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 Dec 2015
Victoria Jennings
Your ghost
Will always rattle
Within the cage that is
My soul.
 Dec 2015
You're emotional
You'll make mistakes
What's even worse is that
It may lead to heartaches
Day 6 - Write a poem of any length incorporating every word from your latest Facebook status.

Facebook Status: "You're emotional, you'll make mistakes"
 Dec 2015
Some say we cant be
I wasnt sure for myself
But you stayed beside me
Fix everything on my shelf

You always give me that smile
It was deadly, poisonous, hot
And I just die inside every while
But its alright, I mind it, not

But at the end of the day
I know hearts cant lie
You don't feel the same way
I love you,
but it's time I bid goodbye
 Dec 2015
Jennifer thomas
I have tried suicide
Something in me had replied
This isn't to be taken lightly my dear
You shine to brightly
Today isn't your death
Tomorrow won't be either
The scars will be your reminder
 Dec 2015
Mike Hauser
Just when your world collapses

To the point of fall apart

There still resides a tiny spark

Deep within your hungry heart

The tiniest of slivers

A slight glimmer of hope

A righteous nod from the voice of God

Letting you know you're not alone
 Dec 2015
Alyssa Underwood
There are days one feels dead to everything
but eternity and poetry
 Dec 2015
Aztec Warrior
I Fell In Love With You**

I fell in love with you
syllable by syllable,
word by word,
poem by poem
imagining the moon’s
dancing affair with stars,
twinkle by twinkle.
And then
all at once
like the explosion
of a super nova
affecting distant galaxies
and down to my very soul.
I fell in love with you gently,
the way a dew drop
glistens in the morning sun,
the way a flower often opens
to a moonlit song.
But like all love worth holding,
it turns to fire-
wild and consuming;
you have become the flames
dancing across my skin,
smoldering brightly
within my heart
turning me into the sweet smell of ash.
I fell in love with you
then quickly,
the way a meteor flashes
as it skims across the night sky
or hearts melt
within an ******* sigh.
I fell in love with you.

Aztec Warrior 12.4.15
forgot to add the music.. enjoy
 Dec 2015
Don't be a part of my life.
Be  my  life .
Sickened by love.
 Dec 2015
Sara Jones
Day 1: I want to tear my skin off. My heart is beating so fast i can barley breathe. I feel so filthy.
Day 2: I can't believe this. I don't want to be here. Why did this happen? Why did I let this happen?
Day 5: I guess I drank too much and my friends were to drunk to stop me.
Day 10: I can't face my friends, I can't live my life.
Week 3: No one knows. He hasn't said a word.
Week 6: It happened again, I was sleeping and he did it again. Why did I stay the night? Why didn't I go straight home?
Week 7: He left and kissed me goodbye. I don't know how to feel.
Week 10: My life's out of control, I can't believe whats happening.
Month 5: My boyfriend knows. But not all details. Just thinking about it, makes me want to take a shower.
Month 8: I finally came clean to my friends. They're appalled. They hate him now. I still feel filthy. I can't get his smell off my body still.
Month 11: The anniversary is soon. What am I going to do?
Year 1: I haven't spoken to him in months. I haven't thought about it in days. I still feel as if hes on top of me, why can't I wash him away?

Its an uphill battle with myself and others. Some days I can't get out of bed or even feel like breathing.
But I try not to let him get to me. Because if he sees my weakness from what hes done,
He's won.
 Dec 2015
I May Not Be Beautiful
By Societies Standards.
But, I Am Beautiful By Mine.
And That's All That Matters.
I just realize the other day, that I actually like the way I look.
 Dec 2015
I Don't Hook Up.
And I Don't Go For Guys
I Think Are Unattainable.
But He.
He Makes Me
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew
About The Thing Called,

I Hope I'm Not
Overthinking It.
But Sometimes It Fees Like
He's Playing Me.
When We're Alone
It's All
"Accidental" Touches,
Small Smiles,
And Secretive Looks.
But In A Group,
All That Disappears
In A Cloud Of Smoke.
Almost Like It Was Never There
To Begin With.
Making Me Seem Crazier
Than I Actually Am And
Leaving Me Wondering If
I'll Be Good Enough
For Him To Want Me ALL The Time

When We First Met
I Was Attracted To Him.
And I Felt Like He Was
Attracted To Me.
But The More I Think About It,
The More I Start To Doubt It.
"Maybe You're Not Pretty Enough."
"He's Out Of Your League!!"
"He's Way More Experienced."
"He's Gonna Want More Than You're Ready To Give."
"Seriously, Are You Kidding? COME ON!"

And Soon I Become A Victim
Of My Own Heart.

I Want Him.
I Don't Want To Rush Into Anything.
I Want Him.
And You Know What They Say.
What The Heart Wants,
The Heart Gets.
Okay, so it may seem like this guy is WAAYYY older than me but he's not. He's actually just 2 months younger than me. And this is the guy I was talking about in 'I Finally Have A Crush".
 Dec 2015
Bor ehgit
I know the oil of my skin still lingers on your fingertips. My voice still repeats through old voicemails as you break old photographs down into increments and seconds. Your friends carry news of your happiness and impending engagement. I hope you are still able to achieve everything you aimed for and I hope he never finds out that it would be impossible for you to love him like you loved me. Those things only happen once, if they happen at all.
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