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 Apr 2015
heather leather
some people don't believe in ghosts,
but i am not one of those people,
because you are a ghost
in every sense of the word
whenever i close my eyes, i
do not see black anymore instead i see
your body strung up in your closet
with your eyes closed, as if you were at rest
i don’t know where you are but hopefully you
are getting some rest because i am
tearing myself apart because it doesn’t seem like
you’re gone
the curtains they’re half opened just like you left it
the kitchen is still a mess
the coffee stain that you promised to clean up but didn’t
is still there and i swear when i close my eyes and then
put my head on your pillow i can still hear
your even breath against my neck
and those are the only nights i ever get any sleep
so excuse me for thinking you’re not gone
because in my mind you aren’t
you’re still there next to me on the coach
and you are still complaining about how unrealistic everything is;
you are still next to me and i know that because i am telling you to
shut up, shut up, shut up
my therapist says that it’s my brain’s way of
coping with pain but that doesn’t make any sense to me
because my heart is still beating
and if my brain really wanted to cope with pain it would
shut down, it would collapse; like your body did when
it couldn’t handle the pain
because let me tell you something: i can’t handle this pain
this never ending torture of dancing delicately around the fact that
you are dead and i am very well alive even though
i don’t want to be, even though my hands have no purpose
without holding yours, my arms
nothing but useless props anymore and that is why
you are very well alive in
my mind because if you weren't i know that i would collapse

some people don't believe in ghosts,
but i am not one of those people,
because you are a ghost
in every sense of the word.

the first stanza and the last are from unwritten's poem "ghost" and it's amazing. i highly encourage you all to read it
 Apr 2015
Perhaps it's absurd to be this concerned
yet I fret I won't see you again.
And I know it's alright
and just one more night,
but in your eyes I see our end.
The end of your mom's teasing
and your laugh as you shrug her off;
the end of John's timid delight
as we play our noise through the night
in a cautiously curious sound;
the end of your father and me
jeering to hockey --
a sight already rare to be found.
I don't want to miss
the joy and the bliss
in moments you are around.
Call me a child,
immature, naive, or too mild
but your smile is too captivating for rhyme.
It's lame, I know.
 Apr 2015
a table salt spilled next to the dead
warrior, a young ******, stands
frozen, over his limp body,
a garrison marched into
a vault stole every thing of any value,
left only, drips of terror
fallow cries whispers
dry lips horror
from the reeking remains of
history, the teacher taught me,
about Germanic victories, Viking tales,
was where i remember,
 Apr 2015
Haydn Swan
Absent from all but the faintest of feelings
again I stare out of a window
its frame imprisons my soul
a fathomless stare into an obscure distance
as if I might somehow occupy that space
old photographs scattered on a table
yet I can no longer see your face
has it really been this long ?
minutes, days, weeks, months and now a year ?
the spirits took your warm embrace
so cold under the ground
know this my sweet sweet thing
the old roots now hold your hands
but you are forever embraced by my spirit
eternally dancing to our sad refrain
under the moonlight in the pouring rain.
 Apr 2015
it hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
running and tripping and falling and running.
crying till i'm laughing till i'm crying.
"i can't feel anymore. not you, not myself."
but still it hurts, it hurts,

it hurts.
Your face,
is etched in my memory;
a beautiful portrait of colour,
to stay forever in this mind.

Your face,
keeps this man;
finding a need to love,
to carry on with passion.

Your face,
is more lovely now;
with each passing moment,
that reflects each passing day.

Your face,
surrenders to my kiss;
for my body and soul,
will belong to you, forever
Copyright © Chris Smith 2012
 Apr 2015
Joshua Haines
I want to be buried
beside the river
that drowns you.


The way the sky sits.
Our sleeves
wrapped in wind.
I kiss your lips.
You are my end.


Sequins and swans
on the dress of
the universe.
I want to be warmed
by the galaxy's grasp.


You are my water:
You move beside
and against me.
 Apr 2015
Joshua Haines
Capture my ocean side.
Surf my skin like you'd trace
  your fingers on
  VCR tape.

Wrap your hands
  around my neck,
  until I fade to black--
looking into your eyes.

Capture my ocean side.
  It feels like a diamond
is sinking into my chest.

  I want to hit myself,
until I can't feel anything
but my blue skin smush
underneath my knuckles.
  My fingernails
      kissing my palms.

Capture my ocean side.
  I cannot face what I have
drawn onto my mirror.
What I found measurable,
  has lost scale, has lost
immensely, breathless.

Rewind the tape
  around my neck.
I'd rather not see through
  the film
    or you.

Capture my ocean side.
I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch you *deny the truth

I never really loved you
I only ever felt affection
For all the abuse
That I knew I deserved
You may think it absurd
But how could I possibly
Love someone else
When I have yet to learn
How to love myself?
Or even live with myself?

Show a smile based on a lie,
Or a frown based on the truth,
Which would you prefer?
I'd like to smile
Once in a while
But I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch the truth die
In the soulless eyes
I see in my mirror
That girl whispers to me
But I cannot hear her
So she fades away

Yet, I know
This cannot be my destiny
Lies of smiles
Truths of frowns
It's bringing me down
I could think of a million lies
But only six eyes
To help me smile
More than just
Once in awhile
I cannot tell a lie
And I will not lie back
To watch you steal my smiles
My truths
My everything

I will stare in your eyes
While you spout all your lies
And watch you crumble
And Fall
While I smile
Standing tall
Staring down at your frown
Wishing you knew the truth
That I cannot tell a lie
And **I never really loved you
This is about my ex, who's currently keeping my three beautiful children away from me illegally.  I know you've all seen this already but if you could please click the link, read my story and do what you can to help, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You.
 Apr 2015
hiding away un-understood
in a closet dark, under hood
myself hating
afraid to face myself
or any other,
"have I done me any good?"

let no other tale, tell this wicked tale
never truth, issues from another lip
all is couched much hidden,
the further the mouth from what
is said, there is exemplor,
the love of hate.

that then a witness of a sweet word meant
from master, is always a command to slaves,
never free never solved
ever to strive for freedom, for
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