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 Jan 2017 Cait Harbs
 Jan 2017 Cait Harbs
My eyelids shut, my mind begins to race
The thoughts I've pushed away unveil themselves
My mind has a mind of its own

One million thoughts are keeping me from sleep
They bloom and burst behind my blackened lids
My mind has a mind of its own

Welcoming the faded pictures, gray and soft around the edges
The pulses shrink to glowing flickers
My mind drifts off on its own
first poem in (sort-of) iambic pentameter
 Jan 2017 Cait Harbs
 Jan 2017 Cait Harbs
Calm, broad strokes of blue
Slowly fill the pristine page
Shades of cool color
 Jan 2017 Cait Harbs
two knees touch the floor
two hands clasp, fingers bleed white
her hopeless prayer begins
all the words escape from her
and she begs them to return
heartbeat stops, caught on a
rending sob
the prayer drawn from her throat
like a string pulled skyward, it's fate obscured
behind the blackened moon
inspired by the piece "a model of the universe" by johann johannsson
 Jan 2017 Cait Harbs
Anna Lee
don't believe a word I say
promise me
confessions that come from my lips
are always wrong
I'm sorry
that I can't tell you the truth
about me
and about you
but most of all about us
I wish I knew how to say
the words
any words really
other than the crushing lies
that you believe
i'm really sorry that i can't talk to you,
 Jan 2017 Cait Harbs
Anna Skinner
give me your sorrow, I'll turn it to stone
give me your scars, I'll turn them to stories

scald me with your molten steel sadness and
watch art bloom from your suffering

erase silver scratch thoughts and
drift away to the scrawl of my pen

watch your pain tattoo these lines, scalding my veins
and spilling onto these pages
Here I lie,
in the pool of my own blood,
as they tentatively watch me,
disallowing their hearts to beat an inch for me.

I sit and watch and wait,
for the day when my scars become theirs,
for my cries to be the only sounds they hear,
as they pierce their ears leaving trails of blood down their necks,
so in the end,
we will all become what our scars make us.
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