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 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
Long Sleeves.
Always long sleeves.
Even the summer.

Who here gets it?
It doesn't mean you're "just cold".
repost if you get it.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
What's beauty's value
Pretty souls don't have price tags
You can buy makeup
aaaand yet I still wish I were pretty. Idk, I hate to think I'm caving to society's pathetic values of beauty, but I just WISH I could be physically beautiful. It is always the physically gorgeous people who say "Everyone is beautiful inside!", but they don't know how it feels to be naturally UGLY. Then again, I still don't understand the logic behind it. I mean, beauty is something you can freaking BUY! You get some makeup and a beautician, some practice and you're set. One day, I personally want to find someone with a pretty soul, if they happen to have a pretty face too then that's great, but souls are the most important as far as I'm concerned. Those are things you can't buy, you need to make them yourself out of your choices and the values you choose to prioritize. Maybe that's just me, but you know. yeah. anyway.
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Sorry, I got in a brawl with my sloth girlfriend and she slammed my head into my keyboard...
 Jan 2015
Beneath the surface my humility dwell
In holes leading straight to hell
With love deeper than the ocean floor
For that special someone I once adored

Imagine black or consuming white
An emptiness that's filled with night
An endless yearning for all that's left
A mirror image of all regrets

Accelerating particles
As thoughts turn to waves
Quickly materializing
Then fading to gray
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2015
Ceida Uilyc
I know nothing about this discontentment,
This irritation and friction with sanity,
Suddenly it feels like I have not known my sanity,
I have a confession to make.
To my parents,
3 decades older than me.
To tell them that I’ve been lying to them,
Lying about my degree, education and academic wealth,
For almost two years.
The fact is,
I had no choice but to tell them all is well
When the awls were pricking into my tender innards.
The time has come now,
Because I can no longer continue telling the untruth,
I tried if I could crawl in the campus,
Under the tag of being institutionalized,
For them.
Every day that I kept a straight face to them,
I trembled and felt the roars of the rising schizophrenic worlds, bit by bit, all around me.
I felt the unknown telugu that I heard in my mother tongue,
In my dad's voice.
Him renouncing me.
Him grabbing his head,
So as not to explode from the dirge of my living dead.
I hear my parents abusing me, in the random shouts of my neighbors.

I saw it all so clear.
I screamed.
I ranted.
But, found no warmth anywhere.
The fear, anticipation and confusion have killed my sanity.

Today, I flutter like a half-winged bird,
In the darkness of yesterday,
That my parents count as lit.
But then I released,
Knowledge is free.
And, knowledge is everywhere.
And knowledge came to me,
not with the stamps and seals of degrees,
But the enlightenment
From a concoction of three snorts of ******* and a dash of a little LSD on a Hoffman blot.
I rebelled mad in my high,
That I will no longer be institutionalized.
That I’m a free soul.
I became sober,
But my interests did not change.
Its been two years,
And I’m still astray, waiting to fully feel the freedom I have opted for.
For the pain of the mismatch I pour into my parent’s ears,
It kills me each day, second and time.
I have the guts to confess to my parents,
With neither shame nor embarrassment,
That my path is true and solid.
I wish not to be trained no more, to live.
I wish to simply live on my own.
I want them to know the truth.
That I have my house.
My kitchen.
My milk pan, mixer and fridge.
Today, if that **** that happened 5 years ago to me,
had happened now,
I know how to stand.
On my feet,
and hand him, my ******,
over to the law's eagle blind beaks sharper than the awl of my gossamer mists. Rather than bend my conviction, arrogance and identity to that ******* of a coward.

I want them to know that this is the only way.
I earn myself.
I live myself.
I’m free.
I have to be free.
I write all that I will.
And do forever the same.
I just,
Have to be free.
I will be free.
Presently, I have confessed, my dad hugged me and set me free. Assured me that he will be there at every juncture. It was just the 2-years of my poetic schizophrenia!!!
Thanks Pa, I'll stun you someday too :D :-*
To every kid out there, finding his own path, lying to parents, just so that they feel everything is alright, Hon', just keep walking. Parents are one of the biggest mysteries. Don't try predicting what they'll do, 'Cause they're gonna stun you blind. Just blind it all with your searing faith in yourself. So, don't waste any time, run, my child. Run!
Good Luck.
 Jan 2015
Rivers of love flow from her letters
I bathe in her words such beautiful weather
All that I am and all that’s to come
I promise her love, my living life sum

She appeals to my senses like a basket of flowers
Love raining down like a gentle spring shower
A star in the night just south of the sky
A stairway to Eden in her sparkling eyes

The sweetness of honey, the dew of the mist
The warmth of the noon sun found in her kiss
She’s an early spring thaw, she’s a midsummer night
She’s a fresh autumn breeze and a wintry delight

To the innocent she’s a princess who guides and protects
To the broken she’s a maid who cleans up the mess
To the fallen she’s an angel forgiving all sins
Her mercy is proven, her compassion no end

She’s all of these things and so much more
She’s obviously the one that I adore...
Traveler Tim
re to 12-17
This is dedicated to all you HP poetess who warm my ever frozen heart.
 Jan 2015
That girl who locked herself in the room
took out a blade and stained it on her skin

I don't know her anymore

That girl who shoved ******* down her throat thinking that she would be skinny

I don't know her anymore

That one who showed her scars to the ones who cared.
And laughed at their advice because she thought hurting herself was the right thing to do.

I don't her anymore.

That girl who saw herself in a coffin,planned out her funeral because she wanted to die more than anything else.

I don't know her anymore.

That girl who saw only darkness in the tunnel,threw herself in a shell and hid from the world above.

I don't know her anymore.

That one who refused to chase her dreams.

*I don't know her anymore.
2012 and 2013 were tough years for me. 2014 was the time i spent trying to recover but gave myself away to bulimia.
i ain't taking that kind of **** in 2015. For real, I am ready for anything that life throws at me. It will be hard,but i will rise.
also, by May I will be one year clean from hurting myself and bulimia.
 Jan 2015
When he asks you to write about him, remind him that you are not that kind of poet. When he asks you to describe his eyes, stop yourself from telling him how bright they are and how they remind you of the stars you stare at in the late night. Do not tell him they are brighter than any of those stars and while they may not light up the whole sky, they sure as hell light up your heart. Instead, smile and tell him that they are just blue – nothing is very special about them. He will ask you why your hands and lips tremble when you're with him, but you mustn't explain how fast your heart beats when he looks at you, or how sometimes you swear your lungs fill up with smoke when you hear him laugh soundly because of something you said. You shouldn't write about him, because you're not the kind of girl that writes about someone who could be here one day, and easily gone the next.
"I do believe his mouth is heaven, his kisses falling over me like stars."
 Jan 2015
When he kisses me, I wonder what it's like to kiss you and when he holds my hand I can't help but wonder what it would be like to have your hand intertwined with mine and I know that I shouldn't be thinking about you. Not when I'm with someone else but his eyes don't shine as bright as yours do, his lips aren't stained bright pink and he doesn't say my name the way you used to. I feel guilty for not feeling guilty about the fact that I try to fill the empty hole in my chest with other men simply because you're so far away I can't even reach for your hand. I'm sick of writing poems about boys who I could not care less about because it won't help me get rid of you. You're halfway across the globe falling in love with a different girl every night and I bet you no longer think of me, but I sure as hell think of you. It doesn't matter if I am reading or writing or planting kisses all over someone else's neck. You are always on my mind.
 Jan 2015
Megan H
I watched as all those months went by
Oh my how time flies

Didn't even know when the time was right.
I didn't know I was supposed to say goodbye

You left me stranded with my thoughts
How many times had we fought?

For all those days you sat in a hospital bed
It made my heart feel like lead

They told us you were coming home
But how were we to know?

**How were we to know you'd die and leave us all alone?
 Jan 2015
The Messiah Complex
I've heard that "No man is an island, entire of itself" but
There are days.....

I wonder "Is the juice worth the squeeze?"
am I winning this battle, just to lose the war?
because oceans have swallowed me whole
and the tides are pulling at my shore

My screams only echo, causing tsunamis that
threaten to destroy every remnant of sanity I have left
So I pray to a god I know doesn't exist
or if he does, he must be deaf

most days I feel like my daughter
would be better off with her father dead
if it wasn't for her smile, I swear this life
would turn from gold to lead
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
I can stop myself from texting him
That's a start
But if I don't want to think about him
That's a whole lot harder
But I can't listen to love songs
Or sad love songs
Or sad songs
Or angry songs
Or Ed Sheeran because he loves his music
Or the song Riptide by Vance Joy because he loves that song too
This music reminds me too much of him
I can't use the word lovely
Because that was my favorite word he used to call me
And he knew it, so he used it all the time
I can't even wear dresses and skirts anymore because he always liked girls wearing dresses and skirts
I can't read John Green because he actually liked his writing style
And I can't read ANY quotes from Neil Gaiman because he loved his writing
He of course, had to be a writer and a poet so it's hard to read love poetry without his name creeping into mind
I hate how I can't even finish the novel I was writing because I included some events based off of some of my favorite moments between us
I can't look at pictures of England because he really wanted to live in England one day
I can't look his exgirlfriend who he still cares for who goes to my school in the eye because just like he always did I will always compare myself to her and I can never measure up to even close to what she is
I can't text the words "haha" because he used that instead of lol all the time
I can't even talk about him to someone without feeling pathetic
He just wrecked everything
He ruined my favorite outfits, music, music artists, writing, books, countries, and even my novels that I had ideas I was just so excited for.
I just can't get him out of my mind
And the truth is
I don't like him anymore
I really don't
but I do miss him
and I admit that
I don't want to
but honestly, I do
So it is just easier... to forget
Although with all the things that lead me back to him
It's proving not to be easier
and I kind of don't want to forget
because he was the closest I ever came
To really liking a guy
Who liked me back
and just like the tense he used when he said goodbye to me
I say liked
*not like.
why does everything bring me back to his name
how do you get over a guy????
at least I have stopped texting him
it's just that I almost want to.
Almost. :(
how do you get over someone?
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
It would be funny if there was a guy who yelled Ow! and felt like he'd been slapped every time someone broke a law, no matter how minor.
I think he would be justified in his hatred for high schoolers if this guy existed lol! idk, I have weird thoughts. I would laugh so much though.
...WOW I have problems...

It's a series. Feel free to add to it. Title is self-explanatory. Literally, any spontaneous thought no matter how weird (like mine), funny, sad, deep, happy, thoughtful, or random.

Just include the hashtag #spontaneousthoughts and use the same title as mine: Spontaneous Thoughts (Series)

also feel free to message me to let me know you added to my series so I can read it.
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