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 Dec 2016 Caleb Bearbower
dear icarus,

i've watched you toil your youth away
all because you have been growing your wings of freedom
to be freed from the life you are locked in

with your calloused hands,
you have put on your wings of feathers and wax,
you are ready to fly across oceans
and escape from this labyrinth
of loneliness and fatigue

but icarus, remember those wings may break
you're shining boyishly, you're coming close to all those stars like stage lights
after aching and fading in the dark
you are seeing the sun for the first time
and it is all you want
but even the brightest and prettiest of lights can burn you out

icarus, come back safely
remember the world beneath you
and the love that the earth
has given you all these years
fly back down here
and i will do all i can to keep you safe.
before the ocean of wreckage pulls you into its depths
and it is too late
some people shine after so much suffering and hard work, but they fade out. it scares me.
 Dec 2016 Caleb Bearbower
i wish i could have helped you fly
i wish i could have given you wings crafted by Hephaestus himself
i wish i did not have to see you fall
blinded by the light of the sun
as you sank into the depths of the ocean

i wish i could have caught you with my arms
when all you wanted was to be free
i wish i could have saved you
before you flew too close to the sun
and melted your wings

our universes never shared
any sort of symmetry,
parallel as they will always be,
but icarus, i do not know why
i carry the weight of your undoing.
icarus has fallen.

second part of my first poem dear icarus,
hands raised to the sky as he runs,
young and wild, curious, carefree;
sunlight bleeds through his fingers
not enough,
he wants to touch the sun.
you mustn't get too close, Daedalus warns him
and then Apollo smiles;

it feels like soaring,
being on the receiving end of
something so bright.
full of youth, seduction is easy
i think your mouth would taste like summer
he surrenders
slave to a burning star
forgive me, father

when he flies,
the taste of freedom
is sweet and heavy on his tongue
but you're not really free
sunbeams envelope him
his skin is golden; Apollo's touch is fire
he's never felt so warm

i could destroy you
he's always been reckless
you won't
throws himself into the flames with abandon
it burns; it's violent; it consumes him
this isn't love
defiant, he smiles even as he screams
it's love to me

Apollo watches as he plummets
falling, falling, collapsing, wings singed and broken
gods shouldn't feel this helpless
it was love to me too
the slap of skin,
the crunch of bones breaking in the waves.
nothing could convince him to keep looking
as Daedalus screams
and holds his fallen son

gods bleed ichor,
gold like Apollo's light;
Apollo has eyes like a clear blue sea,
that's what Icarus once told him;
now Icarus paints the ocean,
bleeds scarlet into Poseidon's waters
and the sun god watches.
how fitting that you'd taint the ocean like you tainted me
Apollo's eyes are red from crying

was it worth it?
in the afterlife, he wears scars
where he used to wear wings
i'd fall a thousand times over just to kiss your lips
immortal now, his soul is sun-stroked
they'll write odes to you,
the boy who flew too close to the sun
even in death, his spirit is bright with innocent joy
he laughs
it sounds like Cupid's lyre

let them, he beams. at least i flew.
curiosity is a fire,
roaring inside your ribcage.
you wonder, and you want,
and the tips of your fingers
stretch themselves
towards the sun—
warm, then hot,
then scorching,
and finally, you plummet.
they call you a tragedy,
but tell me,
did your blood not run
liquid gold,
in that moment
the sun’s heat
embraced you?
didn’t the touch
of pure, pure opulence
leave stardust
and embers
embedded in
your skin,
a heavenly dust
adorning your burns?
in the sky, as you
dive towards earth,
you glimmer
like glory.
charred angel,
did you not feel divine
in the seconds before
you fell?
wasn’t the warmth
worth what followed?
(g.c.) 12/15/16
 Dec 2016 Caleb Bearbower
I love her
I lust for **him
. *** .
you were the first
the very first
i remember the first time you looked at me
a glance for a second too long
we were both so enchanted

i was the one for you
no one else mattered
everything was centred around you
i never wanted to let you go

our slow walks through the autumn woods
our skates across the winter ice

then the spring came
with it brought new life
i remember when you told me you loved me
we kissed
just a delicate pressing of the lips
sealing us together

you said "what's next?"
i pulled you into my embrace
you kept kissing me and kissing me
i felt like i was falling

falling into the depths of love
oh so carelessly
my infatuation with you had filled my mind
i knew love was dangerous  
but we were one now

we couldn't stop ourselves
we kept falling deeper into the realm
we were happy

months later
the love i felt had begun to fade away
the passionate embraces
replaced by lustful behaviour
i knew

we were falling out of love
and into lust

come back my love
my first love
I try to write poems
About how I love you
How you are my world
How my heart beats your name
But the lines don't even touch my heart anymore
And the ends never rhyme again
The final couplet waits for the last verse
I don't want to say this
But maybe this is how the sonnet ends
I'm falling out of love I guess.
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