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 Sep 2015
I’m bending time to break my shins
Sputtering like blood amongst the rocks
Nesting in sorrow and tailing the wick something sharp
If this era wasn’t meant to char
Then why did the candle wash every tower
From here to the sea?

Dreams beckon you
A quest to find seething lines
Bravery isn't a trait I believed you lacked
You’re a lack of lies entitled to hunger
In a mouth of iron sleep

Timber wakes in the golden age
Maybe if I was bold like your key
I could carve myself a new shadow
And put my bets on the cold long promise to appear
Holding Atlas up as he holds the sky
Suspicion he described to me

You’ve been cornered by natural desire
Pillars of salt holding up your favors
Signs of a ruptured heart
Bleeding ‘neath your skin
But who shall rift your bruised weight?

I shifted through the gallowed falls
And found constellations inspired by my scars
But reality sunk my stone in the river
Deeper than the ground walks
Fear fires on mistake
Cravings of love in death

*It’s all in the sleight of hand
The sound of lights we miss.
 Sep 2015
From the ashes I have risen
Like a Phoenix I have flown
I rise past the oceans and mountains
Up beyond the clouds and the stars
Follow the second light to the right
And straight to my memories I go
Back to the sun shining bright
The creek humming sweetly
With shadows dancing across your face

You almost hid our impending doom
Even now I can't help but find you beautiful
I watch as you grab her small hands
And just like a strange sort of deja vu
You pick up the pieces of us
And toss them at her feet

Your words are still cruel
I shudder at the thought
With a slight pang in my chest
That's the thing about scars
They never truly fade

But something is different
Almost out of place
I just don't seem to recognize
The girl with her hands to her face

Erupting from inside of her
Is words I can hardly make out
With shoulders heaving with heavy sobs
Please stay

Now I feel stoic
No longer do hot tears adorn my cheeks
And as you turn your back to me
My shoulders do not quiver
And my hands lay calmly at my side
For it is such an odd thing
To look upon the person you used to be

As I let escape
One last little sigh
I spread my wings high
And with my gaze forward
I never looked back
 Sep 2015
Charlie Chirico


Try writing from your heart, with a hand that won't  quit shaking, and lungs that might explode from anxiousness, only to see your words
be drowned out by a combination of words made to make cents, but heavy lacking on sense. A mind that cycles is like a firefight with your synapses looking for that spark. It's electrifying and mind-blowing, these moods that take months to overcome. Electrifying are the manic months, ones where you hide bank statements, where you penetrate a woman both mind and body. Mind-blowing is the depression, and the barrel of a pistol clenched between your teeth, as you open up your junk mail hopelessly searching for a letter sealed with a kiss.
But it doesn't exist.
I'm tired of the spam on this **** site.
 Sep 2015
Do you See
the cracks
in the pavement
and you are the hammer
Sometimes it hurts
to exhale
You are it
a more i'd roller-coaster

What if, you
gave life
to bring our dreams
our intuition and morphology
Becomes we
and i will replace
every me with
the druthers of you

i no longer
exist in singularity
because it's only need
is an abstraction of idioms
Heartstrings & Intangible Things
Strung out like
prayer flags
and telegrams
twelve dots and dashes

i'll forever
make it
My pleasure
to find
infinite endeavor  
Me way
to say
.. / .-.. --- ...- . / -.-- --- ..-
Reader notes: The goal is to take every i word and replace w/ love.
In closing learn Morse Code.
 Sep 2015
“On the edge again.”

Why would you hurt something so grand?
Dynasties were never meant to last
“How did you love her?”
How do I love him?
“No, her.”
The sky is her hands

Halted down to taste
“Taste what?”
A bit of my soul
Savor the colour
"It has colour?"
Mine does.
With time.
Silver ebbing off the corner
“Souls have corners?”
Well they’re not ‘round

I didn’t plan to stay

Happy happy happy
“What do you see?”
No, water.
Shining to the sun
It’s a bit

Because he said so.

“What do you feel?”
How did I fall?
“No, what do you feel?”
With the stars.
I feel with the stars
Past the burning lake
And into lust.


“What do you hear?”
All I hear is empty.
“Why’s that?”
Don’t you hear your heart echo too?

*“End of session”
noun: psyche; plural noun: psyches
the human soul, mind, or spirit.
 Sep 2015
Panic Theater
I will break my skull
Let every single drop
Of my rushing blood
Trickle down my arm
Past my fingertips
And into eternal scrawls
Of ink on paper.
 Sep 2015
Her* skin catches *Twilight
Following granite constellations
Brewing cheap gold with royal bones

Admiring Gravity,
As he names loyalty a mistake

Inhale these guilty match strikes
And double the clashing of crows
Defiance sets the sun
Leaning destined liars savage

Immortality may be heartless,
But is her shadow is quite becoming

Tide stays with my soul
Pulling its ruby grooves to the branded moon

Legends belong with the Reaper’s pawns
Smoking oblivion into winter

Sadistic skylines
Greeting sickness,
With hostile charity.
Deprive betrayal their reason
Gems don’t shine in focus

Hollow depths,
As brittle as her throat
Coaxing words from her ghost lips

Searching for a sign of life
The water lines on nails
Winter flakes carry twisted; Single
Drenched in blood and ivory

I see fear, flashing in her shallow wolven eyes.

                                                        ­                                                          ~Lycan
Read all the bolded, and then the italicized
 Sep 2015

With every throbbing moment
I can hear you sing
Don't sing as loud as my heart please
I've been chasing my tail
The space between has never been so daunting
Let me close it
Zip Zip
The colours
Dripping off voices
Sweet and Salty
Come back as you were
Like how you are in my head
I'll sing with you
To the silver
You say ice had lists
Fire had regrets
What remains of littered bones
Snap like little bones please
You don't know how lovely you are
Can you answer me in the dark then?
Fade like my sorrow
Rush back to the start
The start of loving
Back to when I had taken a drink
Of youthful water
It tastes like metal
Metal and blood
Dragon scales
Night prevails
Black and white wings
Creaked with wood
Cracked with suffer
Come up and tell me
What do you hear?

This is how I feel when I'm with you
You are my Drug

This is what you do to me.

© Copywrited
 Sep 2015
A story within a poem


I’m the only one left.
My pack was killed off, one by one.
Death shadowed me
Followed everywhere I went
Soaking my fur black
Killing my sight

I remember the look on her face
Her fur matted in the chase
Teeth stained red
Eyes with a wild dying light
Her muffled breathing slowing
I felt her life stop underneath her chest

Then you came
You saw your trophy on the ground
Next to a live one
You drew a silver stick
The sun glinted off like water with light
You stuck it in my side

You drug it up my already dead fur
Ripping up my flesh
I felt it clack against my ribs
With a sick yelp
I turned my tail and ran
Away from your prize

I wandered the forest alone
With Death on my back
Running from you
The stick was still in my side
Red water ran down my skin
Pooling everywhere I went

I could smell you following me
That is all that kept me on the run
I could feel my life drain away
I was slowing
Enough for you to catch me
Enough to finish the ****

It was at the field of feathers you found me
Just beyond the pines
I was lying, panting from the chase
Death was staring me in the face
And when my vision cleared I saw you instead
Watching me carefully

You had your loud stick at your side
Your face was hard like rocks
You just watched me
I stared back
Prepared for death
I’d die the lonely wolf

Your face softened
You neared closer
I had no strength to protest
You dropped lower
Almost crawling towards me
While I was crawling toward the darkness

You were just a blur now
Your hand closed around the silver stick
While your other hand traced the wound
You looked at that hand
Which was now blurred red
You muffled something softly

I looked up
A growl rose in my throat
I could see it
I couldn’t let it happen
You jumped back
The loud stick raised at me

I dragged myself to my feet
Snarling while red water fell over the feathers
It was so hard to see
But I could smell it
The intention to ****
You edged back

I took off running
Coming right at you
You howled at me
I was at full sprint now
But your stick
It howled loud and quick

That’s when I felt it
The burning in my chest
My eyes widened
I fell and stumbled
Feathers stirring in the sky
I tried to prop myself up
But I couldn’t

You stared at me
I panted out what was left of the red water
I whined at you
Just turn around
I barked; yelped helplessly
It was too late

The bear that was behind you
Struck you down
Tearing your flesh wide open
The red water was everywhere
I couldn’t do anything
I could only watch

The bear finally stopped tearing
It’s black eyes stared at you
A moment longer
A heap of red flesh
Barely breathing
It wandered off into the pines

I whined at you
You cried back
Darkness was on the edge of everything
Closing in on me
Closing in on you
I could hear your pain

I dragged myself closer to you
I could make out your eyes
Wide with fear
I groveled closer
You gingerly twitched your hand

I was close now
I could feel your life against my fur
Beating slowly
Your were almost gone
I licked an apology on your hand
I’m sorry

You looked at me
Your hand moving up my drenched fur
You grabbed the silver stick
And slowly drew it out
It didn’t hurt
I was already broken

You looked at me
And breathed one last time
I saw myself in your blue eyes
You had a soul too
I filled myself with air
And howled for the last time

A ragged voice in the night
Blood-red feathers in the sky
Floating to the stars
I was singing for me
I was singing for you
I was singing for us

My shoulders slumped
I fell to the ground
My sight was gone
I couldn’t feel you dead-still next to me
But I could still hear
My song echoing

Wolf song
If we should die tonight
We should die

This is more of a story
It's about a wolf whose pack get killed off by a hunter. This wolf is the last one left, and while he was laying next to dead friend, the hunter appears and stabs the wolf with a knife. The wolf runs for a long time, close to death. He realizes he can't run anymore so he lays in a field of dandelions  (described as feathers)
The hunter sees the wolf, with intention to **** him, but while he watches the wolf suffer in pain he realizes what he's done.
The wolf then sees a bear behind the hunter, and the wolf's protective instincts take over. He uses the last of his strength to attempt to attack the bear, but the hunter mistakes the wolf for trying to attack him. He yells at the wolf to stop, but he doesn't. He shoots the wolf in the chest, disabling it. The bear attacks the hunter and leaves him to die.
The wolf sees that the hunter as a soul just like him, and crawls to the dying hunter to comfort him. Licking his hand is away of submitting to the hunter, and apologizing.
The hunter dies and the wolf is filled with the sadness of loosing another pack-mate.
He sings a song for him, and himself.
The song is translated into something like
"If we should die tonight,
Then we should die as brothers."

© Copywrite Lycan
 Sep 2015
Hell is not a place I wish to visit,
and yet I find myself surrounded by demons.
 Sep 2015
Shawn Callahan
I'm tired of being told to grow up;
I don't want to grow...
I want to bloom, to blossom
In the most exotic place.
I want to separate my cement barrier
And start my reign over the abandoned.

I want to add beauty in this bricked place.
I don't want to be confined
underneath conceited government.
I am self-governing
I am forever changing
forever a beautiful flower.

I am no leader
But I am my own path
That will not be blocked
by the judgment of closed windows.

In the most exotic place
I will bloom
If you are looking for me
Follow the trails of golden petals
I leave behind.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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