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 Aug 2017
When I first met you there was a garden growing in my mind,
But it was never beautiful.

Filled with thorns from the dead roses I had been given by someone I used to love,
My thoughts hurt me every day.

My head was bleeding on the inside,
The outside willing to collapse at any moment.

My tears watered the thorns,
Helping them to grow stronger, and sharper.

Then you came along one day,
And said hello.

My heart skipped a beat as I stared into your bright green eyes,
Admiring your sunkissed skin.

Freckles scattered across your nose,
reaching your softly blushed cheeks.

I bit my lip,
Saying hello back.

Now I know you,
That garden is no longer dangerous.

That garden that wanted to be beautiful,
Finally was.

You cleared the thorns,
And replaced them with daisies.

Now every time I close my eyes,
I don't have to fear myself.
not my best but I liked the idea.
 Aug 2017
Pablo Neruda
It was passed from one bird to another,
the whole gift of the day.
The day went from flute to flute,
went dressed in vegetation,
in flights which opened a tunnel
through the wind would pass
to where birds were breaking open
the dense blue air -
and there, night came in.

When I returned from so many journeys,
I stayed suspended and green
between sun and geography -
I saw how wings worked,
how perfumes are transmitted
by feathery telegraph,
and from above I saw the path,
the springs and the roof tiles,
the fishermen at their trades,
the trousers of the foam;
I saw it all from my green sky.
I had no more alphabet
than the swallows in their courses,
the tiny, shining water
of the small bird on fire
which dances out of the pollen.
 Aug 2017
Carlos Salinas
She is an open book...
In Quantum Physics
Written in Chinese
 Aug 2017
Take me with you with all of my intricacies, and take me in with utter intimacy.
Let me hear those sounds until
I feel not the ground
But the sky.
Blissful and unaware of what surrounds us, completely taken aback by this lust that drowns us.

Reacting to every touch of our beings, moving into more ethereal feelings. Exhaling and kissing me deeply, I submit to you completely.
My gentle breath caressing you, my body begging as I am ******* you.
Dripping from my core, I can't wait any longer I need more.

Our hearts racing, but we're only pacing ourselves.
Dive into the waters of my love while I feel your body with every shove of your flesh pressing up against you so you can feel my naked *******.
You are touching my soul, and filling me whole leaving me with goosebumps dancing across my skin, while releasing sweet moans to grace this heavenly sin. Worship my body, while I take you in.
My lips curling around your pulsating shaft, shivering with every impact.
The feelings get stronger, oh god I don't think I can last much longer....
in the face of pleasure, you and me together floating on the passion of your love
Until we both come crashing down from above. Leaving us in eternal divinity.
 Aug 2017
Francie Lynch
My moon's half full,
Your's, half new;
Which half of the whole
Best suits you?

You loved with only half a heart,
Understood with half a brain,
You'd have been the better half,
If you'd half a mind to stay.

Leaving was only half the battle,
We waged a half-arsed war;
I ran for cover with a full notion,
I was getting half, no more.

Better half than none at all.
Is what they said to me;
But they don't know the half of it;
Believe half of what you see.
 Aug 2017
Look me in the eyes
And tell me what you see
an empty soul
a broken girl
Earth in beauty dressed
Awaits returning spring.
All true love must die,
Alter at the best
Into some lesser thing.
Prove that I lie.

Such body lovers have,
Such exacting breath,
That they touch or sigh.
Every touch they give,
Love is nearer death.
Prove that I lie.
 Aug 2017
E. E. Cummings
i dreamed
  it appeared that you thought to
  escape me and became a great
  lily atilt on
  waters    but i was aware of
  fragrance and i came riding upon
  a horse of porphyry    into the
  waters i rode down the red
  horse shrieking    from splintering
  foam caught you clutched you upon my
  i dreamed    in my dream you had
  desire to thwart me and became
  a little bird and hid
  in a tree of tall marble
  from a great way i distinguished
  singing and i came
  riding upon a scarlet sunset
  trampling the night    easily
  from the shocked impossible
  tower i caught
  you strained you
  broke you upon my blood
  beloved i dreamed
  i thought you would have deceived
  me and became a star in the kingdom
  of heaven
  through day and space i saw you close
  your eyes    and i came riding
  upon a thousand crimson years arched with agony
  i reined them in tottering before
  the throne and as
  they shied at the automaton moon from
  the transplendant hand of sombre god
  i picked you
as an apple is picked by the little peasants for their girls
 Aug 2017
E. E. Cummings
in the rain-
darkness,     the sunset
being sheathed i sit and
think of you

the holy
city which is your face
your little cheeks the streets
of smiles

your eyes half-
half-angel and your drowsy
lips where float flowers of kiss

there is the sweet shy pirouette
your hair
and then

your dancesong
soul.     rarely-beloved
a single star is
uttered,and i

       of you
 Aug 2017
E. E. Cummings
i have found what you are like
the rain,

            (Who feathers frightened fields
with the superior dust-of-sleep. wields

easily the pale club of the wind
and swirled justly souls of flower strike

the air in utterable coolness

deeds of green thrilling light
                                  with thinned

newfragile yellows


—in the woods

And the coolness of your smile is
stirringofbirds between my arms;but
i should rather than anything
have(almost when hugeness will shut
                  your kiss
 Aug 2017
E. E. Cummings
walk the autumn long;
the last flower in whose hair,
they lips are cold with songs

for which is
first to wither,to pass?
shallowness of sunlight
falls,and cruelly,
across the grass
Comes the

love,walk the
love,for the last
flower in the hair withers;
thy hair is acold with
love thou art frail

—walk the longness of autumn
smile dustily to the people,
for winter
who crookedly care.
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