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 Feb 2016
Star Gazer
I miss them,
The same way a plant misses water.
But they don't care and probably won't ever read this plus they moved on......just my own little self reflection...

You'll always find better than me.
And I am happy for you.
 Feb 2016
Star Gazer
He spoke of his love for her constantly,
She did the same repeatedly,
But when a storm had arrived,
She used his body as a shield,
And he felt a part of him die in the impact.
The part that fell in love with her...

      His heart was never the right,
size, shape, form or colour,

        Ever again. ...
 Feb 2016
Abby Reynolds
I know you think I'm the girl you've been looking for
I'm not you see,
I'm the storm
I'm the girl your mother warns you about
The girl that will ruin your life
Regret is laced in my blood
Heart break is tangled in the tips of my slitting hair
They name hurricanes after girls like me because they know all the disaster I leave
I'm the lion, never the lamb
My teeth are snarling and when they find nice boys to bite on they don't know how to let go until something has been ripped to pieces
I've tried to learn to be soft but you see I was born the storm
I'm the drug you don't want I'm the poison you really don't need
My snake bite heart ejects venom with my kiss then soon enough my boiled blood will be all over your best pair of Sunday shoes
I've never been a drizzle no matter how hard I try because I'm a ******* thunder rolling lighting cracking storm
I cannot calm the waves in my soul
Or the bombs in my words
I cannot shut of the earthquake that is me, it's been shaking my world since I was 5
I cannot love you right
Some girls are the beach but I'm a forest fire, come any closer and I will burn you alive
I know I'm beautiful in a tragic way
I know you think I'm the girl you've been looking for
I'm sorry
I cannot love you
I am the storm
Poem I wrote through a lot of guilt after I broke up with one of the nicest boys I've ever met, and broke his heart.
 Feb 2016
Abby Reynolds
7 months
You held me like I was the only thing you needed in order to start living
7 kisses
On the first date, laughter was shoved so far down our throats, no one could remove that happiness if they tried
7 more weeks
Before the first "I love you" escaped from your cracked lips, in a whisper so quiet I was afraid your words would break in the air
7 hours
Laying with you, tangled limps, tracing the universe on your back, the pads of my fingers placed my world in your hands
7 dates missed
I guess I no longer existed because now you stand at a distance and I can't even hear your voice over the phone anymore
7 screaming fights
Swears across the room, hands in the air, tears hit the floor, while our love is getting torn at the seems and the corners are quickly folding in on us
7 feet
Away from me as I watched you look at her, I know that look because I used to get that look from the same pair of eyes that belong to you and are now looking at her. You're flashing a smile that could make planets separate and somehow I have to come to terms with the fact that smile no longer belongs to me.
7 minutes
How long you took to break my heart with tidal waves in my eyes as I'm on my knees begging you to stay. My lungs no longer remember the taste of air, my hands shake like they did the first time you looked at me. My lips no longer remember the taste of your kiss all I taste is acid from thinking about you touching her with the same hands you used to hold me.
7 months ago
You held me like I was the only thing you needed in order to start living
This is a very personal poem about my first relationship, so many feelings are plastered into this poem I hope you can find some you relate to.
 Feb 2016
Star Gazer
With each day that passes us by,
You'd think I'll eventually forget you,
But every night I can picture you,
You have become the stars in the night sky,
And I miss you more every night that pass by,
Somehow it's strange that I can't forget you,
Moving on is said in black and white, not blue,
And when you're not around, blue is the only colour I spy.

I wonder whether you just found your wings,
And decided to discover the world without me,
But higher chance is that you feel we weren't meant to be,
So somehow I miss all the joy that you bring.
Living life before valentines day makes me miss you,
I just wish there was a remote chance you're missing me too.
 Feb 2016
Star Gazer
I will never be good enough
To receive your love.
 Feb 2016
Star Gazer
We were never set in stone,
To afraid to find the light, we found the dark, alone,
Enticed to start a brand new home.
 Feb 2016
Star Gazer
The beauty gave him the first of many,
                     and as a result the beauty became the last.
He could no longer love anyone after the beauty,
                             A light over his life the beauty had cast,
And as a result,
          He could no longer love anyone else
His love for others came to a halt,
                For the beauty made his heart swell.
 Feb 2016
Yung Wifey
exactly 54 strangers around me
I counted
and you're still all I seem to think about

I have two word documents open
one about lack of youth voting in politics
and the other about Indigenous people and self government
I also have a Youtube tab open playing "Stay" by Rihanna

my mind is flustered
my heart hurts
I want to cry but I can't

I sit here and think about why you affect me the way you do
I'm almost 100% sure that you're doing just fine
yet here i am, emotionally distressed

your words **** me
but so does your silence
I feel like I can never win with you

I'm truly at a loss for words
because I have come to my senses
I have realized that we are completely two different people

how we talk is not the same
how we show affection is not the same
how we love is not the same

I want it to work so badly between us
but maybe that's the problem
that I want it so bad
and you don't want it eqaully

It *****
but it's the truth
and I'm just going to have to accept it and move on
I'm at school right now, but I can't seem to concentrate.
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