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 Sep 2017
a way opens out
a voice takes form

a poet speaks
heart on the line

each word a song
every poem a symphony

sated, washed up on the shore
silence swallows you whole.
 Sep 2017
we slept a poets sleep
seeking expression

for far too long it seemed
we were dead, as poets

only poets understand this death
wandering the spirit world

but still believing
they would finally rise

and their songs released
their hearts be heard.
 Aug 2017
Nat Lipstadt

who knows the definition of a poet?
for my friend, S.Y,
who I will embrace with both hands,
both eyes, when he hands me a signed copy of a book
that answers the question

weighty subjects deserve your best work,
expressions of affection and introspection,
need careful reflection, a proper set up for the
tumult inevitable when delving in the unopened recesses
where the answers kept

so, of course, the writing commences well after 1:00am,
when the darkness of night clarifies the process,
for I work by day but live by night,
when summoning up my one tool no one can take away,
the joy, the relief, the spectacular exultation  of
rearranging the aleph bet in new ways,
when the quietude of reflection transports me
across the continents in visions of what will be

I don't know if I know the answer, perhaps, any answers,
but when this man demands
the ebb tides of soul to depart,
to make him stand alone on the shore of endings,
forcing  him to acknowledge his reckonings,
lonely, only humanity and frailties

I hear a voice gruff growling and me laughing-
"cut to the chase, make your point, get out of people’s way"

so in your honor, this simp fool who asks questions
no human has any business, the answers knowing,
will one last stanza grant and give and
yours to keep,
and commence countdown waiting for that day of welcoming

from the underground comes a chorus of voices,
in one voice but many languages, chanting:

all humans are poets
who acknowledge and freely confess that the
blood and stuff, the kisses and the touches of family and friends,
parent and child,
are the ***** and the egg,
the beginning and the circulation of the never ending,
the open entrance that penetrates the berm surrounding real life,
all these are the root and the stem and the blossoming,
of poetry writ large, for they who have these in their possess,
are surely by definition certainly

humans, poets

5/14/17 2:05am
all poets are human,
all humans are poems
Happy Birthday Steve!
 Aug 2017
i look at all of these perilously perfect poems and i want to SCREAM
life, your life, mine is not a dream this is not a picturesque reality
please---can we try for a bit of authenticity? c'mon i mean
we all love roses and the sunset gleam but your life isn't
an oil painting (or a tv screen) so can somebody sit down
and write a few lines about the dull gray sky or how her eyes
looked less like a forest and more like a swamp (with flies)?
might add more to this one
 Aug 2017
Who ever you want to be
What ever your avatar
Project your poetic words
In line with shooting stars
The maze is in the mind
What ever you claim to see
No need to hide behind
Subjective fantasies

I will except you
In the rude or raw
Unbroken truths
No poetic rules
Nor laws
Can hold us up
Or bend a knee
Set yourself
And your writing free!
Traveler Tim
 Aug 2017
Rosa Lía Elías
there are words
hidden in trees
and growing in flowers.
there are words
between people's lips
and in songs being carried
by the summer breeze.
there are words
on our fingertips
and lingering in our ears.
there are words
left unspoken
and there are some
that were spoken
all too quickly.
there are words
in our body  
and in everything
that is alive.
because life is
a combination of words
and we're just trying
to make them rhyme.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
 Aug 2017
Rosa Lía Elías
it is a house of refuge
a place where you can
run away.
a shelter against
the cold winds of life.
a yellow umbrella
for when it rains.
like the flower fields
during spring,  
a little niche
in an overwhelming world.
a secure spot
where your heart
can be at peace.
it is where
your brokenness shatters.
but also where it is pieced
back together
in the form
of simple words.
it is a blank page
and a pen in hand
and the fervent hope
that your prayers
will be heard.
this is what poetry is to me, hope.
© Copywrite Rosa Lía Elías
 Aug 2017
Megan Sherman
I wouldn't be a poet
Unless I had been touched
By the bolts of melody
But I've had the poets luck
Paying my libations
At altar of the muse
Refiner of perception
Disabuser of the ruse
Attuned to visions nil perceived
By slow and slumbering eyes
Enamoured enough to court belief
For visions of divinity
The poet has ruminated
Her license to be awed
By the splendour of her surroundings
A bug with no known cause
Her incessant thinking turns her to
The subjects of her wonder
The sea, the earth, the moon,
The voice of bards, gods thunder
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