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 Jan 2017
Akira Chinen
She is the poem his heart writes while he lays sleeping in perfect slumber and the sounds of a magenta sky flows with music drifting slow and easy from the rhythmic sway of her soft hair and a gentle warmth rains down from her deep blue eyes sending him ever further down into the ocean of this endless dream and the echo of eternity dripps like honey from her precious lips and beautiful smile and the words of the poem burn into the skin of his heart and the music stays with him throughout the waking hours of the day and he smiles a smile he hasn't smiled since the long lost days before love met heartache and tragedy
 Jan 2017
Pauline Morris
Way out here in outer space
Searching every distance place
The Moon's so cold without your embrace

I'm still here in flight
Way out past the satellite
Hoping one day we may reunite

Rising quickly is my frustration
Knowing for me there is no salvation
As I see your face in every  constellation

I can't see the silver lining
Even with all the stars still shining
Because all I can do is keep on crying

Loves resurrection is over due
So I will keep on searching for you
Just leave me a **** bread trail, a clue

Because on earth you'll never be again
My heart will never be whole, never mend
The death of everything is the wages of our sin

©Pauline Russell
 Jan 2017
Sanjukta Nag
I've always been on this journey
Of floating with words.
Looking for you
I travelled across the
Sacred skies of many hearts,
Forming and breaking constellations
With the language of my ribcage.
For a thousand years
I walked through the veins of love
Wondering about the face
Of your ****** mind.
Your were the white heads
Of those tulips
I held each morning before smelling
Your absence inside them.
A constant search, still going on
As all the words of my poem
Keep running towards your smile.
Just answer me with your hands
Will you be my muse?
 Jan 2017
Akira Chinen
I awoke in the middle of a dream and you were there writing a story on a white wall in a language I was not familiar with yet I understood every syllable of every word and you wore a long lose black shirt and your left shoulder was exposed and I was instantly seduced by your bare skin and it was then and there that I knew and remembered that it was you and only you and always you that no matter what life I walked through and how far I wandered that wherever and whenever I layed my head down when I dreamed of love I would dream of you
 Jan 2017
The Dedpoet
I barely know your name,
I have seen your face,
A sorrowful divinity,

Delicate like the pain in your eyes,
Small, sweet, yet somehow broken,
The tranquil pain says so much.

Your hair drinks in the light,
And your hands hold a smooth
Grief that grows deep and kills,

Eventually you will see a poem
And wonder if you are like that,
If your beauty is calamitous,

If your rose petal smile
Cries with humble tears
When you look at distant stars,

Wether you see white doves
Of dark Ravens ,
Or even both in your sleepy heart,

You who hold the adoration
Of the blind man,
In love with shells,

You- beauty of the sorrows-
Have a sweet hole in your heart,
Love complete, body and soul,

I confess your picture is a spectre,
It exhausts my soul
And I open my arms,

Would you run to me?
Would you just half smile
And cry a tear for what will never be?

You have a divine thirst,
And your eyes carry a myriad
Of fluttering whispers,

Words that float to me,
The wrath of your being,
One day to find one another.....

The bitter heaviness of your name,
Angela....Angela...... Angela,
I whisper to broken air,

Your picture is a feast of beauty,
Yet I cannot hope for more
Than a haunted glare.

I sink myself into mortal grief,
The paralysis of you,

You leap to life
When nothing is possible.
 Jan 2017
Ryan Hoysan
You're perfect,
        She said.

And I felt myself crumble
        Because I knew I was not so

You are perfect,
        She repeated.

Perfect for me,
        You are everything I could ever want.

And I felt myself
        Become whole again.
This was written at 1 am, while I was missing your 2 o'clock snores and your 3 am sleepy smile floating across your face.
 Dec 2016
that’s what i feel.
that’s what i’ve always felt.
like i was
of a plane.
free falling , hoping the ground would be my knight in shining armor
and catch me.
i feel like i’ve been knocked off
my guard. i’m confused.
who are you?
who is “me”?
what are we?
are we in
and if so, why does it feel
like this?
like i can’t catch my breath?
like i’m drowning?
like i’m dying?
what is this “love”?
and why does it hurt?
I've fallen out of of love with the love of my life. Read "Slowly" for more detail.
 Dec 2016
I started to realize
That you were becoming my reason.
My reason for everything.
My reason for living.
My reason for going on.
My reason for being happy.

I started to realize that I loved you more
Than I loved myself.
More than I could explain.
More than I thought I could love.
More than you could ever know.

I started to realize that I couldn’t do this anymore.
I realized that you deserved more than I could offer.
I realized that I just didn’t love you as much as I thought.

I started to lose you.

I started to lose myself.

I fell out of love
With the love of my life.

I started to lose my life.
This poem goes with "Falling Out Of Love." I just kind of realized that I wasn't okay with loving someone more than I loved myself anymore.
 Dec 2016
Do you want me baby
as much as I want you?
Do you want to hold me
as much as I want to hold you?
Do you want to kiss me
as much as I want to kiss you?

Do you want to stay alone
as much as I don't?

Are you coming closer
or are you running away?

Do you want me baby
as much as I want you?

I could feel love
coming along
as soon as I gave it up

Unexpected plans

I wonder what you're doing
and does it mean a thing

I know I'm trying to deliver
what ever it is you need

Do you want this as much
as I want to give it to you?

Is this your desire?

Or is this the creepy
part of the show?

I'm innocent
my feelings are genuine
I don't ever want to intrude

But you're sending me
mixed messages
I'm trying to figure it out

So I thought I'd ask you

Do you want me baby
as much as I want you?
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