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  Dec 2014 Basbee
The first time I looked into your eyes
Felt your lips against mine
Your body and mine entwined
Our hearts aligned
Our love combined
I knew I could search my whole life
And never again would I find
What we share
And I vowed right then and there
I wouldn't have to
I vowed
To love you like you were leaving
So I would never have to face the grieving
Of you getting up and closing the door
Because never in my life have I been so sure
That two people were made for one another
As you were made for me
And I was made for you
That two people could be so right for each other
As perfect as us two.
  Dec 2014 Basbee
melodie foley
What are the odds of finding someone -
who can finish your sentences -
who will let you cut in line -
who knows not to just lend a hand, or an ear when you need them to give you their spine -
who will keep every secret, save every letter, tell you how you really look
who will remember every single one of your birthdays -
without checking Facebook?
What are the odds of finding someone who knows your poetry by heart ?
I will always see you for the alley-oop.
I will always save you a seat.
I will always pick you to be my partner even though you are terrible at handball.
When the fire takes all you have, my home will be your home.
When you are old and can no longer remember my face, I will meet you for the first time again and again.
When they make fun of your accent, I will take you swimming because we all sound the same underwater.
When Ellis Island tries to erase your past, I will call you by your real name.
When they call your number for the draft, I will enlist to fight beside you.
And I will march with you from Selma to Montgomery and back as many times as it takes.
We will stand together against the horses and the dogs -
They could tell you how rare this is.
But they could tell you how rare this always is.
The chances are slim.
The cards are always stacked against you, the odds are always low.
But I have seen the best of you, and the worst of you, and I choose both.
I want to share every single one of your sunshines and save some for later.
I will tuck them into my pockets so I can give them back to you when the rains fall hard.
I want to be the mirror that reminds you to love yourself.
I want to be air in your lungs that reminds you to breathe easy.
When the walls come down -
when the thunder rumbles -
when nobody else is home, hold my hand -
and I promise -
I won't let go.
Basbee Dec 2014
We met unexpectedly
On purpose
(By God's grace)
I knew it was fate
Because it started raining
Showers of blessings right?
That's what I thought
What can I say
I've become a hopeless romantic

He told me that I was the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen
And I believed him
Because he said it with the most honest brown eyes

He told me that he'd miss me when I'm gone
5 minutes into our conversation
And I whispered:"Too soon baby"

That day was the epitome of perfect
Because I met
The kindest, sweetest, most caring guy

He is honorable

Noble, like Elijah Mikhealson, from The Originals

**He is the man, that people spend their lives searching for
And he found me
In a boxed shape superstore
On a rainy Monday evening
His name is really Romeo. We met 5 days ago and I feel like I've known him for 5 years. He tells me I'm beautiful every 3 minutes. I think he might be the one
Basbee Dec 2014
You don't know what I look like
When I'm not in love with you
Vampire Diaries.Season 4:Episode 11. Stephen to Elena. Burn
Basbee Dec 2014
Never Good Enough.
How did my life change from being a cool kid to being a social reject
Did I unknowingly commit social suicide
Was I unwillingly tried and thrown in the dungeon of unpopularity
Why did I never get a chance to take the stand and let them hear my testimony

I don't even know who 'they' are
Yet they have decided my trivial fate on the social wheel
They had to be close enough to me to figure out that I did not
Could not fit in
They had to know me enough to make me feel this lonely
I must have been friends with 'them'
I don't remember what this is
How this looks
Why this is needed
Or if I ever had this
I don't care about popularity, I don't care period.
What I want to know is how I got here.
To this point
Where when I breakdown, there's no one who sees that I am broken
Falling apart on silver blades
Stained red
Wielded with insecurities
Invited by my yearning flesh
Was I that much of an inconsequential person, that my existence
Or rather my absence went unnoticed
I always came to the conclusion that I'm not pretty enough
Or skinny enough
Or loud enough
And that's why 'they' don't me
Because I couldn't conform
To senseless conversation and shameless gossip

Anyway, all that doesn't matter anymore
Because I found out a while ago
*Cool Kids Do Die
I now know that Cool Kids don't exist.
Basbee Dec 2014
You are my friend
You are a part of me
You understand me in ways other people can't
You are a part of my joy
You are so funny
You are caring
And so lovable
You are my Portugues King
You will always occupy a special place in my heart

You have this deep voice that I can't seem to get over
And I somehow don't understand you over the phone
But when you say 'yes' it drives me crazy
Just the sound of you keeps me sane

We may have our arguments and we disagree on a lot of things
But we do have one thing in common
We crazy *******!

You my *****
I know I can always count on you

You are my nightshift fetish
And I've replaced my addiction to smoking with my addiction to you
Coz you are my daily fix

I will love you till death
Dedication to my Best Friend Mike. I love him so much.
No, he's not in the FriendZone.
Basbee Dec 2014
Whatever I did to make you hate me
I apologise
I thought that it would be ok if we were just friends
And I appreciate it when you honest with me and ****
But I live my life and I learn from my mistakes

One thing I don't do is judge people
Or badmouth them in anyway

We're all human
So don't walk around here acting like you **** glitter and **** unicorn tears...
This is dedicated to my ex Bunmi
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