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Christina Testa Feb 2016
Perfunctory affections showered on me are hollow and devoid of the essence that can mend the wounds. The pouring rain of promises do not quench my endless thirst. All hopes are demolished in a phrase, all flames are smothered, the fragile sky falls, everything is undone.  The dusty remnants are scattered on the inconsistent gale. Tomorrow cannot erase today, nor yesterday's slaughtering of a spirit.  Culpability is not so simply repressed or forgotten, particularly while the corpse of all that was still sits rotting in your lap. Gently whispered beckoning to life cannot stir the spark for only intense electricity can reignite the broken heart.
Christina Testa May 2015
Sitting in a silence that seems unbreakable, the montage of images of moments of my life flash before my minds eye.

Life's triumphs and tragedies dancing to the beat of a warrior's heart remind me of my strength and determination.

Once again the time has come to revisit the battleground and resume the fight against the microscopic enemies who seek to destroy me.

My greatest weapon is love, it gives me the strength to carry on, the will to struggle against the odds, to triumph once again.

Carry on.
Christina Testa May 2015
Carelessly chosen words flung through the air, stabbing into my heart. The jagged tips dipped in the venom of your seething rage. Penetrating echoes of the words fill my mind, echoing without fading away, the poison seeping into my veins. I stood before you as solid as stone, unwavering, seemingly unaware of the on-set of death. I turned without any further words and walked away, each step carrying me further into a state of apparent numbness, not a tear fell.

To you I am strong, you believe I'm fine, unshakable, the epitome of steadiness. You are blind.

As I escaped your view, surpassed your ear's range, the unearthly howl of agony found its voice. I fell to my knees from the searing pain as my heart broke. The tears came so fast and hard that it was just a stream of water flowing from my eyes. The air seemed unwilling to fill my lungs. I lay there dying the death of the heart while the mind and body are forced to carry on.

You are gone, forever gone, never again to return to me. The hope that you would find your way back to me, that there you would stay, erased indefinitely. The snake has spoken, the damage is done, a life is forever altered, I have become undone.
Christina Testa Apr 2015
The sun drops so slowly, the lingering wisps of clouds are ablaze. I lift my eyes to the sky, setting the fiery array. Red, orange, purple, pink, and blue. The first stars are appearing, the sliver of the moon. And in that glorious moment of seemingly impenetrable peace, the silent glory is shattered as your face comes to me.

I once stood here on a lovely evening like this, with your arms wrapped around me, the breeze whispering in the trees. I felt so very certain that I had received God's greatest gift, a love so pure, heaven sent, my soul in bliss.

Now I stand here mourning , missing all that I once held so dear. All was an illusion and has been displaced by fear. In this aching soul, no matter how hard you tried, you could never strip away God's eternally abiding light. Although I may be injured by all of your darkness and hate, my soul cannot be truly broken, for my faith and light remain.
Christina Testa Mar 2015
In the name of God we come undone. Violence justified, theology under the gun. Microscopic dissection of every word, while the underlying truths go unheard. Brothers and sisters are at odds, implanting hatred, unraveling the innocence. Venomous bites poison the soul, in all of this quarreling, we've lost our love, forgotten our purpose, with blindness we are overcome. See the good in your brothers, sisters share your heavenly peace, nurture your children to freely live and love in peace.
Christina Testa Mar 2015
Going down in a violent flame,
Hindenburg is this loves name,
Everything finally seemed so right,
Lying together in love every night,
Dancing in the heavens in the sun,
The blossoming of true love had finally begun,
Aloft and reaching cruising hight,
Everything about you seemed so right,
Then in a flash the burning had ensued,
My boundless trust became subdued,
Volatile clouds choked the life from me,
I lost sight of the horizon and all that would be,
The final moments if destruction looming,
The rose of our love was artificially booming,
Consumed by the fire you lit with one match,
I must let go and not let my heart attach,
For now I through scorched eyes,
Everything you pledged were glaring lies,
And now in my final moments I'm falling,
Crashing and burning, death comes, heaven is calling.
Christina Testa Aug 2014
Into the darkness I bellow words of love and life.

Beyond the reach of your ears I howl in pain at your rejection.

Into the abyss I have thrown myself, determine to explore its depths.

The fear is there in the background, chattering endlessly about the fruitlessness and futility of my quest.

But I will find you again, I will hold your hand, I will warm your soul with my own.

I will quench the fire that Sears you from within and replace the emptiness with the light of love.

To you trust, hope, faith, and finally, peace will be gifted.

In my embrace you will find rest and I will lovingly hold you with tenderness, wipe away you last tears, and spread a smile on your lips with kisses of heaven's love upon your brow.

In this world of chaos and destruction, we are the messengers, the givers, the servants. We carry God's love for you and deliver it daily.  If only you will stop and open your eyes to us as we stand before you with our arms outstretched.

Come let me give you what is yours to have.
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