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 Jul 2015
Kelly Rose
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song
My woven whispers ****** ways and words
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong
Be part of an inner circle and be heard

Write with me, no lines will be false or blurred
Together we will create and be strong
There’s no need for pleasure to be deferred
I am the Poet, hear my siren’s song

I have been sad and alone way too long
Belonging together is most preferred
Creating brings joy, won’t you come along?
My woven whispers ****** ways and words

Take a chance and your senses will be stirred
Part of our circle, not lost in the throng
We are more together, grace is conferred
Mesmerizing, you will feel you belong

All ideas are welcomed, no thought is wrong
Just know this; your spirit won’t be interred
May our venture be successful and long
Be part of an inner circle and be heard
I am the Poet

July 21, 2015
something new and different
 Jul 2015
Through darkened shadows
Clear visions
Reflections of stone
A heart in glorious shades of smoke
Master of illusion
Precise and unyielding
Cool breath and a steady heart
Poised within a mind
In constant dissension
Complex and beautiful
Determined to test limits
Hoping, against hope
To be enlightened
Through darkened shadows
 Jul 2015
remembered you,
I believed in you,
You believed in me,
We were both sea creatures
uncommon seas.

We had taken to that
unconscious ocean
to see in the sea,
What we could see.

It's been a strange journey
of that there is no doubt.

Where everyone walks with
their insides in,
We travel these seas
with our
insides out,
We don't know any other
way to be
when you're swimming through
uncommon seas.

It's often a desert
out there,
But inside here
all kinds of musty
drudged up from
anxious memory
inhabitants of this sea -
Sponge Bob Square Pants
nothing on you or me,
We are all travelers
in this uncommon sea.

Our bathing suits left far behind,
the temperature sometimes
too hot
too cold
depending on our state of mind,
There's strife
character assination
uncommon seas
are far from placid.

The joy of traveling
you and me,
Sea creatures
the longing,
Finally belonging,
Where somewhere
out of the blue,
A Beluga whale
swims alongside
you and me
uncommon seas.
The symbol for the unconscious in dreams has been known to be the ocean.
 Jul 2015
Amitav Radiance
The night sky is so alluring
There is a subtle attraction
Stars hold our gaze tonight
As lovers hearts come closer
Fine strings from the moon
And the shimmering veil
Decorate the landscape
Waves of silver light
Resonates with hearts upheaval
Night’s bring out the beauty
With closed eyes, we see the universe
Love stops at this confluence
Hearts slowly drowning in love
 Jul 2015
The lush green leaves
Burned by the heat of the Sun
Scorched by her tirades
The dewy green turned steam
Replaced by shriveled brown
Devoid of life
Under her heated gaze
The beauty she craved
Nay, nurtured
Destroyed by the fire of who she is
The trunk lies bare
Sticks into earthen crust
Of what once was
What was pure
What was perfection
What will never be
searching around corners, looking at the stagnant walls, feeling the absence in my sanctuary, perhaps I too shall flee, to fly into infinity ad finem
 Jul 2015
Sally A Bayan
(10 w x 9)

A glass of wine waits
beside a tureen,
..............where soup


with twisted noodles
of choices
and reluctance
slowly simmering.


there's no fire,
ladle goes on,
stirring within


rivers of fear
..........of paths
circumstances may lead to...


to stagnate?
or rise from inner swamp?
::::: a recurring


most loved,
derails intentions,
    e  n
     existing wall...


wisdom gained,
all reside in
one's comfort zone

to move on,
or stall?




doi­ng    n o t h i n g,
this humid evening
just swimming
in dark



Copyright May 31, 2015
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
 Jul 2015
Silence Screamz
Savory sense to ease my worry
Walked in the mist, mild with fury

Graveside scene, eerily silent
Souls of the dead speak out in violence

Mind numbed feelings, frozen with fear
Take the next step, not going near

Hair stands on end, weak at the knees
Black cat crossed, begging you please

Lay down and listen, whispers at night
Can't close my eyes, a moment I might

Rust broken gate, iron wrought ring
Shhh do you hear? The dead starts to sing
Walking through a graveyard, what do you hear?
 Jul 2015
K Balachandran
On a crazy high, I share whole of  myself with you, gladly
your melting heart I took over fully, do you feel it as a loss?
when love makes us so insane,  we go berserk like wild fire,
avaricious kids, now we are,  usurping each other in parts,
where will it all lead, my love, baffling it is, but elating all the same
would we be just the same ,or less; perhaps more than what before?
 Jul 2015
Sia Jane
If you would chase her
     to the ends of the earth
climb ladders in to the sky
  jump on to clouds that
  just to follow the light
                 of a thousand stars
and rest on the moon
         to counter
                  the light years you
        pursue, racing to catch up
if you would wrap yourself
         around this infinite
  just to say: I love you
make sure, she's the one
   to say: I love you back.

© Sia Jane
Hey guys!!! I came to post some work last night and Hello Poetry was down! I'm trying to get on line to read and post! But!!!! I am in the #amwriting stage of my work right now. I'm working on a book to be published 2016 so it's busy. I miss you all and thank you for always supporting me. It's priceless to me <3
 Jul 2015
ink of sky inhabits her eyes
  essence of serenity almondine
so spanish in silvern adornment
  though her soul is hafnium pierced

a haven for both life and death
  embodiment of artistic expression
openly hooded in earlobe spirituality
  nominally patrician by disposition

my source stirs in futile disarray
  kindred energy infusing the moment
a tree appears on a barren landscape
  devoid of foliage, vivaciously rooting
 Jul 2015
Liis Belle
A different skin tone
A different tongue
What does it matter?
We’re all born young –
Innocent and naïve
Until the world infects
Our minds and makes us harm
The world we should protect

A different belief
A different home
But what is the difference
Between “Hi” and “Shalom”?
Or “As-Salamu Alaykum”
And “Peace be with you”
In the end we’re all humans
Christian or Muslim or Jew

And it’s all rather silly
If you care to think it through
How we need to differentiate
And separate me and you
Just because we were born
In a slightly different place
Into a different religion
Into a different race

‘Cause we’re humans and we bleed
The same colour of red
We need the same things
To be loved and fed
Even if I lived a world away
It matters not in the end
We’re all in this together
You and me, my friend
 Jul 2015

The rains falls
not hard, more of a drizzle
this late Sunday night
leaning on the light post
across the street,
watching the light in your window,
glowing slats through mini blinds,
outlines of your silhouette,
damp steel seeping my jacket,
cars pass, wipers waving,
splashing in circular patterns,
glistening tire tracks,
straight lines on the damp asphalt

I stare up dreaming,
wondering if you know,
I am nothing without you,
my life is because of you,
so many years floating,
blurs in lingering dark shadows
curbs to sleep in, yesterday's news,
broken bleachers where others met,
and I watched, fearing never me,
darkness would be my hand to hold,
lunchtime falterings on tuna salad wishes,
a clean plate in line for desert,
they just ran out,
vanilla pudding disappointment,
and it was...

I flick the ashes from my Marlboro light,
as I notice the lamp in your room is out,
when did that happen, where was I,
and the drizzle coats my glasses,
a chill claims me as the street light flickers
and I suppose it's time to go
in these saturated high tops
squishing as I pace this sidewalk
of smeared chalk masterpieces

My heart breaks again, my life, this night,
every night on an avenue to the border,
is truly nothing without you,
an empty hull hauling cargo of the past,
an existence worth the lint in my pocket,
a poem folded and kept,
written for you in dreams pasted
on walls of white,
in a hallway of desire with your name
layered in patterns that mirror my heartbeat
and I wonder if you know...there is no other,
none that can compare,
none that could ever be,
no one will ever touch me, thrill me or
love me like you do and I will not be...
I will not be, I can not be without you

Turning to leave these shadows clinging,
sighing as I want you but the hour is late,
the rains fall harder, a liquid curtain
all but blocking my view, blinding me
when a hand on my arm spins me,  
it is you, drenched, smiling, eyes bright
on this dreary night as you tell me
you know,  you know and it is me
and you mean it, I can tell

We dance in the downpour, who cares,
it is us and we are in love, our song,
they are all our songs, you and me,
kicking puddles and laughing
with wet eye lashes, kissing,
soaked with love,
with devotion and sunny days,
moonlit nights and a lifetime with each other
on a sidwalk, a rainy night, a street light
and and me
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