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 Feb 2017
Slur pee
Let your flames lick my skin,
Eat me away until I’m nothing.
Just ash lost in the wind,
Riding it’s current, catatonically.
Floating on the breaths,
Words left unsaid- regrets.
Boil me in your grip
So I can quietly slip,
As smoke, through your
Choking fingertips.

 Feb 2017
"Poor Yorick!",
His soul is saved.
Safe and sound,
In cold unbeing.

Cold unbeing,
For whom I am so hungry.
It's bitter tundra will fill me,
But my fire won't go out.

The burning won't stop,
And my ashes only gather.
There's something very wrong,
With a blistering winter.

Oh Yorick,
I envy.
Your sleep is undisturbed;
Where I am only tired.

You are bones,
And King Hamlet is a ghost.  
Floating like him and stagnant as you,
I cannot rest.

My sleep is disturbed.
Like the king, I can't find peace.
But like Yorick,
I am hollowed bones.
 Feb 2017
Samuel Fox
I believe in the match, white phosphorus,
scratch of Bic lighter spurting like a miniature sun
in the deadpan havoc of the darkest night.

I believe in the neon sign, blare of argon
red like lava. The invitation to come inside a place
where everyone is a saint in rehabilitation.

I do not believe in a steeple. I do have a church:
it is full of cripples carrying their hearts like a crutch.
It is full of ***** fingernails, swollen thumbs,

epileptic prayer circles, a choir of bums, riff-raff,
pulled off the street into the warmth of this fiery song.
We are all martyrs burning, like pyres, exploding

in moments of sorrow like gunpowder. God is not
in this church. We are too far from his icy heaven to hear
the cold menace of his manic threats. We are aflame,

making heaven out of the hells we were born into,
the ones we had no choice but to carry like a deformation,
but making our heavens the kind where work is.

We have built heaven out of pillars of words. We
have scorched even the newest of testaments, sifting
through its ash to divine new meaning of resurrection.

I do not believe heaven or hell are nouns. I do not
believe they are adjectives. They are verbs! ******* it
they are verbs: boiling or churning with photographs

of every failure, every success, every bruised knee,
every severed tie, every father that did not love us,
every mother who could not save us, every lover who

kissed the dark sides of our light hearts. I believe
you make heaven, that you make hell. I believe in
only the fire, crackling like skin molting from sunburn.

I want only to be consumed. The world is too far ruined
to douse this from me. Let me burn. If you look closely,
there are doves in the smoke, my bones glowing branches.
 Feb 2017
Samuel Fox
A wound is a well
save that a well can be full;
a wound just empties.

To love is to bleed
delicate: a maroon flow.
One can love too much.

Every time I think
about how she’s not here, not
lying next to me
the sutures are loosened: as soft

as unearthed marrow.
No amount of milk, honey,
copious *****

can heal the hair-thin
fault line in the core of me:
the best medicine

is our bright laughter.
A pair of wind-chimes letting
breeze cast its blessing.

The good news: she cares
enough to call me by name,
a sufficient grace.

The bad news: a wound
will sometimes reopen, and
will consume me should
I not allow light to trespass.

A wound is a well
but, unlike a well, remains
after it is dry.
 Feb 2017
Ashur A Beasley
I am like an owl.
Too much focused energy,
Try to see it all.

You are like a cat.
Piercing eyes and elusive.
You are warm, but stoic.

We are like turtles.
We have our safe place, hard shells.
Moving slow, cautious.

Time is so obscure.
Panic as the minutes pass,
Panic as they crawl.

Life is like the sea.
Hidden currents pull and push.
Try to ride the waves.

Your consciousness is,
Your own sail boat, a bubble.
Everything you are.

When two bubbles meet,
They may merge, become bigger.
One may pop, or both.

Life continues on.
Whether you march or sit still,
Your time will run out.

But this is your time.
It's not wrong to put self first.
Love radiates out.

Clear your eyes, mind, heart.
Find serenity and strength.
It won't be easy.

Watch how you feel and,
Learn who you are in this moment.
You are in control.

Learn and love yourself,
And every action you take
Will be genuine.

Every desire,
Every want or need or hope,
Is within your reach.
Lord, thank You for the wilderness.
That I might learn to seek
Your face.
Thank you for my scars.
That I might know You
as my Healer.
Thank you for showing me
my weaknesses.
That I might learn to rely
on Your strength.
Thank you for the pain of loss.
That I might gain the joy
of Your Presence.
Thank you for the loneliness.
That I might learn to listen
to Your still small voice.
Thank you for the wilderness.
That I might feel Your hand
upon me.
As I mourn face down
in the dust.
And learn to trust.
Inspired by the worship song by Elevation Worship called "Great Things."
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