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 Jul 2015
Dark n Beautiful
sweet and sour plums the
fruits all covered  in black ants
  an intense fragrance
Haiku poems date from 9th century Japan to the present day. Haiku is more than a type of poem; it is a way of looking at the physical world and seeing something deeper, like the very nature of existence.
 Jul 2015
Piano keys tickled
in soft lullaby melodies
echo in harmonic measures
neath an ivory moon
tuned midst an ebony sky,
shimmering sonatas in
sustained twilight concertos
waft in sensuous tempos,
acoustic sighs sing
as silhouettes on
candlelit curtains,
caliginous shadows of love
sway together in
rhythmic duet motions,
dancing to the ecstasy
of this symphonic evening
*composed of love
Good night beautiful
To my darling Holly, everything that we are, is composed of love
 Jul 2015

Picking a rose in a garden of Sundays
Calling your name on a broken branch wind
Looking for clover where weeds are not welcome
Walking the bridge till its time to begin

Dancing in puddles now filled up with laughter
Running through traffic as cars speed away
Searching for words in the headlines of morning
Writing of moons and the stars on display

Collecting my thoughts when I think I will never
Painting a smile on a shuttered front door
Lifting a rock just to see what is under
Shopping for clothes in a grocery store

Looking through openings cut in the carpet
Reaching atop every shelf that I see
Juggling penguins, now where did that come from
Asking a bird what it knows about bees

Planting a tree in the depths of the ocean
Baking a cake in a rooftop design
Sweating the small when the big stuff does happen
Thinking of beer when I’d rather have wine

Wearing a frown in the moments I’m happy
Pushing a cart with a wobbly wheel
Lurking in shadows that form on the sunset
Dreaming of things that are hopefully real

Finding that all I have written is nonsense
All of these verses above they will show
When all I wanted to say was I love you
Like in these stanzas I’ve written below

Penning a poem to say what I’m feeling
Wishing the phrases will reach to your heart
Sending you hints of my steadfast devotion
Scribbling fonts that we never shall part

All that I am is now all that you make me
There is no one that this man could love more
You are the girl that I’ve wanted forever
Eternally you’ll be the one I adore

So there you have it, quite crazy but true
Ideas scattered from deep in my mind
Where it is light with some dark in the corners
There is no telling the things you might find
 Jul 2015
Kelly Rose
Her pain is tangible, it breaks my heart
She does not see it, but our love is strong
Despite her pain, we will never part

Together we can forge a new start
Despite her pain, entwined are our songs
Her pain is tangible, it breaks my heart

Shared laughter will make her pain depart
True love will give her strength and make her strong
Despite her pain, we will never part

We were meant to be, our hearts sing one song
She tries to hide, knowing it is wrong
Her pain is tangible, it breaks my heart

She smiles every now and then, it’s a start
Through she feels she has nowhere to belong
Despite her pain, we will never part

She smiles very now and then, it’s a start
Her heart and my heart, totally belong
Her pain is tangible, it breaks my heart
Despite her pain, we will never part

Trying something new.  Sorry I have been away
 Jul 2015

poetry. folded into my back
pocket dark garnet pages are
left frayed and friable like
leaves on the bottom
of a teacup

poetry. stancion of
formed glass emptied of
its torch by breakage
each shard a grain
of obsidian

poetry. lamp of a great
beast structure struggling to
find its way through the labyrinth
Minotaur myths blackness
camera obscura to a feast of souls
who's meat is dusty tomes
skeletons in tombs
choking on their crusts of
parchment owls

poetry. oil of anointing
for to wrap the Christian
alive as he burns in
the garden of

i am poetry. all of these
am i. a paper soul clipped
from an origami bird's wing
frayed like a homemade
leaf but never

Thanks to Nat Lipstadt
and Shaunna Harper
for the inspiration
 Jul 2015
Francie Lynch
A wolf stands firmly
Howling singular notes,
Reaching over the night.
The woodland animals
Hear the plaintif cry
As a lonely echo
Through the air.
We don't care,
But others cower nearby.
The abandoned wail ****** ears,
Confirming all their fears:
Something must die.
Scratching, arching
With fierce yellow eyes,
Snout pointing to the darkling sky,
He howls his hollow cry,
Sounding like his cousin's bark,
He lopes to his den,
Veiled in the dark,
Hoping his warnings
Were not in vain,
The wolf next night
Will wail again.
 Jul 2015
poetessa diabolica
Cure me within the seize
     of artistic rapture
capturing human spirit in
      boundless creativity,
lay 'pon my ******* a sonata
    written of affection's simpatico,
whisper me a sonnet
        scripted 'neath my skin,
  soar me to limitless grandeur
     elevated beyond cloud vapors,
beckoning rhythmical renditions of
    abstract layers in love, splendor & art,
amidst the harmony and lavish
            poetry of a soulful heart
 Jul 2015
under my skin
high tension wires
they crackle and singe
the hair on my arms
burning inside
making roadmaps on my
throat and belly


the words are singing

an a cappella high note
bursting my eardrums
shattering glass

the fragments shimmer
and filter out into
the ionosphere
hang there
to rival

aurora borialis

the words are singing

their song of mermaids
their siren song

i crash on the rocks
i tear the paper
with a
rudderless ship
and the words
off the page

like lizards**

(c) 6/6/2015
I'm not sure if my wifi network
will be working properly
We've been having trouble

This poem was screaming for release

It's the last one for a while
I want to read more

Please forgive me if I am slow
The company is coming out
to look at the server
but I never know when my server
will be working

 Jul 2015
poetessa diabolica
In the shadows of a
    darkly relinquished night,
 an unrelenting musing beast struck
       presenting a proposition,
         as he pranced about
           viscous vision's intentions,
promised a copious poesy garden
        'tween early morn's
            buttercup metaphors
              & dusk's poppy delusions,
danced 'til lavishly penned spirits
    were indubitably unleashed
        exploding 'neath elliptical eclipses;
whence the sun it did bounteously appear
    midst all its magnificent splendor,
        whilst Delphic inky nectar dripped
           deliberately ascending beyond
                   hellbent scripted passages,
    midst vaporous voids of creation
                'pon paradisaical prolific poetry
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