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 Jun 2016
Poetry grabs you by the heart
slams you down on the page
leaving you bewildered
-at times....
- in love all over again....

a willing sacrifice to the muse
a slave to ethereal spirits
a solitary singer out on a limb
dead to all other considerations
prostrate with the weight of words.
 Jun 2016
its your pulse, the beat of your heart
humbly in the background

the words of your poems
keeping time with your song

the pulsar of your daily orbit
as you journey around the Sun

its your willingness to live
and sing, despite all the pain.
 Jun 2016
**** smoke and alcohol on pavements
dreams melting under lamp posts at night
weak veins
broken hearts and broken minds
with no home to sleep tonight
memories of someone you used to be
haunting your shutting off brain.

how did you get here?

Freedom is the illusion feeding spirits
lost in 37.5% alcohol drinks,
laughing faces with no happiness within,
flying minds with broken wings,
forgetting the pure air
breathing in the dust taking you to a better place ,
blindly stepping the path leading to a bottomless pit.

are you alright?

going on trips with monsters eating your soul
everytime losing a bit more of yourself
this ocean your're sailing, darling,
is full of enchanting mermaids
you're listening again to their song
falling in their killing arms.
you're dying again.

hey, can you hear me?

No place for guardian angels
Death's whisper is all I can hear at night
everything it's fading
high flying you are
in intoxicated clouds.

hey, are you still there?

**** smoke and alcohol on pavements
drunken souls
drowning in the shadow
of the big city's lights.

*hello, please, come back to live.
 Jun 2016
Lora Lee
Hey, you
Yeah, you
the one way over there
ensconced in tall grasses
where do you
think you are
you extend a hand
and loving heart
to so many
and so few
see your brokenness
your pieces of shattered
glass from
all four of those
chambers in your chest
              all over the floor
And Hey
I see you
I see you deep
Your molecules rising
Up unto
that soul's
brightness and
so beautiful
wisdom gained
from time
mixed with pain
             and rhyme
Let me
wrap my tendrils
of healing all and up
around you
right through you
No need to talk
         Just let me
press my
blood-pumping heart
right into
Feel it
Let my light
infuse you
Let me touch you
deep into
under skin
just like
 Jun 2016
stone the bear
you are nothing
until you know...

Not until you
can see the sea
in every single
little thing.

Come, dock at his harbor
become alive through
his lighting tower
as the waves come and go/
feel the warmth within you grow.
leave the bark aside at the pier's tow
and go, see what your light has to show.

You are nothing
until you know.

You are a purebred
adventurer within your
skeleton to stow.
 Jun 2016
Little Bear
No my baby
your monsters aren't real
now go back to sleep
there's no big deal

Yes my love
have the sweetest of dreams
it's just shadows you see
and dancing moonbeams

No little one
it's not your monsters you see
no need to be frightened
they are here for me

Yes my child
mummy knows how to fight
i'll be right back
night night sleep tight
do you wish to stay in bed today?


has it all been a bit much?


will it be letting the side down?

yes i guess so. i will decide in a minute.


 May 2016
The Lunchtime Poet
Loving you is like torture 
a deep searing pain 
scrambling up my emotions 
the signals to my brain

Wanting, no needing you by my side 
I want you
to be my Bonnie and I'll be your Clyde

The heavens are in awe 
of the love we truly share 
Without you 
I'd be a mere shell of despair

One day the sun will set 
and my last breath I will take 
My life was filled with torture 
loving every minute of it 
make no mistake

I'll be waiting for you in heaven 
my sweet baby girl 
our love is boundless 
not controlled by this world

We will dance together 
forever just me and you 
our love together 
is timeless, deep, passionate and true
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