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 Aug 2016
My teacher once asked
a short simple question.
She had asked,
"What do you want to be?"
Raised arms answered her query.
Open palms each belonging to excitable children.

Wide little eyes looked up at her.
Hands began to flail in the air...
Ever so hopeful of being chosen.
So that they could voice their aspirations.
So that they could begin to share.

One by one,
they each was given the opportunity.
Turn by turn,
boastful were some
while others spoke quiet and shyly.

Then the teacher stopped short.
Not before expressing her delight.
She was in awe of such young minds...
Having had such great wings
to eventually take flight.

Then she explained...
What she had initially meant.
Confused looks all around including me.
She rephrased the question,
"What kind of person...
Do you want to be?"

There was silence.
No arms shot up to meet the subject.
I don't recall having raised mine,
but I remember telling the teacher...
An answer (I was confident), she wouldn't expect.

I stood at my desk,
proud and tall...
And told the teacher
that I wished to be a person...
Well loved by all.

She smiled and I did too.
I felt it was a good answer.
She nodded to signal for me to take my seat again.
She paused before speaking,
and not a moment later.

She said,
"That would be nice.
To be loved by all.
But that's close to impossible.
A big wish for someone so small."

I had heard her words clearly...
However I didn't understand.
My brows furrowed...
And I was deep in thought...
Still I couldn't comprehend.

28 years later...
Here I sit,
looking back to that time in the past.
How time flies...
It simply ticked away...
All too fast.

Till just then I was still that boy...
Who tried hard to please.
I wanted to prove that it wasn't impossible.
You can be loved by everyone,
and you can do it with ease.

But now I have learnt.
Now I have found meaning
and understanding in my teacher's wisdom.
It took me a while but...
I know now...
That wishes and reality don't work in tandem.

You can choose to care and love,
everyone you see.
But to expect everyone to love you the same...
Is sheer
You can't please everyone in life.
When you work around people, you're bound to step on some toes...
Whether intentionally or not.

Dedicated to my primary school teacher
and all the teachers out there. A tad early but...
Happy Teachers Day.
 Aug 2016
SG Holter
By open fire
We celebrate Friday.

Arms heavy, as wine
Ascends mouthwards.

Pantera on vinyl.
Flames dancing on raindeer skins.

I rest within my
Confidence knowing

The dress and make-up she
Really didn't need to put on

Are for me; we're the only two
Clouds in the blue.

Window blackness caused by
Absence of sun, moon, and winter tree

Shadows combined.
She lights an IKEA candle

Wedged into a wine bottle
And turns to me from within a veil

Of black hair; blue Norwegian
Eyes piercing through strands of raven.

*This is Happy. This is how

They will find us diseased
In fifty years.

Cold, warm

Hand in dead

Between empty
 Aug 2016
SG Holter
Push me in two hours.
Awakening means I
Live still.

Your voice reminds me:
It's worth getting up at

This Thing Called World
Awakens not; shifts.
I am animal to its

Soul; wings to its crow.
Never afraid, never uneasy.
Worlds turn.

Planets are never alone.
I can't wait to find the love
Of my

Life there. On other soil.
She hides well.
This universe ain't big enough

For the two of us,
I am the only sad god I need.
 Aug 2016
uzzi obinna
When you want to learn something,
Learn it all the way;
And if something is worth doing,
Do it in the best way;
It isn't enough for wishful thinking,
And not just enough to pray;
Believing should always come first,
faith and work is also the way;
If success is what you admire,
There is a huge price to pay;
There might be difficulties as you go on,
Be resilient come what may;
Practice always makes perfect,
Keep practicing everyday;
But remember not to start a thing,
And eventually end up halfway;
Do not feel too comfortable on top,
Learn something new each day;
The end of growth as we know it,
Is the beginning of decay;
Do not despise others as you grow,
You might need them someday;
if a relationship intends to pull you down,
Do not hesitate to breakaway;
Remember also the contributions of others,
And be willing to repay;
Also do not rely solely on others,
Try making your own headway;
There are many who have so done,
But were led astray;
As you spend your time working hard,
Reserve a little time to play;
So that you don't loose loved ones,
And leaving your mind in disarray;
So get on with what you ought to do,
There is no time to delay;
Because ideas left under utilized,
Can quietly slip away.
These words just kept flowing through me this evening and i couldn't keep it in but share it.
It turned out to be facts.
 Aug 2016
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

Filling out all of my vices in a box that I could never escape from,
My life is like an ant getting stepped on crying buffalo tears,
I've lost so much already in this world cringing from my knees to my thumbs,
Putting up with your **** and sad excuses is actually the real nightmare,
Don't beat yourself up too much when I'm gone and when your funeral has passed and went,
Even in death I'll be the mistake you created to provoke you to not care as much as you do now,
I'll never be like you and choose favorites,
I'll never be like you and just taught,
I'll never be like you , I'll never be like you and get off by locking your kid away,
My parent skills won't be subdued,
Telling people that you've done what you possible could do,
But he's a lost cause,
A lost cause with talent and lyrical spiritual voodoo to earn himself an award one day,
But you don't see that,
You didn't have that,
So ridicule me,
I'll never do that to any of my kids,
As a matter of fact I'll get everything on their wish list,
You'll never see them grow up to tell how great daddy is..
 Aug 2016
sometimes i want my skin to crawl -
i want to sit my bones in muck and sink
until my nostrils are just above the level
where i can no longer breathe

i want to purge myself of every great loss,
that's ever been or will come to be

i want to exist in every moment that i live,
to feel every emotion with an earnest heart,
to see every sight with wide eyes and an
open mind ready to learn, unlearn, relearn

i want to evolve, though the process
will be painful and neverending - i want to grow
 Aug 2016
the Sandman
I hold glass bottles to the sky
In thunderstorms,
I go home and shelf them for light.
I crawl up and back into you
In thunderstorms
and wrap in warmth till I can't breathe.
Drown me
In thunderstorms;
Hold my head down inside your veins.
Your goosebumps hug me to you, snug,
In thunderstorms
When I find asylum under
Your thumb.
In thunderstorms,
I love you again. Just for a while,
While my mind pours columns of cold,
In thunderstorms
That hang over my head and haunt
Me with self-doubt till I stress out.
In thunderstorms,
I watch the rain drip down my brain
And cut through ice and chloroform.
 Aug 2016
Elizabeth Squires
a crumbling of the floor's cement*
all pieces shall not stay welded
splintering bits in discontent
the plaster no longer melded

all pieces shall not stay welded
unity's oneness going awry
the plaster no longer melded
this being an unhappy fish to fry

unity's oneness going awry
each person in the deck breaks rank
this being an unhappy fish to fry
all of their cohesion well sank

each person in the deck breaks rank
on seeing a leader's madness
all of their cohesion well sank
they'll wake up to ego's badness

on seeing a leader's madness
the plaster no longer melded
they'll wake up to ego's badness
*all pieces shall not stay welded
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