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 Nov 2015
Nat Lipstadt
to whom do I address this?

to whom do I
forward fling, weep and sing,
this bequest~request,
to and upon?

where shall I commence?

for there is no beginning or end,
a continuum,
a progression permanent,
from inside out
to harmonize, coordinate,
what the outside has taken leave to
inject, insert,
to our selves query,
our life hood very,
impoverish our senses
and still, and yet,
to ever inspire and seed

do you possess that requisite

that all
that is illogical,
beyond sensory comprehension,
that all
is a steady running creek
of fluid starting points,
none that can be deflected,
nor forever held

that all,
being demands unchosen but acquired,
that all,
demanding constant reflection,
and realization
that the acceptance mystery is but a
molten crucible
wherein wonderful and awful
must of necessity,

so you alone must construct,
what chance desires to destruct,
weld the joints of new iron works that
require the bonding of a special solder
of asking and acceptance,
to be the special soldier
of acceptance
overcoming that which we can never accept,
yet must

be purposed to build high the edifice,
to stand upon the crane,
to look down on what
has been lost as well as
not yet gained,
and that
requires saving

to see the far, observe the near,
merging both into a single point ring alloy,
manufactured in order
to never forget
to be forever certain,
it is within our assured power
to comprehend and apprehend
belief in blessed resurrection

where there is no birth nor death,
no start nor finish,
just the
munificent satisfaction
of lawful acceptance,
that all we build of any matter,
that which we create,
cannot be destroyed,
but will be recreated,
for that is the purposeful meaning
of resurrection now
and every day forward

Atlanta, Georgia
Nov. 16, 2014
for E.R
 Nov 2015
Earl Jane

Then our love blossoms,
With pure eternity flame,
Our love, perpetual.

with love <3

© Earl Jane
♥ E.J.C.S.
For Brandon <3

i love you a lot my king, i miss you sooooo much !!! Me most!!
 Nov 2015
brandon nagley

Aʟɮɛɨt ʍɨռɛ ɮʀɛatɦs aʀt ʄaɖɨռɢ
Stɨʟʟ ʍɨռɛ ʟɨʄɛ, tօ ʍɨռɛ աɨʄɛ;
Tօ ɦɛʀ I'ʍ ɖɛɖɨċatɨռɢ.


Aʟɮɛɨt tɦɛ Sʊռsɦɨռɛ's ʟɛaʋɨռɢ
Mɨռɛ sօʊʟ ɨs ɮʀɨɢɦt;
Aռɖ tɦʀօʊɢɦ tɦɛ ռɨɢɦt, I'ʟʟ ɮɛ sɨռɢɨռɢ aʍօʊʀ' ʀɛքɛatɨռɢ.


Aʟɮɛɨt sօօռ I sɦaʟt sʊċċʊʍɮ
Rɛstɛtɦ tɦɨռɛ ɦɛaɖ, I aʍ ռօt ɖɛaɖ;
Fօʀɛʋɛʀ I ʟɨʋɛtɦ ɨռsɨɖɛ tɦɛɛ
Mɨռɛ ċɦօsɛռ օռɛ.

I tɦaռҡɛtɦ tɦɛɛ
Fօʀ tɦɨռɛ ʟօʏaʟtʏ;
Aռɖ aʟʟ օʄ tɦɨռɛ

Jʊst ɮɛċaʊsɛ
Aʄtɛʀ ʍɨռɛ ɖɛatɦ
I աօռ't ɮɛ sɛɛռ;
Dօtɦ ռօt ʍɛaռ ʍɨռɛ sքɨʀɨt աօռ't ɮɛ ɦɛʀɛ.

©Bʀaռɖօռ ռaɢʟɛʏ
©Lօռɛsօʍɛ քօɛts քօɛtʀʏ
©Eaʀʟ Jaռɛ Naɢʟɛʏ ɖɛɖɨċatɨօռ-Fɨʟɨքɨռօ rose
Albeit starts out each verse and albeit means ( although) in archaic form.. And for you who can't read fancy poem it reads as such.....


Albeit mine breath's art fading
Still mine life, to mine wife;
To her I'm dedicating.


Albeit the Sunshine's leaving
Mine soul is bright;
And through the night, I'll be singing amour' repeating.


Albeit soon I shalt succumb
Resteth thine head, I am not dead;
Forever I liveth inside thee
Mine chosen one.

I thanketh thee
For thine loyalty;
And all of thine

Just because
After mine death
I won't be seen;
Doth not mean mine spirit won't be here.
 Nov 2015
Jimmy Hegan
Be  strong in the Lord and the pow'r of His might,
As you tread into regions unknown every day;
He will fight every foe as you trust in  His  love,
And be bold in your faith as  you go all the way.

Fight , fight with courage firm,
Fight, fight  you'll never fail,
Sure the foe in fear will flee,
By  His might you'll ever prevail.

Be led by the Spirit of God every day
To  discern all the wiles of the foe in the tray;
Gird your ***** with the truth and renounce every lie,
God is sure to confirm every word that you say.

Take hold of His shield that will quench every dart,
And with stand  all the arms that the foe doth prepare;
For no weapon shall  prosper against servants true,
God is their righteousness; heritage great and rare.

Oh  watch! for the foe roams about to devour,
Whom resist strong in faith , giving  glory to God,
Do not doubt , do not fear, but be firm in your stand.
And destroy all his works with the sword of the Word.

Fight sin, fight e'en Satan and sickness and death,
With the  shout of the King over pow'r every foe;
You have pow'r both  to bind and to rend in His Name,
So  be strong in the Lord , and His might as you go.
 Nov 2015
Poetic Thoughts
They can make the chemicals for love in a lab. I know. I’m sick of hearing how unspecial it is that I exist alive with passion.
Listen. The world around me is howling and the moon is sick with our worries. We are all in a flood that wants us to sink without screaming. There is nothing in my pocket but debt and shadows and the teeth that have been knocked out of me. There is nothing in my future but cubicles and temp agencies.
Let us have love. This generation is dying. We are sweating out the innocence we were supposed to grow up in. We are all stumbling around with our hearts pounding in desperate fire alarms. We are all smothered. Let us have love.
Let us love each other wildly with our pictures of girls laughing in the passenger seat. Let us hold onto the images of our friends on the beach with sandy knees, of bonfires, of blurry drunken singing, of stopping for shakes and slurping them over bridges, of a shy look over one shoulder, of the sun setting, of selfies that show: I’m alive right now. I’m happy. Let us keep that. Let us keep proof that we are happy.
Love can be made in a lab. “Let that sink in,” he tells me. I say, “I knew that already.” So can basically anything. I want to stop questioning myself. I want to love so wide it breaks your measuring systems. I want to love her until she shakes, I want to touch him until it breaks me. I want to stop the cynics in their tracks. Everything is already so sad.
Can’t you see? Science doesn’t make this boring. Science makes this amazing. Everything that’s dancing in my head when I think of the people I love - it’s so real that they can read it in chemistry. It’s not just fantasy. It means I feel it to the very cells of me.
Let us have love. Let us have our dopamine, our seratonin, our oxytocin. We are surrounded by poison. Give us our delicate balance. Give us something we can believe.

— Love is scientifically explainable. That doesn’t mean it’s not amazing
#love #debt #shadows
 Nov 2015
Anwar Francis
Sit with yourself and wonder
at the musings of the heart
soft tom-tom patterns
in the wirey veins of vessels.
Contracted tightly
at the seminal moment
of things undone.
Breathe breathe breathe
You are here
unkempt knots
loosed down your shoulders
rising with the tide.
Lay within the beach
dig deep into the sands.
In this scene
lost parables
and crustaceous creeds sinking,
stay that way.
Speckled grains
formless and void,
to be shaped
lined and caked
do these hands dare?

             Anwar Francis
 Nov 2015
A professor explained to me once
how there is a limited number
of possible designs for making
an arrow point function as intended.

You can't stick a round rock on a stick
and expect it to penetrate like a dart.

It has to be sharp and hard, yet light
to fly like a feather straight and true
to the heart. I said, you mean like love?

She said, yeah, like love, kinda like love.
 Nov 2015
Musfiq us shaleheen
I'm going but coming to you again
when the train of love begins to start
then I found myself in love and live
such a bond that bound you to stand beneath the tree

I'm coming but going to you again
when my soul never found any goal
looking for a heart that flies like a bird
as a little bit of anguish which distinguished me without you

If I had not taken birth in this earth, I could not love
as long as I expect you that grew in me
an old empty silent tree even that never been free
from hot dust that always made a long thirst
even alone but still belongs
in the heart of mine

my darling! you know this is nostril
where I'm drilling,  
going but coming back to home again
to tell unspoken words which above all the intolerance of
in the desert burning grains

@Musfiq us shaleheen
Simple words
are the ones I cherish
most dearly

Once I was occupied
with analitical deconstructions
which lead to no good

Now I see God everywhere
in little things, within
the corners of your
eyes, soulful
 Nov 2015
Jeremy Bean
You are so gorgeous
And intelligent
That you dont have to rely
On what society tells you
You should
That your dreams
need not face
The execution
To play these games
With men
Who made the rules
That you enforce
It saddens me
You chose
The former
Over the latter
Because brains
Outlast beauty.
As I watch
a slipping mind
steal away the soul.
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