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 Apr 2019
Roaming desert scapes
waterless countryplaces, searching
Your eternal springs
bursting forth in full bloom
Painted in Apache plume
 Apr 2019
Anthony Perry
I'm a giant surviving on scraps from smaller hands, an Atlas without a known purpose living amongst Noam Chomskies and Ayne Rands, scrounging around this philosophical symphony for somthing hidden in the slaughterhouse of lambs.
 Apr 2019
Logan Robertson
a dream
in his sleep.
He caught a **** star.
For his cast had a lot of whip,
stretching his limit and rod as far as it can go.
When the rush of a bite sent him reeling he screamed for dear life as his catch jumped ahead.

Logan Robertson

Fibonacci :  1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...1 syllable, 1 syllable, 2 syllables, 3 syllables, 5 syllables, 8 syllables, 13 syllables, 21 syllables. For a total of 8 lines. Your writer is having fun in dreamland as the counting of sheep on this night came with a twist.
 Apr 2019
Squirrels gather nuts,
to prepare for the Winter.
They plan very well.
 Apr 2019
All the praises
    Sweet sugary words
                            need to be ignored
To unearth the truth
 Apr 2019
Terry Jordan
We’re in this together
Share the world’s seeming insanity
Look at yourself when you
Study the whole of humanity

Observe the universe
We’re all in this together
A connection made of tears
Flows as rivers forever

Why ever go it alone
Lonely cuts like a knife
We’re all in this together
Connected to all life
 Apr 2019
Logan Robertson
Such creaking of old
                            clutched hands,
  wrinkles expressed
                               mark transient veins of time.

Logan Robertson

I think as one ages they go up the proverbial creek. The days at the rivers mouth, in it's
longevity, come winding down from the mountain. I see this analogy in nature. I see my hands. The verbage expressed holds two meanings here, regretfully.
 Apr 2019
Stuck staring again
star watching, angel gazing
your eyes hypnotize
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