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 Apr 2017
Jack Jenkins
to be defined
by an assault
nobody should
ever endure
more than just
**** is an
assault on your
whole being
scars go deep
& you don't
understand how
to heal from it

but there is healing
beyond the 10 minutes
of fear and tears
there can be
intimacy in future
physical closeness
without any tremors
total vulnerability
without fingers of fear
clawing at your gut
you can be okay
take it from me
it won't define you
you will*
I really wanted to share this to let anyone who's gone through what I have that there can be healing from this and you can achieve physical intimacy again without all the trauma flooding back every time. It takes a lot of courage to open yourself up again, but I can assure you it is possible.
 Apr 2017
E Hartwig
I'm going to sleep now
With your voice swirling in my mind
And your laugh speckling the silence of 2am in technicolor
This canvas of exhaustion is covered in you
And I've never been more happy
To feel so tired
 Apr 2017
Hello darkness. Dear old friend.
Sorry it's been such a long time.
I feel like we should catch up, how have you been?
In a bitter sweet way it feels great to feel and see you again.
Its quite odd actually.
The thing is I found love but it told me to get back.  
I apologize she pushed me away from you. Feeling the light again and the wholeness in my heart pushed me away.
It made me numb and shot my body down.  For some reason I just didn't feel alive though even with all the sweetness.
When the wind would blow on my face I felt nothing. Smelling the earths surroundings, soaking in its beautiful water bed, felt plain and blank.
No taste.
She took me away from you and now I'm here to make up for time lost dear old friend.
Now that you are back into my soul and that my heart is a deep abyss I now ironically feel so much more alive.
I live off this pain and use it as my tool make my art. My paint stain on a canvas of lies. My beautiful disaster of lines that I write as we speak, all came from you.
Its good to have you back buddy.
Its good to feel something again.
I promise to stay this time.
I'm probably going to delete this.
 Apr 2017
Ashley Moor
I have known many ways
of birds
and unseen ghosts.
When I walk
it is always against the wind.
7 hours talking
to you in the dark
only to realize
you had left long ago,
tucked your longing
into the shadows.
Inventions of you
carved into walls,
because that's the only way
I know how to love.
Girls I lay with
are only figments
of an imagination I write out of my pens.
Every moment spent
with you girl
was a light on the darkest night,
but now I must return to myself -
the way I was when my body was made.
Only Christ can know
the pain I'm in,
my girl she will raise her chin,
conscious shadow seeker,
will be looking up
for reincarnation.
 Apr 2017
Unburden my heart
With soft words or hard
Unseen unformed words
Like clay in a jar

What can my soul spring
But fountains of dreams
From the depth of divine
What will my muse bring

Unburden my heart
And set my mind free
Untainted by memories
Of the hell I have seen...
Traveler Tim
HP 04-15

The BELOVEDz is inside YOU
YOU are inside your BELOVEDz

The LOVER is inside YOU
YOU are inside your LOVER

The cosmos is everywhere
Inside, out and around YOU

There is nothing in LIFE
You wish to claim

No empowerment, No success
No wealth, No power
No experience, No security
No rights, No equality

All that is sensed
Between YOU & your BELOVED
Is the cosmic dance
Of Consciousness

I, ME and MINE
Dissolves in the moment of
That union of LOVE

The reality of LOVE transcends
All and every
Existential Experiential

 Apr 2017
If you love me, tell me you do

If you hate me, tell me you do

If you're just teasing me, tell me you are.

Because it hurts.

When I don't know the real feeling you have towards me.

So don't just hug my arm and act adorable
Compliment me and play with me like a puppet on hands
lean on me for support

**Because I don't want to figure out that was all a lie.
cute person, that
 Apr 2017
the less said, the better
letting go of love.
Just decided to try this (interesting) challenge.  I like the idea. It's good practice for not saying too much in a poem.
 Apr 2017
East Wind
He will love you when
you're a tree in the winter
    bones without flesh
when you're not yet a butterfly
when you're slowly learning to smile

She will love you still when
  you're summer without the rain
    a boat without the sail
when you're a train-track without the train
Incomplete but love still remains
...but trees in the winter are still alive and well. Just taking the time to emerge through the storm towards the calm.
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