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 Sep 2015
Emma talked about him like he was tattooed into her eyelids and he would not
allow her to scrub him away. I swear, he thinks everything is funny when it
makes me mad.
But she still answered his texts like it was the package
she had been waiting for months now, and she still loved him like it was an
antidote for some lovesick disease. I could see the way he ate up her affection
like it was some sort of sugar high, before he crashed into another girl's bed
that had been waiting all evening for him. Last night I watched as Emma and him
kissed for the hundredth time under a dozen stars, her hands pressed around him,
before a dozen of those stars came falling down to the ground, and he
disappeared with a different girl. Last night her tears over watered the lilies I keep
in my bedroom and leaked through the floor. Last night he called and said Baby,
I wouldn't mind choosing you
and I could hear a female voice in the background
like a bullet shot through the line. It traveled through her eardrums and followed the path down to her heart. Last night I told Emma she was worth more than this. Last night Emma stopped responding to his texts. Last night Emma and I went out and she
kissed another boy who danced with her like they were the only ones in the room,
and touched her like she was something better than his own existence. And last night,
Emma decided to not go home with anyone because she had an evening booked
with a new prince charming who knew how to wait for her.
 Mar 2015
darling iridescence
I'm choking on half-hearted efforts to move on and heavy nolstsgia.
not anymore
 Mar 2015
darling iridescence
girls are always told about princes and saviors.  fairytales and crowns. but prince charming isn't always charming. and good little christian girls are told "jesus died for you". you're saved by a blood sacrifice yet they say it's wrong to bleed out things on the alter unless you're virginal wives.

and i don't believe in saviors but i know a lot of knives. I know a lot about sacrifices. I know a lot about looking in the mirror and not recognizing the mascara streaked version of myself in my own eyes. that's a dark part of me i'm trying to unlearn, but i'm not sure muscle memory will stop me from reminiscing the singing of razor blades and the way some people gave me the exact same feeling.

head is reeling. wine. didn't he say that it was his blood? drinking 'til we see our graves, trying to forget what his lips looked like, trying to forget the taste of our sacrifices to an undeserving prince. they say the bible is open to interpretation but i have a feeling that isn't what it meant.
addressing unwritten misogyny and bad boys who like to toy with hearts
She watches **** at 3am, and has both ******* pierced
her nails are like white roses
and her palms like the thorn of every flower dead or alive

I feel like if I *** in her mouth she'll keep me inside her forever

I have to google "how to get hard" with every girl that's not her

she's a dead head, barley leaves her bed
keeps a rusted flask under her pillow
and a knife to rip her beat up wrist
there's nothing glorifying about her image

It isn't beautiful the way she pukes on the floor and can never find bandaids
and on sunny days she'll get this feeling in her stomach
that makes her run to the nearest drug store frantically pushing everything out of the counters, looking for scar cream

when she goes long enough without sleep she'll text everyone she knows an apology for something she did three years ago

and I will always love her, but I cannot marry pills and blood

and all the people know her as a crazy, crying *****
she was born with a different heart beat
as she was counting days left, the other little girls were counting sheep
 Mar 2015
Veronica Cristina
I’ve been told I’m a beauty since I was born
You are my little princess; you are so perfect my love.
That is all people have to say to make me go to bed
Because that’s all what people see on me, my beauty and a *** pet.
But mamma’s not here and my daddy ran away
And I just need someone to **** my pain away.
You can be woman or men; I don’t really, really care
I just want you to kiss my neck and let me rest my head on your chest.
Tell me that you love me when you don’t even know my name
My pretty and my legs will love you the same.
So baby, please, make me feel pretty again
You don’t have to stay, but please, make me feel pretty again.
 Mar 2015
I want you to hold my hand.
Hold my hand so tight that my bones break and every crack whispers how much you really need me. The space between my fingers should forget what it's like to be empty because you'll fix each and every crease. Light a fire in my palms and melt away any other touch other than your own.
I desire you.
I am something worth destroying. Can't you see that I would rather be a pile of broken floorboards and shattered glass than an abandoned house, having never been touched by you? Burn your name across my body and tattoo it onto my heart so I understand what it means to love with a passion.
I want to thank you.
You've made minutes feel like decades by holding me until my internal clock shattered and the only perception I had of time was the beating of your heart. You turned words I was too afraid to speak into currency and now I am a millionaire with nothing to show for it except your smile. You filled my eyes with stars and heart with assurance so when pieces of me died I still had something left to believe in. You never gave up on me when everyone else did.
 Mar 2015
ophelia annaliese
arms rip away at this skeletal heart without question:
a useless muscle that means nothing to me if i can't hold you.

open up your eyes, beloved.
just because i'm dead doesn’t mean
i can’t love you in this bed
during the night.

for today imagine that this is mutual.
that i am not a ghost and you are not
bound to sunsets with men that don’t
share my exact eye color.

let me lie to you. explain that i don't
******* to shadows ******* anymore,
cross my heart and hope to die.
(i hope you remember that
a heart can beat and still
long for grave-sites).

i know this isn’t a coffin
because i am burning
and you are always here at my side.

pull me up from this
and we'll go on

as if you've never found those
maggots in my sock drawer.

i promise.
(c) ophelia annaliese 2k15

— The End —