10: Spill oil and wine all over your recipe book (umm pffft the
wine is TOTALLY one of the ingredients, that’s why you had it out… heh heh… yeah…)

Step 11: Panic and try to dry it off by taking the book outside and waving it around.

Step 12: Watch in horror as all the pages in your book tear and fly off
into the wind.

Step 13: Chase hopelessly after the pages down the block screaming
swear words and having a heart attack.

Step 14: Politely smile and wave awkwardly at your neighbour who
hates you.

Step 15: Yell an apology across the street to that other neighbour who
REALLY doesn’t like you with the little five year old daughter who is
now repeating all of your colorful vocabulary words you just yelled.

Step 16: Reluctantly accept the fact that your recipes are gone. And also
that you have just contributed to the global problem of littering the

Step 17: Walk back to your smoke-scented house in shame.

Step 18: Look through pictures of scrumptious-looking meals on

Step 19: Get inspired and decide to put your brilliant idea of creating your own recipe into action.

Step 20: Get out your frying pan and throw a bunch of random ingredients in.

Step 21: Put out yet another fire and realize that marshmallows, sprinkles, raisins, baking soda, orange peels and liquid gasoline probably wouldn’t have tasted very good together anyway.

Step 22: Wonder what the hell is wrong with you.

Step 23: Get distracted by the television for half an hour.

Step 24: Try to microwave 2 week old mac and cheese you forgot to
throw out.

Step 25: Watch as your microwave malfunctions and spontaneously

Step 26: Decide to clean it up later because you just cannot even deal
with it right now.

Step 27: Fill a *** with water to make pasta and try to boil the water.

Step 28: Somehow manage to burn the water.

Step 29: Wonder how that even happened?!!!!

Step 30: Give up and call the pizza delivery guy.

Step 31: When you grandmother arrives have her take a seat in the

Step 32: Call an ambulance when she has a heart attack seeing the mess
in your kitchen.

Step 33: Get ready to leave and drive after the ambulance to the
hospital with your grandmother once the pizza arrives so you can
bring it with you. Get a call from the pizza place.

Step 34: Listen to the manager explain that your pizza spontaneously
burst into flames in the oven and they are terribly sorry there will be a
delay in the delivery due to this.

Step 35: Pass out.
Stay tuned for more HOW TO posts :D

Hope this was helpful. If this offended you in any way, I apologize. I will cook you a gourmet meal to make up for it.
 Dec 2014
Ember Evanescent
So help me God, if any guy ever hurts you I will make sure he wakes up wondering where his internal organs went.
best friends can be scary when they are ****** at someone who hurt you! ;D
 Nov 2014
Everyone is fake.

*I just want to find someone real...
Are you real?
- - -
(If you get the title, I love you.)
 Nov 2014
that          form
sente            ­     nces,
that                       form
rope,                         which
ties                               itself
into a                            noose.
Your                         ­     words
are also                    a rope,
that saves me from
Sorry if you can't read it.
 Nov 2014
Wish for the better
you're always let down
hope is severed
when your loved one is in the ground
prayer is useless
at least in your eyes
faith is gone
your dead inside
 Nov 2014
Pain is contagious*
and no one can stop the outbreak
 Nov 2014
Ember Evanescent
Does anyone else completely cover their arms in words if they have access to a pen? :P

Does anyone else stay up really late like the badass they are... to read novels in the dead of the night? :P

Does anyone else insist it isn't that cold outside and refuse to wear a thick jacket then find out it actually is freaking freezing out but refuse to admit it and think oh well, my pride will keep me warm! ...omfg im an icicle.

Does anyone else read a text from someone then have to google what one of their abbreviations or words or slangs mean instead of just asking them so they don't feel stupid?

Does anyone else laugh at RIDICULOUSLY stupid things, but can hardly breathe they are laughing so hard?

Does anyone else get that feeling where you just want to jump right out of bed? HA! yeah, me neither.
Comment and let me know if you do!
I'm making this a series, if anyone wants to add to it. Just use the same title "Does anyone else" and include "doesanyoneelseseries" as a hashtag and I will repost your poem ;) also, if you comment to let me know you added to the series that would be great so I know to repost it :P thx!
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