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The world doesn't try to be cruel.
It's just apathetic.
Where would we be
If our world weren't so competitive?
Solstice stirs my Druid roots.
Those roots entangle with my dreams.
A language, strange and musical,
celebrates the world unseen.

The druids issue from the grove,
solemn in their robes of white.
The doors of time are open wide
on this, the long year’s shortest night.

Ovates divine and bards will speak,
Singing in the Cambric tongue,
The Druid raises arms on high
to praise the power of the Sun.

She lies upon the altar stone.
The victim of the gods’ caprice
Sunlight pours between the stones
where blood was shed and breath has ceased.
( Our ancestors did some pretty strange things. I believe some of mine painted themselves blue and ran around naked- but you won't catch me doing that.)
It’s so odd to think that you’ve wasted a day.
Yielded to submission,
Succumbed to the norm,
Accepted and embraced ones mediocrity—
Have we reason to be fond of hollowness?
No pride, null of shame,
And yet so full of—what?
Emptiness and void of anything,
The dim twilight we are warned against,
How hard is it to try in the least?
If failed, then one shall still progress!
The only one who’s failed
Hasn’t even tried at all,
The one who hasn’t succeeded
Has his precious recollection.
I’ll tell you,
Succeeding has no place
In *living.
 Apr 2014 Trader Tim
Cattails in the morning dew
Gently swaying in the wind
Glistening in the sunrise
Stretching toward its warmth
Butterflies spread their wings
Landing in unison with its motion
Perched upon its summit
Clinging on in the cool breeze
Still glistening in the morning dew
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