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C Apr 2018
I feel sick every ******* time I think of you
My heart pounds in my throat
I don't want to remember
I don't want to feel alone
At times like this I really wonder
Was it worth the lessons learned
Im not sure if i will survive this
or if my sanity will ever return
Because you were all I new
Aside from a life time of pain
and I thought that when I met you
The pain had finally gone away..
But we've grown apart
And it hurts everyday
I wish so badly that something could take this pain away..
  Mar 2018 C
I could never tell you
exactly what's going on inside my head,
so I'll write instead.
Drown my thoughts in paper & lead.
Keep my hands alive,
and my expression dead.
  Mar 2018 C
Alexandria Rose
Kiss me goodnight
with your
soft, addicting
Caress my hand
with your thumb
while the rest
of our fingers
are intertwined
and holding
like our hands
are sewed together
and we’ll never be able to
let go.
Forget the blankets,
and let’s enjoy
the warmth from
our bodies
pressing up against
each other’s
smooth skin.
Let’s lay in the dark
at 1am,
and tell each other
all the skeletons we have
in the closet.
Or why
your parents
aren’t together anymore,
your biggest fear is,
or about a night
you drank yourself into
Tell me all the
crazy stories
about you
your childhood best friend
causing chaos.
Hold me tighter
in your arms
as our talking ends,
I’ll fall asleep
to you
gently playing
with my hair.
Kiss me goodmorning
with your
soft, addicting
Tell me how beautiful
my eyes look
in the sunlight
beaming through
the window.
Lay with me,
for a few
more moments
so I don’t have to
your arms
that never stopped
holding me
through the night.
Laugh with me,
so I can get
to a sound
I’ll never get
sick of hearing.
Let the words
“I love you”
pour out of your
like the waterfall
that pours
out of me
when you
make me
reach my ******.
Have me
get attached
to every part of you.
Love me,
never step away.

  Mar 2018 C
i finally remembered what it was
to feel happy and content
instead of just "not sad"
the sun comes around more often
sticks around longer
it paints my world in colors more beautiful
than those it gives the sky because suddenly,
when my friends laugh , i can too
and i am loud again
and instead of walking, i skip
suddenly, instead of dreading the day,
i wake up to moments full of potential
and i worry less about every single thing i do
suddenly, being with people
is as invigorating as it used to be
once upon a time ago.
of course, the rain will come again
and the sun will leave with summer
and it is then, especially, that i will hurt again
but suddenly, i have hope.
story time! i've suffered from depression, and more recently, anxiety on and off for a few years. my parents can't afford to get an official diagnosis done, but in looking at my symptoms and consulting others, i think i may have seasonal affective disorder (or s.a.d.). of course, it's technically a self-diagnosis and i hate to be "that person", but this is just how i've been feeling the past few days as spring rolls around so i thought i'd explain about s.a.d. for some clarity.
C Mar 2018
I'm broken and empty
Alone and i feel lost
With no one beside me
What does love cost
I don't want to keep living
Im scared of going on without you
This world is cruel and unforgiving
Tho something I already knew..
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