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686 · Nov 2018
c Nov 2018
write me letters,
one with every
letter known to man,
write me one for each day my hand
is not in yours,
write to me of your thoughts and feelings
of hardships and triumphs,
along with everything in between,

and in return
receive mine each dedicated especially to you,
detailing the delicate intricacies
of the way you make me feel
and my remembrance of
the summer's breeze
paired with the cool ocean air
and the way your hair laid so gently,

visit me in my dreams
and drop sweet kisses
down upon my lips
allow for every moment
you were in my arms to be cherished
and every moment apart be envious
of the times you were next to me.
Obviously this peace is a bit more vulnerable and emotional. I guess I'm just hoping someone will relate. I wrote this a few months ago and I think it is funny to see it now and wonder just how strong a passion can be.
anyways I hope you enjoyed!!
351 · Aug 2019
simple pleasures
c Aug 2019
what intense feelings
we have for beauty
lust jealousy deceit
they all wange strongly
in the hearts of the weak
very few times does
the human brain
collect its thoughts
beyond the physical
and perhaps that is our
greatest folly.
To never truly love
beyond what our eyes can see
to never truly love
what our hearts
For if not intellect
what can sustain such an emotion
for physicality of plight
can only endure for so long.
And yet the remembrance of
youthful wit lasts
in our brains
much longer than a
fashioned glance ever could
remain in our hearts.
313 · Oct 2018
c Oct 2018
Maybe one day I’ll write you a book
Something about what everything is about

I won’t file it down like the rest of the world.  
No my book will have all of the rough edges that life has.

The edges that’ll cut you if you don’t watch

Why not soften it up?
Because then it wouldn’t be real
It would just be a fantasy.

And the last time I checked
Life doesn't come with any
Safety precautions.

Instead life comes raw.
So my book to you will be equally undercooked.

Because I love you enough
not to lie.

My only hope is that you can enjoy my gift to you.
As much as the meal its self.
This is a poem that I wrote when I was much younger. I thought I had an interesting outlook on my life at the time, and the emotions I once felt. Now I am currently working on a series of poems discussing different emotions, to show the range in which humans can feel and experience.  So that leads me to this old poem; I felt that Raw perfectly displayed my emotional state from a few years ago as a young teen, who was not really sure of her place in the world. So ENJOY and hopefully you (and I) can look forward to some up coming poems.
236 · Jan 2019
Baby Brother
c Jan 2019
Dear Baby Brother,
When I look at you, I see a beautiful boy. I see a boy with bright blue eyes, rugged brown hair that covers an intense mind and a body so small you look as though you could snap in two with a lift of a hand.  Although, you hate it when people call you small because you’re in middle school now and you are becoming a man.  But the point is: when I look at you in the quickest of glances I see a boy with a passion for video games and building trinkets. From toy guns to robotic hands you always had a knack for creating. God! How you always loved those little things you built.  You should be proud, they only begin to show your intellect.  
And this is my next point, I love talking to you. When I talk to you I hear of your dreams of MIT and work as an inventor, or an engineer,or a pioneer for the future. But baby brother I know he tells you to quit at your dreams because he said the same to me. He tells you go to LCCC, become a mechanic because it is close to what you like, but not really.  
Baby Brother, never forget the pure joy you feel every time you curate a new gadget or beat a level at one of those silly games. And ALWAYS remember that you are: so, much, more.
If there is one thing of me I wish for you to remember it is: to always show love. I know that with your mind you also have a heart, and I hope you follow it, never lose it. I know how harsh he can be, with a tongue almost as strong as his actions, everything cuts like knives. But while those daggers fly towards you, know your heart and love will protect you, even when I can’t. Remember the feeling of unconditional love, and the way it stays with you even when it is hard for you to catch your breath.
    I Love You,
        Your Big Sister.
Technically I wrote this as a type of internal monologue for a class I thought I would share t here on this platform...
159 · Apr 2019
c Apr 2019
Your Chemical balance has been maxed out,
Please swipe your card to try again,
I’m so sorry it seems that you,
Are currently experiencing
a shortage in your
Balance, please
Contact your
Bank to get
Further in-

— The End —