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 Jun 2017
Brie Pizzi
I've forgiven you for a lot, but I'm not sure I can for this. You're selfish. You're selfish for initiating it knowing how I felt but more importantly knowing how you felt.

But of course it takes two right? The only difference is I knew what I wanted and that was you. You knew what you wanted and that wasn't me. You knew you wanted nothing but in that moment made it seem like you wanted everything.

For a few minutes I was happy. After I was crushed.

But that doesn't matter to you does it? You can't even see your faults.
 Jun 2017
Sarah Langton
I know it's wrong
but all I want
is for you to lie to me.

I know it's wrong
but all I want
is to hear you say 'I love you'
once more.

I know it's wrong
but all I want
is for you to say it was all a joke
and that you don't want to be
'just friends'.

I know it's wrong
but all I want
is to be yours,
once again.

I know it's wrong
but all I want
is to hear you lie to my face
and say you want to be mine (again) as well.
 Jun 2017
I think I know
What it is you want

All the secrets
And everything we had

All of it
You want it gone

The memories we made
All the love we had

Its Like an old *****
Buried in the sand

To be swept away to sea
And never to be seen again.
Wish I could change your mind, Sometimes I just come here to be close to you, I Miss You so much♡
 Jun 2017
I recall the memories,
biting down ******* my thumb,
as you tried to hide your deceit with smiles,
to sugar-coat all you'd done.

But I have sensitive ears that listen,
and as you spoke I heard the venom drip,
from your tongue cascading onto the carpet,
as the rough fabric burned with a violent hiss.

Then the smell of the smoke that was poisonous,
as your acidic words swirled in the air,
you grinned wide showing all your rotten teeth,
decaying from the sweetener you'd placed there.
There are many pretty lies and ugly truths.
 Jun 2017
Praying to almighty, powerful Gods
Begging for mercy,
Their strength, their magic to wash all over me
Change me.

Why am I like this.
Why was I born different?
Why do I feel like I am
Faking it,
Trapped under a deep tidal wave
Refusing to gasp for oxygen
But I continue keeping myself under
For the oxygen refuses to enter my lungs,
For the fear that I will forever
the warmth of my own body
And fuse into the darkness of
The shattered,
The abused,
The sharp shards
of broken hearts,
Infinitely unable to mend again
 Jun 2017
eius reginae
And now I understand
that no one else can
possibly keep up with
the love I can offer
because everyone else has
other things to lose
unlike me who have nothing
and I can't possibly blame them
for not being as sacrificial
as me
for I am their destruction
despite them being my salvation
 May 2017
Vrushali Jadhav
Sitting alone,
Gathering the stars!
Just the thought of you,
Fades away my scars!

One by one,
As the leaves of autumn fell,
Stories of you, to everyone I tell!

They wonder why you don't love me,
But little do they know,
That not every river is loved by the sea!

Like how the pond is left by the dove,
I will always miss you, my love .

You made me the pearl,
The one I was meant to become !
I thought I was just a drop,
And nothing more to overcome !

But don't forget,
That I'm a part of you!
Just like the remains of sand in the water,
Is how I will be with you!

You might not need me,
You may never become mine!
But you're the crystal,
And I'm your shine!
 May 2017
step into the shower
maybe this water will wash the pain away
like the rain would do for me and you
in the month of may

in this light i'll shed some skin
and leave behind words unsaid
maybe if i had done things right you'd be here
on the empty side of this bed

i'm sorry i thought i could be captain
of this ship we built for two
i thought that love was all we'd need
that dreams alone would do

maybe if i pray hard enough
i could forget everything and start anew
i'd erase all these things i've done
but never these memories of you

now who's dreaming beside you, love?
it used to be us two
we can't save each other from nightmares anymore
so now all i dream of is you
love lost

— The End —