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 Jun 2016
Oh! How beautiful her fair hair–
that these pains now suffer
each groan of this wheel pair
stretch each sinew's spiny puffer

Swift and potent speak in tongue
charmed to have her eat the apple
then lay beside her having sprung
stung, and breach our lady's chapel

**** this manic searing ghost
leave these broken bones and loss
bleeding tears of fable boast
pleading for a nimble dōss

Now upon this lying rack
chains clink and crack this back
Alack, to be found in wormwood's hands
plans, impoverished, crushed by mice-men

Oh! How beautiful her hair
to find oneself in this despair
for having false toad tail
from darkest pits and blacken flair

An assignment's conclusion: After Othello's death, among others, Iago is to be tortured for his crimes and the whole of the truth. This is one possible scenario before his death.
 Jun 2016
If only\i didn't
feel. you. in. my. skin.
If only\my bones could
forget° where° they've been°
If only\my mouth could taste
anything other. than. you.
If only\i'd been more than
just your' sw'ee't lit'tle' fo'ol'
If only\i could be
what ~you're ~looking ~for
If only\i could stop
w _ ant _ ing m _ ore
If only\i'd never
If only\my love had been
the. love. that. counts.
If only\i could peel myself
^off ^of ^the ^floor
If only\wishes
could | open | the door
If only\our moments
If only\i could forget you
& know what it is was
 Jun 2016
Amy Y
and just as the last tear drop
was wrung out from the duct,
a drenched washcloth hung to dry,
she asked, “do you see a rainbow?”

beyond cumulonimbus and shattered fog
is a cotton candy lightning bolt
the visible spectrum reduced to an arch

but as the sun sets and the gold fades
to black, my water-logged dreams surge
waves of torment. i try to ride them in,
to tame the wild sea, but the undertow
swallows and spits me up
just another ocean tear, spilled upon the shore
 Jun 2016
stone the bear
death and dying

is there love still in the air?
does anybody anymore care?
forget? how dare,
our moral

a hundred years later,
we still won't repair
the tear stripped too
bare. ever too soon. i can
feel it you in my arms.
swooning you a tune.
our tune, our time.
infantile. without a rhyme.
what is the reason?
that you have been chosen
for leaving? why did God chose
you. over the fight...
I struggle
and always lose
as the ties come
untidily loose

i never had
time to share
one last cuddle.
so shy as you were
we never did speak
but those marble blue
brilliantly hued always
drew my heart weak

I think of you, my Jay
in the dead of night,
i think of you
with every butterfly
that flies in my sight.

what you might
with your might
you are might;
my might:
looking death
without fright.
i look at you.
my guardian cherub
born and true.

i await the next time
you come four your due.
 Jun 2016
i've spent a lot of time on this planet
watching these creatures who inhabit
they say god made it, and it's granted
god won't be the one to **** it

for every gun there's someone to man it
flies with barrels aimed at maggots
they build a fire, then they fan it
flames pull them in like a magnet

they **** each other, and they even plan it
on this planet where i have landed
mankind are the ones wreaking havoc
it's hard for me to understand it
I am reposting the original alien report, because I am going to restart the series. Concept- the views of an alien from another planet that has landed on Earth.
 Jun 2016
seeing how self centered i am
means i'm more self centered than I thought
i find myself buying my words
then i give away the words i bought

that's just me
a day in the life of misery
born to be
a life in the days of tragedy

poking the monster that lives inside
then loving the monster i fought
i find myself catching a beast
then releasing the beast that i caught

that's just me
a day in the life of misery
born to be
a life in the days of tragedy

i guess that's just the way i am
i try to learn what can't be taught
i just bring my heart and my words
and i give away the words i brought
repost from two years ago
 Jun 2016
This problem has gone on so long
we always reach the same old sum

divided by lies
multiplied by my failure to learn
In division, we carried over

the sequences of your dishonesty
compounded by lack of ownership

numbers don't lie

you brought a lot of uncertainty into the equation
it played a huge factor
the lowest common denominator

I never was good at arithmetic, but something doesn't add up

subtract me
 Jun 2016
i saw a dead man today

how creepy

it was a really eerie thing
looking at his eyes
his mouth
his soul

i wondered how he had died

did he want to die?

i poked and prodded at him for a while
i wondered if he knew i was there
i wondered if he knew he was dead

was he watching me?
did he have a spirit?
was he completely gone from this world?

he was so cold
and stiff...
and still

did he feel cold and stiff inside?
or did he just feel that way to me?

i splashed water on his face

could he die again?
am i killing him?

yes and yes

i saw a dead man today
when i looked into the mirror
 Jun 2016
Amy I Hughes
The white rabbit leads me silently
I follow her dutifully blind
She's all I've ever known in this life
No lost world left behind

The caterpillar won't help me
Surrounds me in thick, grey smoke
Cocooned in itself as always
The truth it always cloaks

The hatter dances to no music
With the mad March hare
Intoxicated on more than tea
Through me the hatter does stare

The Cheshire Cat is plotting revenge
Grinning high up in his tree
Watching my every movement made
He's hiding the only key

The Queen of hearts just hates me
With all of her strength and might
No reasoning will soothe her
All she does is done in spite

This is no Wonderland here
No wonder to be held at all
I scrabble in the darkness to find it
The key to the only door
a small soft kiss on the cheek these days,

with a hug possibly. unless of course its


not like the old days. i think that we did

not hug , kiss and remonstrate.

used the surname, all was proper.

even cabbage had titles.

then the kissing came, warm, gentle


yet i hardly know you, how nice.

 Jun 2016
L Seagull
When reality bubbles up and
Bursts into myriads of sparkly
Particles disintegrated because
Your core cannot hold them together
By the thread of meaning
What is left of experience?
Does letting go of predictability
Inside the dome of your inner sky
Lets you fly kites
Or threatens with annihilation?
When I look into another set of eyes
I am so often afraid to see
The bottom, small bits of depth
Scattered around thin like dust and last year's
Crumbs, or desire to elevate
By the thread of illusion
Above someone at least,
Someone who would allow,
Because inside the hollow space holds scale,
A chest of fear and a guard called shame
I am afraid to see
Seeing is one thing I cannot hide
Punished by it over and over again
Naively and stubbornly, I refuse to use it
Connection hurts those who lack the chip
They demand, unaccepting
Why can't you be like us?
Follow the rules we know?
I try not to look at them,
Preserve peace of their dream
Where connection never existed
The food that sustains my spirit
I can't see them, your rules
lost instructions, lost in translation
deliberately, even in the native tongue
I wish to escape this world
To find the truth that sticks
Yet love holds me close to earth
It expands and multiplies
Grows as it gives,
I wish to offer everything there is
Of me, and dissolve
In the chain of destinies
Craftful creation of some
Universal pattern
strawberry pickin, cake bakin, ****** mary drinkin, really can't complain, skinny self-absorbed alien that I am;)
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