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 Sep 2018
I think I killed somebody
But you can’t tell anybody
It was just one simple body
A soul of a nobody

I had hands that ached to be claws
And feet that dreamed to be saws
I had eyes that sharpened into arrows
And lips that sharpened into blades
I had a tongue that was very splintered
And hair of thickened rope

It was the brain that leaked its poison
It was the ******* from which one drank
It was the heart that made one numb
But it was the thighs that slit its neck

I didn’t mean to do it
Yet I just heard a secret
It pounded at the bones in me
My skin couldn’t keep it
I never knew before then
What was thicker than blood

I think I killed somebody
But you can’t tell anybody
It was just one simple body
A soul of a nobody
 Sep 2018
Melissa S
My son always surprises me...
and is way more brilliant
than I ever was... especially at that age.
Out of nowhere the other night he says
"You know we are all connected" and I say
"How do you mean?"
I can see the wheel just a turning in his pretty
little head and he says "we are related...all brothers
and sisters in this world." I agree with him and say "so
why do you think everyone fights so much?" and
without missing a beat he says "because they haven't
figured it out yet" <3
Happy Friday to you all!! :)
I'm probably going to
Annoy you, and

You're probably going
To read my text message
That is way too long

And write me off
As a girl who

Talks too much.
Cares too much
Thinks too much.

I'm probably not
Your type
Because girls like

Believe people should have
Hearts like mine.

But being an empath is hard.

People are afraid
To be broken.

They pretend they are hard
And push away those
Who are soft,

To protect themselves
From everything they are
Running from.

Dont stop being soft.

Soft hearts will change
The world.

Your heart is beautiful.
You are beautiful.

Wait for the one
Who sees you
For all that you are.
 Sep 2018
Yellow flower

I dreamt that I was floating on a cloud of velvet mist
and was a yellow flower that a moon beam hadn’t kissed
I strolled along the treetops like a spider on a thread
while listening to the echoes of a choir dressed in red

Then stood along the border of the place where we once met
and whispered to a butterfly so it would not forget
To gather up some star dust in a braid so finely spun
that we could use to swing away beneath a summer sun

I walked between the lavender in purple blooms so high
that seemed to tickle as I jumped now reaching for the sky
Just wandering about this place where rainbows glow in twos
enchanted by the magic of their brightly colored hues

When there beside a lily pad where crystal waters flow
I saw a perfect smile and my eyes could not let go
And as you stood to greet me I was bathed in wondrous bliss
a lonely yellow flower longing for your moon beam kiss

Your lips like melted butter with some sugar on the side
their taste made me delirious, oh this I could not hide
When then you said, “this is a dream and soon you will awake”
I answered you, “it matters not, your love with me I’ll take”

Its then I woke to find my pillow gently ‘round my head
I thought about the dream I had and all the things we said
Then turning now I see you as your smile comes to me
You whisper,”kiss me yellow flower, my dream you’ll always be”
 Sep 2018
I bleed

not blood;

so if you hurt me,

I'll scar

not wounds.

Repost from a while ago. ♥
 Sep 2018
Hey mom-dad, listen.
Hit me, hate me, throw me out,
But don't shut me up.
My dear mom, my dear dad,
Please listen to me talk.
You're the place where I can unveil myself and be true to who I am.
You're the place where I can pour my heart out and expect to be heard.
You're the place I want to spend my life talking and being heard.
Please don't tell me to shut up
Because I talk too much,
Because no one likes what I speak,
Because I talk *******,
Because no one would listen to me,
Because I need to stay silent sometimes,
Because nobody likes the stories I have to tell,
Please don't tell me to shut up,
Just because that's what I need to do.
Listen to me.
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