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the stars do not shine
loneliness presses the air
into a tangle of last years withered
loneliness in summer leaves
that whisper to a grey moon
a song of regret.


dreams of midnight,
cool rain,
songs more alive
than this low-roofed night.


teardrops like the ghostly moon, lost
against the heart that
flutters like a dark sky
breathing stars.


the mottled horizon
pools into greys,
tender eyed with
soft sadness,

in these dim hours when silence
cloaks the woods and
human laughter disappears

we sink against the softer sky
and the slow fade of moon and
long for dream, for everything
to reawaken and unwind.


we are swimmers heading as far
out as we can get. surreal silver
stars, opening like flowers,
refusing to drown.
 May 2015

In poetry I unload to explode
To break free from all the dynamite
I usually kept hidden
My passive nature makes me resistant
to its pollutants.
Sometimes they’re more like landmines
Awaiting for someone
Who stomp the wrong buttons
Then detonate
And explode between my shouts
And cries.

In all honestly
No matter how resistant I am to become resilient
my core is too vulnerable to crumble
By a simple backslash of toxic tongues
And suddenly I fall in my knees to simply walk away
No battle is worth an effort
When you know it’s just pride
Battling himself.

The poem speaks for itself, but I just want to confirm yes, I tend to bottled-up my feelings. That is why sometimes I easily get depressed. I don’t speak-out a lot or just careful not to hurt anyone with my words. So in poetry I rant almost everything so that it will not eat me into depression.

Its hurts me when I look back, to those people who say mean things to me that I simply ignore because it’s not worthy to argue anymore, they tend to get stuck on their own opinion, too closed to have an open mind.
 May 2015
Dawn King
And one day it will come
It will stop you right in your tracks
Arrest your heart
Leave you breathless
As desperation moves into your blood
You will feel like a child
Who has been deprived of laughter and
Cheated out of Ferris wheel rides
That day will come
When you feel like
Inescapable space between a
Suicidal Mack truck driver
And an industrial concrete wall
That day…
That day is the very day
You realize that you spent
More time calculating risk
Waiting for a better time
The day that failing and
Moving on becomes more attractive
Than fear of failing
That day…
Would be the day
That you are no longer exempt
From the age that has crept in
When you reckon
That time is a priceless
Commodity in a nasty
Affair with limitations
And I…
I will be gone
I won’t be found by you
Because I…
Have lived that day
And I…
Will be cutting the Ferris wheel line
While I have the time
 May 2015
Dawn King
It was midday in late Spring
I walked out onto the land with a soul child
We met the others there and began the negotiations
A total of 4 progressed to the West corner
And stood as quarters on the forgotten soil
Spirit direct center as an arrow to the skies
The retrograde could not impede
Then, all was spoken without hesitation
 May 2015

of a
in the
conscious mind


only a


Hello out there!
We've been off line for a while
but nature will not be denied!

Welcome back!
 May 2015
AK Bright
Destiny will not be found
in the realm of time
Limited to our own imaginations

We are all but strangers in this land
It is those who find a belonging to this world
 who are truly lost

Echoes we chase of discontentment
Searching for pieces we think we lost
or never had

Hearing the voices inside and out
Declaring "You Don't Belong"

Wanderers, explorers, seekers at best
Life is a Sojourn
    not a place to nest
 May 2015
K Balachandran
Sitting cross legged on earth, in the wilderness alone quiet,
I meditate,on the single sprawling tree, in her poetic best,
verdant and robust, I wouldn't fail to see how ceaselessly
she did strive, in  reinventing herself moment after moment.

A bird, dedicating her song to the evening's evanescence,sings on,
like nothing else ever matters to her, even after it's end,
as she has known her inner-self better, by making her songs
more relevant, each time  than before,and than the songs of others,
without any reason particular, more by a compulsion mysterious.

While delving in to the depth of that compulsion, Marianne Moore,
I feel present in my mind, she is the tree fighting the creative battle,
not to  dislike her own creation,the bird with persistent compulsion.
"Poetry" Marianne Moore once said "Ï too dislike it"She refers to a kind of poetry neither honest nor sincere, but has found approval by virtue
of it's obscurity.
 May 2015
K Balachandran
And when the lights, once bright, one by one
in weariness shut their eyes, the last visitor
came in perplexed and stood still before
the one and only exhibit, kept specially for her.
An abstract artifact, creation of hearts through many summers,
a cry stifled in her *******, felt like a piercing knife to her,
But in that seeping darkness she didn't see a blob of blood
oozing out from it's center and dripping on the ground wetting her feet.
Moonflower in the Pale Moon Light
Gently Unfurling
Willing to Nights Delight

Cloistered under the Bright
Clear Sun.. Shutting Herself
Till the Day is Done

Secrets Revealed beneath the
Veil Of Darkness
Light of the Moon
The only Language
To which She Hearkens

* * * *
Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
A shout out Moonflowers around the world. How fortunate we are
to be present to their magical ways
 May 2015
In possession
Of an intellect
Able to rise above
The ceiling of limitations

Emotional constructs
Binded by a need for love
Our hearts and minds
Do so push and shove

The mind's eye
So blindedly enlightened
The permanent waves
Of social, spiritual
Political devices

Still the sparks
Gleam from those
Beautiful creative eyes
Dreams turn ink
Into passion pinks
Crimson nights
And hues of unspoken blues

Through neural passageways
We share a common design
To create a world
In the intelectual
Poetic's mind.
Traveler Tim
Re to 01-17
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