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 Aug 2015
WendyStarry Eyes
Back again in Peru
Exhaustian soaked
into my essence
Through & through
I know this too
Will soon cease to be
As my Fathers Presence
Is always with me
I shall always receive
His precious gift
His Holy Spirit
To accompany me
No matter how overwhelming
The situation appears to be
I must endure in order to
Truly recieve the Holy Spirit's
Purpose for me
I shall give Him
True faith and fully endure
For in true repentence
My future is secure
To step forward
I must spread His word
Let others know
These truths I have heard
Most of all to let them know
If you give Him
Your faith He will
Cleanse your soul
Which in return
Will make you whole
It does not matter who you are or what is your color or age.
Your poetry helps others in one way or another and I thank you.
Your life does matter, and you are a blessing here my Friend.
Even if it is to couple or few people you do make a difference.
You have people that do appreciate you, for your poetry.
So whenever you think that you are not making a difference.
You need to look at your poems and the comments on them.
That shall give you some encouraging , ask God to help you.
For Jesus the Christ shall gladly bless you and your poems.
Thus by doing this he will be revealing himself to you as well.
 Aug 2015
when you said you loved me
    as a friend.
 Aug 2015
Don Bouchard
We are Children
Of earth and water.
We are reminded
We are of the elements
In our entries,
In our farewells.
 Aug 2015
Mysterious Aries
Should I just post it
Those craziness that lingers on me
The day that I faked smiles to my friend
Or the time that I don't believe in God

Should I just post it
My uncountable rants
The time when I'm luring death
Together with my suicide note

Should I just post it
My dark pages
Or should I just keep it
To keep my name clean
 Aug 2015
The voice
I'm trying to forget
Forget that I fell for you
Forget your sweet smile
Forget that tender light in your eyes
Forget your glorious voice

Im trying to forget that
You are there
And not here
I'm trying to forget that
Everything I do
Has nothing to do with you

I'm sorry for feeling thus way
I never asked for Your love
I asked for friendship and understanding
I tried to give you
Many things hoping you could love me

But you never did
Now I'm trying to forget
That you exist
Because I'm tired of fighting
To try to keep you

I'm trying to forget that I actually love you.
 Aug 2015
Is is wrong,
if i love, my beloved,
then love,
someone else?
Instead of her,
I love 3 other,
Am I cruel?
Am I not being fair,
to her?
I know that,
she's been so loyal,
to me..

But, I can't help it..
I really love my mum..
and my two,
little sister..
Morals ; Never judge a person before he or she finished talking. Whatsoever.
as christ the king.

we came up the back way,
from the avenue.

she did not know of the place,
she asked her friend.

down in the lower room, we saw
the empty food bank, their cases
full of treasure.

read the names, the words in latin,
heard all the questions. wondered
at the glass in blue, honored in red.

later, she entered with her father,
processed, then got married.

outside it was raining gently.


notes:-derived from Latin, processio, from procedere, to go forth, advance, proceed
 Aug 2015

When I was small, for me
     you always stood tall
taught me to look for shadows
     on the dead leaves of fall.

In the illusive bends of the road
     you were always my constant landmark
when misguided by night's cold breeze
     your light guided me in the dark

Now, taller buildings surround the place
   the columns support just a perishable lie
but you remain my perpetual pillar throughout
     holding up my life under this vast clouded sky.

To a ever caring father, by a loving child...
 Aug 2015
Xiao - SparKticas
Broken just enough
To feel empty inside
But still manage a smile

Hurt just enough
To have cried myself asleep
But still got up in the morning

Pain is just enough
To leave my arm burning red
But not cut

Heartbroken just enough
To find no worth in continuing
But remaining strong enough for us both

Everything just enough*
To break my spirit
To break my will
To break my faith
To ruin my happiness
To ruin me
But I keep going with a smile
To smile with the intent of joy...i have forgotten
Only Christ shall do, nothing else can restore you.
Only Christ has genuinely love you without condition.
Only Christ can save you with his salvation and Love.
For only he is the God of Salvation and restoring you.
Into the very person that he has created you to be.
For in the beginning he create you to be a perfect child.
But this sinful world that you were born into cause havoc.
Causing you to sin, for there is no sinless people born.
Except the Savior whom came to the earth over 2000 years ago.
Dying on the cross, to save us from all of our sins and addictions.
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