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 May 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
Take a trip with me to lands unheard of
Through hidden passages,  secret doors, and unknown chambers deep within my mind
All you need is your imagination so leave everything behind
See creatures and sights so strange that they'll burn imprints on the pages of your brain.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
 May 2016
Andrew T
You could have reached here Wednesday by last choice
Perhaps your mood shifted. All the calm nights
you had now lay awake. You explore the city
built by the perfect people, white cathedral
stands upright on a slant, a compass buried in plain sight,
the gibberish of art students from painting lullabies as sirens.
Only children are asleep. The university
grows younger each year. The best teacher
is always late, not realizing her impact.

The person I’m most comfortable with
stays in bed. Security found indoors
the couch allures, security in the capsule,
The deafening whispers, the genuine friends
who live nearby and can’t talk straight. The blessed temple
building worshiped by advertising majors.

The lucid potential, morning sprints round the track,
a library sustained by crushed Adderall —
glowering orbs rotating back counter clockwise,
out of chimneys the black spirits climb,
detectives bicycling, the honor students rummaging
for class notes in the deep end of the dumpster.

So this is college? That frontier plateauing
before you can dive off a cloud? So this utopia
was a dollhouse, the daily on the doormat
camps in the hallway: waits while the child watches
a sit-com?
Don’t apartments stand still? Are abstract paintings
and basketball supposed to nurture a city,
not only Richmond, but also other lonely cities
of misunderstood brunettes, dank **** and dubstep
the weekend will seldom put out
until the city you moved to shuts its eye?

Just tell yourself, “live.” The best teacher, eighteen
when she moved to the university, still grins
even as she coughs out fiberglass. Any day now,
she sings, I’ll take a drive and leave this place.
I pull her close and say. You haven’t slept in your own bed.
The boy who you’ve always loved still thinks about you.
The books you read before breakfast,
whoever the author may be, inspires
and your least favorite student who raises her hand
is judged but her posture never falters.
 May 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
Greed and Lust stands with Pride the priest in the center of a circle of sins waiting to be joined in matrimony
Pride takes the left hand of Lust and puts it
in the right hand of Greed then takes the left hand of Greed and puts it in the right hand of Lust and began the ceremony
The words that flowed from the mouth of Pride the priest cut through the air like swords cutting through flesh
"Disgustingly wicked we have come together in the presences of demonic forces to behold the joining of this devil and this **** in unholy matrimony
This band and covenant of marriage was established by evil in darkness
Lust will you have Greed to be your husband to live together in the covenant of marriage?  Will you obey him, lay with him, and fulfill his ****** desires as long as you both shall live?"
Covered in darkness wearing a veil of evil and with the flames of hell burning in her eyes Lust answers "I will."
Pride looked over at Greed and said
"Greed will you have Lust to be your wife; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Will you supply and adorn her with riches as long as you both shall live?  
With a twinkle in his eyes that sparkles like gold, Greed answers "I will."
"By the powers invested in evil the groom and bride may kiss" said Pride.
As Greed and Lust's lips touched their wedding guests were as silent as a corpse.  The heat and hate that filled the air was so thick that they all choked on it.  Lust turned her back to the wedding guests and threw a bouquet of Poison Ivy over her head.  Envy stepped in front of Sloth and snatched the bouquet out of the air.  "Nice catch Envy" said Sloth with slow, slurred, speech.
"Thank you Sloth and I do believe green is more my color" said Envy.
Lust turned around to see who caught the bouquet.  She wasn't a bit surprise to see Envy holding the Poison Ivy.
I'm not finished posting I'll finish later time ran out

Written by Keith Edward Bucum
 May 2016
Marci Ace
My heart shattered and broke into pieces.
It’s bigger than my body and signed way too many leases.
Please come and get it.
It causes me much pain for God is my witness.
It’s unbearable to take, and too much to hold.
I left it to be recycled,
But it was too big to fold,
The pawn shop wouldn't take it, because it
wasn't made of Gold.

-Marci H.
To the ones, with the broken, unidentified heart! God Bless -Marci
 May 2016
JR Potts
She spoke rather enthusiastically of her planned trip to India, of her love for yoga and her passion for the pursuit of enlightenment. I was never one for spiritualism but she seemed so full of life and she had this appetite for experiences that was awe inspiring. Her hands moved feverously when she spoke, almost spastic but my focus, never more clear in recent memory remained on her eyes. They were soft with nativity but they carried with them a profound sense of conviction. Many before me have spoken of the eyes as the window to the soul and I had never fully understood the sentiment until I found mine intertwined with hers. Like a bridge over a seething river; our gaze had brought us closer. I felt as though we were no longer divided by ego, pride or other such frivolous illusions.

The conversation flowed so effortlessly, one could only describe it as natural. Had I been a determinist I would have regarded the meeting as fated to occur. She could shut me up just by talking; I always loved that in a woman. My fixation slowly slid down from her eyes to her mouth and almost like a fever coming over me I wanted to kiss her in that instant but you can’t just lock lips with your waitress in the middle of a café during lunch. Once again the nuisance of social structure and etiquette impeded upon my desires or so I told myself; knowing full well I could have just as easily stood up, grabbed her by her narrow hips and pulled her in tight for a good old fashion French baiser. Instead I allowed my longing to fume up inside of me like a tremendous furnace clouding my thoughts with black smoke and self-doubt. It was not society who was stopping me; it was me who was stopping me. Regardless of socially appropriate behavior we humans had always had a choice but like fools we often idly choose to cave under the pressure of our cultural conditioning. I like all cowards before me, used words like "can’t" as an excuse to allow moments of beauty to slip from my fingers and into the abyss. It was like a black hole, an all devouring entity that consumed all of our potential greatness and crushed it into nothingness.

Maybe in some alternative universe, somewhere in the infinite there was me sitting at that café gushing over her and she was standing there all delicate-like, telling me how she wanted to spend a month in India. Maybe that version of me acted on his impulse and he felt alive when he kissed her; in a way I may never feel. I hope somewhere in the vastness of this existence there is someone enjoying that kiss because if I squandered the only possible chance for that instance to ever occur then I cannot conceive of a greater tragedy.
Posted this today two years ago on my Facebook, forgot about it and just fell back in love with it.
 May 2016
South by Southwest
The little girl
wearing a Navy blue dress
with a white collar
and black patton shoes
holds a red
helium balloon
as she walks down a path of clouds
through the vast wilderness
of space and time
representing life on overtime
a second home on a lake
a souring career
living with a man she is married to
but doesn't love anymore
and may never have
sings the song
"Twinkle Twinkle , Little Star"
and she is wondering
just how far
 May 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
Hey everyone I have a question.
Do you post your poems on other poetry sites or just this one?
I post my poems on multiple sites.
I really like this site and the other sites I post my poems on.
Some sites are
Well you know about
Here are some more.
There's this site for dark poetry but I can't remember the name of it.  That site was hard to work and post on.  Oh what about Facebook do any of you post your poems on Facebook?  There's a lot of hacking on Facebook but not just FaceBook these sites also have hackers.
 May 2016
After carefully considering the eternal rewards of the choices i make today, i have come to the conclusion that i will not spend an eternity in a burning furnace gnashing my teeth, crying, weeping & moaning. So, i refuse you access to my life, i reject you, in fact to me you are an old underwear i have discarded.  I cant stand a mere sunny day, how would i survive being barbecued in fire? Nope, i cant, i wont! I would rather die young, faithful to GOD & be happy forever than to live a long sinful life on earth only to suffer even longer. I wont give you the satisfaction of owning my precious soul in hell, nah..never. And FYI, i will take as many souls with me as i can. Deal with that! Done.
Signed, a soul on fire. Child of GOD, the one true king.
 May 2016
It's a girl,
As beautiful as black sparkling pearl,
No one can take you away from me,
It's destiny can't you see,
To have a baby girl to live the life that was meant to be,
Be here be free,
Chase your dreams let's be happy..
#5months #pregnant #girl
 May 2016
Michael Blonski
I tried to find the milky way
but it was camouflaged
by bright city lights
and the haze from
overpass fumes

I grabbed a sharp knife
and cut through the haze
that's when
the sky
split into two
From the incision
billions of dreams
after years of collecting
in the void
began to rain down

Flooding the streets
after hitting the ground
settling into cracks
and gaps in the pavement

The people panicked
and broke away
from their living room
rubbing their eyes
it was hard to

That's when the ground
quaked below their feet
buildings shook
artificial light went dark
the earth cracked

Black clouds
ruptured from the
cracks and gaps
giving way to
neon rays
the people left speechless
as they witnessed
the dazzling display

Everyone starred silently
at the hypnotic beams
that's when it struck
They all shared the same
 May 2016
Maddii Lloyd
you used to make me smile,
now you make me sick.
crawling back to me,
with her sent fresh on your lips.
you made a mistake,
and im the ******* fool.
i miss the thrill i got from your body,
the security i felt in your arms.
now thats gone,
thrown away.
now im laying here,
wondering where the **** I went wrong.
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