I’m soaring high,
Far up and free; that feeling we all know so well,
The one I have never felt before:
I feel it now
As I’m lifted away
On my magic balloon.
Delirious, in awe
I lose sense of time,
As that feeling we all know so well
Raptures me, binds me
And I’m lifted away
On my magic balloon.
Up here I’m suffocating.
All my doubts and denials fade away,
Strangled out of me
When I look into your eyes,
Seeing the true meaning of my life.
But all good things must end,
And every dream fades with time;
Truth runs its course
And that feeling we all know so well; bursts
And I hurtle back down,
Back down to solid earth
Where I cannot even remember being lifted away,
On my magic balloon,
And how I felt it would last forever.