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 Jul 2015
poetessa diabolica
the depths beyond light 
 of dark primordial fears
ensnared in a trap of
  winding dangerous paths
    'tween passion and fire,
horizons like ink clouded seas
  of menacing madness and
    drunkenness' sanity midst
    psychobabble's inquisitions
rushing rampant to devour
  an overgrown hypothesis
    of imagination's luxuriance
   and anesthetics' coherency,
taming perpetual motion
   of  windswept emotions
lingering in shadows of
  moonbows after resolute
  mind bending storms of
   teeming reigns &
     elusive transcendence
  amid skillfully evasive grapples
       beyond liberated rationality
 Jul 2015
Brandi R Lowry
Life is a test
A series of choices

Your time here is measured
By the venom in your voices

Give unto others without reservation

Help your neighbor
With no hesitation

Feed the hungry

Remove discrimination

Offer a hand

Become an inspiration

Open your mind
Start a revolution
Inspire a change
To create the solution

With our eyes cast downward
We pretend not to see
The misery and demise  
In the wake of our greed

If someone is hungry...
Cold or unloved
Offer your heart
Give them a hug

What you share
Will return tenfold
So offer a hand
Help carry the load

Offer a smile
Share your bliss
Inspire others
Change what is

Share your joy
Inspire others to love
We can change the world.

 Jul 2015
Words of deep love and longing
Are lost on me, today.
I've no whimsy to feed my prose,
No form of coherency in my head.

I'll write for the sake of writing.

Rustling trees swelled with song birds
Are mere echoes of a life outside
To me.
I feel like I'm suspended in zero gravity -
My face tingles,
My head is sluggish
Like a hangover without the nausea.

We've got potholes in our hearts
And the construction's lasted for months
So we just fill them all with sand and
Call it a day.
Integrated into a system
That's forgotten the welfare
Of the human soul.

There's a trickle of sunlight
And it's getting warmer.
Summer's blossoming and
I can't stand it.
The beautiful solace of winter
Melts away with my silence,
While summer months boil blood
And chaos chokes the air.

These words I write are read
Aloud in tremulous whispers -
The only proof that they're real.
Recited every night
When I lay my head down
And wonder about the difference
Between what is evil
And what is just a misled notion
Of Righteousness.

And everything else in between.
Sometimes I just wake up so ungodly early.
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
Poem stopped
 Jul 2015
monster in her eyes
melody in her cries
magic in her fears
madness in her ears
mute in her lips
music in her hips
man in her bed
mistakes is what she dreads
 Jul 2015
Rare but Relevant
There's this poet who makes me smile
We are still sort of like strangers
I don't know his smile
Or the sound of his laugh
But I do know a simple hello in my inbox can brighten my day
It may not mean much to you
But I can't remember the last time I smiled
And my eyes smiled as well
 Jul 2015
Sherri Harder
Under the sky at night
I feel a gentle silken air of touch.
Under the kiss of moonlight,
I poetically feel so much.
 Jul 2015
brandon nagley
When one finds no happiness in their own selves,
How canst they find it in others?
More than that...
How canst they maketh another down person happy?
They can't...
If God doth not remain in ones spirit
The person knoweth no happiness..
If they thinketh they art happy....
Their happy if but for a second....
Worldly happiness....

Always cometh to a halt....
 Jul 2015
Jake muler
This goes for all who are picking on my now ex girlfriend please for me stop messing with her like serious you guys are lamos thank you much your freind Jake kesstler muler
Got people bullying my ex girl and making profiles to spy on her and whatever else than talking to her as such like she is someone else yeah well how bout you all write me personally there are lots of lies being spread on here some know better but some are plainly psychotic as me and others do see there are alot of fakes here with fake profiles but you wanna say she's fake now you will have to put up with my **** not going to let this fly you got issue with her you are a gonner to me and as her ex man I can tell you she's far from fake your the  fake one's, funny how you all can say she's fake yet wit no proof to back up your ******* other than someone me and my ex and few others know are spreading this lie its OK karma is a *****, also you all lost an amazing poet in this place because I can't even get hold of him because I know he's hurt from someone talking behind his back like others are doing to my ex so if you wanna be safe stop being a bullshitter and spreading lies for those who are lying themselves  and for people saying she's got another profile half of you have other profiles so before you point your hypocrite fingers point them back in own eye socket didint wanna do this but one of you already made good friend leave here due from your **** talking behind his back now don't wanna see ex girl friend leave will be hott if you do that so kindly back off
Thank you
 Jul 2015
Natalia mushara
Dis fo all yuo. Sick aseholes on here na I don wan no **** pics from yuo I may be single chicka now but na don want idiot peeple writing me bout *** so forth
Chicka Natalia
 Jun 2015
Natalia mushara
Lifting up ma head
Still gotta gets shopping
Groceries running Lowe
Ma man's gots ta take kare of his chicka
But I take kare of self
Well groomed wonda,
Gots to do ma thing
Get ma own pockets bigga....
Not all's about moneys but still just sayings gotta help ourselves chickas
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