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Jan 2023 · 640
Green Thumb
coffeegirl Jan 2023
I sit on a sill
Reaching for sun
She waters my leaves
A relaxing sensation

I sing a calm song
A youthful note
Small and strong
A gentle growth

I sit here still
Reaching for sun
She waters my leaves
Rejuvenating liberation

I try for patience
Growing up

Fresh fruit bear free
Slow and steady
May 2022 · 866
It's like life
coffeegirl May 2022
It's uncomfortable
Like a child's first steps
Shaky and unstable
Slow and careful
Little arms reaching out for balance

It's chaotic
Like growing up
Like wild love
Like running too fast
Through a thick, overgrown forest

It's paralyzing
Like thoughts, like fears
Like losing someone
Like holding tears

It's like life
Apr 2022 · 575
I Run.
coffeegirl Apr 2022
I Run in place of those who can't.
I Run in spite of those who won't.

I Live in place of those who can't.
I Live in spite of those who won't.

I Thrive in place of those who can't.
I Thrive in spite of those who won't.

I Run.
My mantra this month. Live your life to the fullest because some weren't given the opportunity, and some won't take it.
coffeegirl Jun 2021
See the girl with the butterfly wings
See  the girl with her heart in her strings
She sits alone and breathes like a flower
She's only afraid of being a coward

She's the girl with the butterfly wings
She's the girl who I long to be
Right now I'm a caterpillar
But one day, one day I'll be like her
Aug 2020 · 548
Ocean Waltz
coffeegirl Aug 2020
walk me out ~ to the pier
sit by me ~ dip your toes
if I told you I was scared, would you
hold me and ~ hold my woes
Jun 2020 · 714
Sofa Beats
coffeegirl Jun 2020
stay here
(on the Sofa)
  feel the Beat
   (and never go)

be my boy
  at the end
  (talk around)
    secrets of love
Context: This is a poem i wrote for a lofi album I'm working on. Each line is a song title and the album name will be Sofa Beats (like beats to listen to while doing nothing) Let me know what you think!
Jan 2020 · 149
coffeegirl Jan 2020
With you
Hand in mine
On the sofa
Earbuds in
Edit: this is obviously no longer the finished version. Look for [Sofa Beats] under my profile ^-^
Nov 2019 · 421
"I don't get poetry"
coffeegirl Nov 2019
And she glanced at the water that pooled in the shallows of the street.
And she glanced at the lights that glowed off the water.
And she glanced at the buildings that hid stories of loss and life and love.
And she didn't get it.
She didn't hear the people in conversation around her
She didn't feel the cool air sweeping down on her
She didn't see the love in this little painting.
But how could she see the colors and not understand them?
Nov 2019 · 424
What is Light, but a Trick
coffeegirl Nov 2019
but all is pink
and nothing is blue
except for his eyes 
his eyes are polished 
and nothing is grey
except for the thing
in the corner of the room.
Jan 2019 · 206
Red Flags
coffeegirl Jan 2019
My red flags
Are bloodied rags
And blood-shot eyes
Over body bags.

My bad decisions
Are only comprehended
When stinging incisions
Are not met with stitches.

I never saw the knife,
You held tight.
I never saw the knight,
Fall. In spite

Im not blind.
So why?

Why my red flags go up so late?
What use do you have--my head on your plate?
And why do you try to manipulate,
My red flags to go up too late?
coffeegirl Jan 2019
The worst part about Hell
isn't the flames,
But the hopelessness.

It's the knowledge
That there is no escape.
There is no end
To your inevitable pain.
And suffering.

It's the knowledge
That there is life
There is beauty
But you'll never get it.
You'll never get out.

No matter how high you reach.
No matter how loud you scream.
Playing around with free form where punctuation is symbolic.
Nov 2018 · 1.7k
Legacy of Unhappiness
coffeegirl Nov 2018
She made her home in florescents
He was comforted by darkness
They were both okay with nothing
But I didn't inherit nearsightedness

I won't be drug under gravestones
I won't be untangled by a mess
I don't want your hand-me-down tears
Or your legacy of unhappiness

— The End —