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 May 2016
One day you'll find that in reality people don't care, they're just curious.

Do not follow this black willow dog
"I'm not following you."
The lucid smoke hums you lie
"I don't smoke."
Of course you don't
"Then what do you mean?"
You merely burn

"So...why are you always by yourself?"
It was a quiet war
"Quiet war?"
I lost so many
"So many what?"
Beloved souls to the book
"What book?"
Death's wish-list

"Are you the only one left?"
"How do you know?"
This rain spares nothing
"So you don't know."
Time knows
"It's 3:04 a.m."
So it is

"Are you going home?"
The city is laughing, little lamb
"Why is it laughing?"
Cold feet of the crossroads
"Why are we talking about crossroads?"
Home was eaten there
"Excuse me?"
That is why we stray

"You look sad."
I am indeed
"Why don't you rest for a while?"
Is the riverbed dry?
"What are you talking about?"
Drought season isn't here yet

"Are you hungry?
I drank chipped starlight
"I asked if you were hungry."
The abyss always is
"I'm lost..."
Nothing needed to be found

"Who are you?"
A stray willow dog
"What's a willow dog?"
Yellow bones rattle the concrete
"Why are they yellow?"
I'm grieving
The sky died in his heart

"What if I told you I loved you?'
Coins in the fountain
"That has nothing to do with..."
Forget them
"Forget who?"
Sweet water wishes
"But wishes are not forgotten."
The smoke is humming again
"How peculiar.."
You take these for granted

You have disobeyed
"Oh?  How so?"
You followed me to the cobblestones
"Oh, I'm sorry."
Blue mirrors
"What about them?"
Reflect morbid futures
"But you don't have one, don't you?"
Willows weep for  many  reasons

"'re going the wrong way."
Am I, now?
"Heaven's this way."
It's a merciless road.
© Copywrite Skaidrum
 May 2016
Growls above menacingly
Snarls at the terrene

Impaled by lightning
Howls in anguish, pierced and split
Bleeds thick drops of rain
Poor transiently ominous.
 May 2016
jane taylor
translucence is rare
withdraw your opaque armor
swim in fearless love

a senryu poem
 May 2016
K Balachandran
A still pool dreaming,
Meddling wind on it's surface,
Ripples voice protests.
 Apr 2016
David Ehrgott
Darkened winded whirlpools
Tearing up farms and homes
Swallowing whole towns
 Apr 2016
David Ehrgott
conspirator chirps
Adonis drifting brutes ooze
somnolent sunny
 Apr 2016
David Ehrgott
claustrophobic mask
mystifies, impoverished
agony rumbles
 Apr 2016
Storm Raven
Breathe in,
the fresh air,
of a lovely spring day.

Feel the air fill your lungs,
giving you energy.

And smell the scent of sweet flowers,
it's magical how such a small plant can make your day.

Feel the sun warm on your skin.
It gives energy and warmth to all.
And all for nothing.

Breathe in deep.
Simply because you can.
Breathing is nice.

Just keep it simple.
Enjoy the small things.
Just breathe
 Mar 2016
Wisps of fog dragged
upon the ground, as errant
raindrops bided gray time.
Eyes fixed afield, sharing
an inertness that revitalized
our gray matter.
Robins and blackbirds scattered
their weightless will upon the
damp field.
As nearly imperceptible twinges of
sunlight interrupted the air, then
This occurred in confidences, everytime the sunlight gained
upon itself.
The fog began burning off in
decrepid scraps...put asunder
by the field's thundering
The fog was lifted to spring's hierarchies of blackbirds
electrified puddles in a flurry of
Spraying droplets of water
adorning the sunlight, then flying to
a favored branch shaking dry.
Eyes fixed afield, I was showered below
by accolades of rebirth.
 Mar 2016
David Ehrgott
intense shining snide
eagles plopping, rumbling mild
lazy lovers play
 Mar 2016
Amber K
No amount of poems,
no amount of words,
could ever accurately describe how I feel.
It's like part of me has died,
and it can't be recovered.
Another wall has been built to protect myself,
and more smiles are being faked to make things okay again.
My heart has been broken beyond repair.
I know I will never be the same again.
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