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 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
The Emerald Outcast
Beautiful work, beautiful soul and KIND, kind, kind heart. What a lovely poet and person. Emerald Outcast is inspiring and everyone should check her out. <3
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
Am I the only teenage girl in the world who thinks about having an amazing relationship with her future mother-in-law as much as with her future husband?
Who ever it is, I just really want his mother to like me. What she thinks of me literally matters to me as much as what he thinks of me. Maybe I'm weird idk. Anyone else?

It's a series. Feel free to add to it. Title is self-explanatory. Literally, any spontaneous thought no matter how weird (like mine), funny, sad, deep, happy, thoughtful, or random.

Just include the hashtag #spontaneousthoughts and use the same title as mine: Spontaneous Thoughts (Series)

also feel free to message me to let me know you added to my series so I can read it.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
“I'd love to tell you I had some deep revelation on my way down, that I came to terms with my own mortality, laughed in the face of death, et cetera.
The truth? My only thought was: Aaaaggghhhh!”

“I could have killed you.”
“Or I could have killed you,”
he shrugged. “If there’d been an ocean in Kansas, maybe.”
“I don’t need an ocean—”
“Boys,” she interrupted, “I’m sure you both would’ve been wonderful at killing each other. But right now, you need some rest.”

"My fatal flaw. That's what the Sirens showed me. My fatal flaw is hubris."
"The brown stuff they spread on veggie sandwiches?"
"No, Seaweed Brain. That's HUMMUS. hubris is worse."
"What could be worse than hummus?"

"How did you die?"
"We er... drowned in a bathtub."
"All three of you?"
"It was a big bathtub."

**Best chapter names:

I Accidentally Vaporize My Pre-Algebra Teacher
2.Three Old Ladies Knit the Socks of Death
3.Grover Unexpectedly Loses his Pants
4.My Mother Teaches Me Bullfighting
6.I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom
7.My Dinner Goes Up in Smoke
10.I Ruin a Perfectly Good Bus
12.We Get Advice from a Poodle
16.We Take a Zebra to Vegas
17.We Shop for Water Beds
Repost if you get it. Part of the series

Another series that everyone is welcome to participate in called: "Get The Reference?" and you title your poem: Get The Reference (Series) and then you write something that is a reference to something else, you know, like a book series, tv series, movie, game, popular youtube video, inside joke, etc. and if you read a "Get The Reference" and you get the reference you repost the poem.

No negative comments please though, if someone posts a reference to something you get the reference to, but don't enjoy, just don't repost. Simple as that. No need to offend. let's all be nice. just thought this would be fun. Oh also, if you are doing a "Get The Reference?" post, include the hashtag #getthereference and comment on this post to let me know you did one so I can check it out.

Sorry if people are getting sick of my ideas, I just thought this would be fun. Add to it as many times as you like.

This particular post and the last one of this series I posted will be edited and added to because I could literally marry this series (too). Who needs men when you have books?
 Jan 2015
Tyler Lynn Pulliam
You are the shelter, my egg.
A half-reflection of my time here.
I write with your hands,
I see through your eyes -
Green as the street where we spent
the two decades that meant the most.

So hip that you dissolved one of yours.
Always bringing the truth to the surface.
Not a law, a threat, or problem to stop you.
Defined by a friendly face and welcoming tone.
Refined by a southern hand and an era of sinners.
A mother to us all.

These words are all I have to give;
You taught me every last one.
Letters arranged to define the world.
Even though you know my intentions,
Remember, I do this because you let me be me.

You deserve enlightenment and laughter
Forever and again.
To my wonderful mother.
 Jan 2015
Tyler Lynn Pulliam
Here she comes walking
The silent steps that hover on egg shells
Velvet incarnation
Her every word is where my mind dwells
There she goes walking
My body must be made of glass
Her eyes stay set forward
and I shatter with her pass
 Jan 2015
Ellie Geneve
Hey everyone,

I'd like to propose a challenge.

Grab a book, any book, and open to page 49.
6th line.
5th word.
Make a poem, and use that word as its title.
Be sure to make sense, and relate the topic to title!

Tag your poems as bookpoemchallenge so I can check them out. I'll be sure to like, comment, add to collection, share the poems which I enjoyed reading.
Best of luck.
Please like and share this so it will trend and more and more people join on this lovely challenge!
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
I was helping my little sister with a fiction story she has to write for her school
She was creating a character
I told her to create some personality traits, some tendencies that define her character, some unique habits so that the character is sharp in the readers mind, like a real person, nothing vague. She then had me read what she had written.
Brace yourselves, her level of sanity is a little concerning...

Here it is:

**she can not talk because her mother died and now she is too angry at fish to talk

she is missing one hand because she had to do cooking at home to help out but she accidentally cut off her hand  

she does not have any hair because she has cancer  

she has a obsession with clowns and dressed up as a clown every year for Halloween

she is deathly afraid of daisies

she wants to be the prime minister when she grows up , even though she lives in the U.S  

her backup plan is to become a clown

she loves buying turtles as pets

she already owns 14 turtles and they are all either named Abrocombie or Fitch  

She despises the names Abrocombie and Fitch but she loves all her turtles especially Fitch who she nicknamed Bob  

she owns a leather jacket that she wears every day except for on the days she buys turtles on...
so she never wears her leather jacket
...yeah... I should probably have my little sister psychologically examined... soon... but in her defense she IS related to ME, so lack of sanity is to be expected... :P anyway, I know it's crazy but be kind if you comment. She IS my sister, after all, no matter how INSANE she is :)
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
Spencer Craig
He is a really cool guy with an awesome sense of humor and serious poetry skills. He is a really great person and is very clever and kind. Also, he has good taste in music and is awesome at puns lol! Plus he likes Emma Watson, which automatically proves he knows what quality people are :P additionally, he plays the tuba. That's musical talent, right there. :D I could go on and on just check out his work people. He is awesome.
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
No matter what Lovecraft wrote on his ******* post calling people trolls I most certainly do NOT support the bully f!cking Thee Artiste. And also I like saying the word fajitas.that was very random. Im upset. Fajitas
Part of the series. Please no one like Lovecrafts posts where he bullies people calling them trolls and making stuff up like how we supposedly "support thee artiste" because, you know, my constant very open loathing for his behaviour and how he treats others obviously means i support him -_- OH WAIT thats insane. He is a slanderous cruel and pathetic LIAR.
 Jan 2015
So apparently I'm a troll.
Funny, most joke I look elvish.
I think 5'6 is too tall to be a troll,
I could be mistaken though,
Afterall I've never had the displeasure
of meeting one in person.

So apparently I'm a troll, not sure why.
I think it has to do with some stuck up guy.
Can't we all just get along?
I just want to write and not be accused
of things that I'm not.
I think I'm done here, hope it's not too long.
I end with a sigh,
because I'm tired of this already.
You heard of Love Craft?
No? Well,
1) they're spamming, 2) they're attacking non trolls and 3) they are starting to come up with ******* reasons (like having 'too many' followers) to call people trolls.
I'm just sick of them. It's fine to make posts venting/warning about trolls, but I think they're taking it too far.
No, I don't support the real trolls either, I've had my share of complications with Carvo and Dov.

Do you guys think I'm a troll?

**Alright, now he's attacking Ember Evanescent because she defended me. He's officially ****** me off beyond belief now. What the **** man? She's wonderful, don't take your **** with me out on other people!! Yeah, people, BECAUSE WE'RE PEOPLE NOT TROLLS!!!! LEAVE EMBER THE **** ALONE!! I feel sick.

****He appears to have found some reason. Thank you, LoveCraft, sorry you feel offended by me. I'm glad you appear to be leaving the non-trolls alone now.
- - -
 Jan 2015
Ember Evanescent
I'm sorry, I know this sounds weak, but I don't think it makes me less as a person to swallow my pride and admit that Lovecraft hurt my feelings with his poem where he attacks beautiful poets on this site such as WickedHope who is magnificent in every way. He added me to the list as well. It won't pretend it didn't upset me... I mean he called me a troll. But I've heard so much worse. What really hurt was how he insulted WickedHope who is an inspiration as a poet and a person to me. Please no one like that poem it only encourages bullying like that. I can't see the poem anymore because he blocked me but please, in the name of kindness, don't Like his poem. I just really don't want something like that to trend.
It was just completely uncalled for meanness... I don't understand why he said that about me or those poets I care about...
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